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Bride & Groom

Bride's Family

Groom's Family



Guest 1

Guest 2

Guest 3

Guest 4



Daniel and Lorie  

Welcome to our Wedding Page...Please don't forget to sign our Guest Book...


Announcing the marriage of...
Our wedding was one of the happiest days of our lives. We've created this photo album to commemorate the occasion and help us remember the good times. Whether or not you were able to share the day with us, we hope this album conveys some of the joy we felt.

On this home page, we'll include some general information, such as the date of the wedding, where it was held, and what the weather was like. We'll also include a few of our favorite pictures.

Daniel and I would like to expressed our thanks to all of our "Guests" that were there with us during our special moments.  And we would also like to thanks each and everyone that brought us "Gifts" 


""" God Bless You All" """








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