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Let us come before him with thanksgiving
and extol him with music and song.
Psalm 95:2

I believe that music does have an effect on us.
Music was created to glorify and worship.
Today we have so many types of music, and
I dont believe that one type of music is worse than another.
Many people say that heavy metal is bad, or that rap is bad. I
dont believe that. I believe that music is only bad because
of the lyrics that are in it. I personnally am able to enjoy
all music, as long as it is glorfies God. So much
music today glorifies self, sex, drugs, hate,.. and the list goes on.
I believe that what goes into us comes out in our
actions and attitudes. So if we are gloriying things
that are not of God, or quit plainly against God, we will
live like it. But if we surround our selves in music
that glorifies Our Father, no matter what style of music,
that will reflect in us. I believe that if our music glorifies
God .. He will dwell in it... regaurdless of the style.

I decided to have a bit of fun with this.
I am going to show the lyrics to some of the
music that I listen to, as it has all had a profound
effect on me. I encourage you to check out the bands that
I post, even if its not your favorite 'style'. Don't take my
word for it...find out for yourself that God
dwells in all things that glory Him. :)

the 12 Stones

12 Stones Home page

The Way ~~~ The Way Lyrics
Broken ~~~ Broken Lyrics
Crash ~~~ Crash Lyrics

Thousand Foot Krutch

TFKruthc Home page

Lift It


All I Can Do
Walkin' in Faith
Bring Into Being


TFKruthc Home page

I Can Only Imagne
Psalm 139