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'Pro-choicers' clap after partial-birth abortion(click here to read about it)

Planned Parenthood offered FREE abortions to women traumatized by the Sept. 11 terrorist attack!
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Pro-Life Women's Group Blasts National Cancer Institute on Abortion-Breast Cancer Link
Source: Pro-Life Infonet; March 4, 2003
Washington, DC -- Following a meeting at which scientists from the National Cancer Institute denied a link between induced abortion and breast cancer, Sandy Rios, president of Concerned Women for America, warned the National Cancer Institute (NCI) not to post misinformation on the agency Web site denying the link between abortion and breast cancer. "The National Cancer Institute has decided that protecting women's health is less important than avoiding politically sensitive topics, and they should be ashamed," said Sandy Rios, president of Concerned Women for America. "What was supposed to be a colloquium among scientists about the link between induced abortion and subsequent breast cancer turned into a whitewash. The NCI panelists dismissed the best research on the subject -- including that commissioned by the NCI itself -- on the patronizing claim that women can't be expected to tell the truth about their own medical history."
NCI did not invite Janet Dahling, from the Fred Hutchison Cancer Center in Seattle, to present a paper at the conference. She was the chief researcher in a study funded by NCI that found a strong relationship between abortion and breast cancer. The conference relied almost solely on a defective study of Danish medical records. The Danish records survey does not count abortions prior to 1973, even though abortion had been legal in Denmark since the 1930s, thereby eliminating all the abortion-related cancer among older women in the sample cohort. In addition, in its review of the cases of younger women, the Danish survey confirms that higher rates of breast cancer are found among abortion survivors. "The patent dishonesty of the NCI's report on this subject raises real doubts about the Institute's credibility," said Rios. "The NCI should be above politics, and not a factory for junk science."

Late Term Kansas Abortionist to Perform Free Abortions on Poor Women
Source: Lawrence Journal World, Pro-Life Infonet; January 13, 2003
Wichita, KS -- George Tiller, the infamous Kansas late-term abortionist, will do free abortions on poor women Saturday to mark 30 years since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Tiller said in a news release that he hoped the free abortions would draw attention to the increasing pressure being placed on abortion from pro-life legislation. Tiller has made similar offers in the past to mark the Roe anniversary. Last January, he provided free abortions to protest a policy that allows federal money to cover the cost of abortion for a low-income woman only when a pregnancy threatens her life or is a result of rape or incest --extremely rare situations.
Mary Kay Culp, executive director of Kansas for Life, told the Pro-Life Infonet, "There is no such thing as a free abortion. A woman pays for it the rest of her life. The nation focused on Trent Lott regarding racism, but overlooks the obvious racism of offering free abortions to poor women of color," Culp explained. "Do we really want a society where poor women have trouble getting anything for free, except abortions? Is that tolerance? Is that equality? I don't think so."

Aussie "Kevorkian" Will Make New Suicide Machine
Source: Associated Press; January 12, 2003
San Diego, CA -- An Australian assisted suicide advocate plans to build a new machine for people to kill themselves with carbon monoxide after his prototype was seized as he left his native country, he told a euthanasia conference Sunday. Philip Nitschke also said he intended to challenge the Australian law banning the exportation of any device that could be used to assist in suicide. He said Australian customs agents in Sydney seized his COGen machine Thursday as he prepared to leave for San Diego to unveil the device before a national meeting of the Hemlock Society. "They were waiting for me. It's clear," he said. "We'd been quite public about bringing the machine to the U.S. to demonstrate it."
Nitschke said the law cited in seizing the machine could lead to ``ridiculous'' interpretations. ``Why don't they take my belt and shoe laces?'' he said. Nitschke said he and U.S. supporters intend to build another suicide machine in the United States. The device consists of a coffee-can-sized canister, an intravenous drip bag and nasal prongs. Chemicals are combined in the canister to produce carbon monoxide, which is inhaled. It has not been tested, but Nitschke estimated it would render a person unconscious within minutes and cause death in 30 minutes to an hour. More than $11,000 was spent to develop the patented device, which Nitschke said would cost about $100 per unit to produce. He hoped to make it available free of charge to members of organizations such as Exit, the Australian pro-euthanasia group he helped found. "We weren't planning to make money from it," he said.
Derek Humphry, who founded the pro-assisted suicide Hemlock Society, said he looked forward to seeing the device. "It has all the essential elements of being simple, transportable and the patients use it themselves. ... This type of machine cuts out the legal risk." The new machine allows a person to kill himself without assistance, circumventing laws against assisted suicide, Nitschke said.
An earlier system developed by Nitschke included a syringe that administered a lethal injection at the push of a button on a laptop computer. The device was used by four terminally ill people between July 1996 and March 1997 when a short-lived law permitted voluntary euthanasia in Australia's Northern Territory. The device used by American euthanasia advocate Jack Kevorkian worked with compressed carbon monoxide, which is hard to obtain and transport, Nitschke said, while his machine produces the toxic gas itself. Kevorkian is serving a 10- to 25-year prison sentence for murder in the 1998 injection death of Thomas Youk. Speaking to about 200 people at the Hemlock Society meeting, Nitschke called Kevorkian "a hero." "Hell, he might have made some mistakes, but did he move the movement forward? Of course he did," Nitschke said to enthusiastic applause.
The group of mostly senior citizens represents the future of society's attitudes about euthanasia, according to Nitschke and others who predict that as the Baby Boom generation ages, there will be increasing support for individual control over one's manner of death. "There's a wave of baby boomers hitting this period of time," Nitschke said. "They're used to getting what they want. They're used to having political clout." Nitschke's appearance drew protests from the California Life Coalition, which called his invention "ghoulish." "Instead of helping people overcome their problems, he can only help to murder them," coalition director Cheryl Sullenger said in a statement. "Murder does not solve anything and only creates more of the human misery these people seek to avoid."

Democratic Presidential Candidates Will Attend NARAL Event

Source: Washington Times; January 15, 2003
Washington, DC -- The six Democratic candidates for president have agreed to appear on the same stage for the first time in the campaign to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand. The quick agreement by the Democratic candidates to attend the fund-raising dinner next Tuesday reflects the near unanimity of opinion by the presidential candidates in favor of abortion and contrasts with the strong pro-life record accumulated by President Bush. The six Democrats are attending the event for Naral Pro-Choice America, the pro-abortion group formerly known as the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, to mark the Roe v. Wade decision. The dinner is one of a series of events being sponsored by pro-life and pro-abortion groups next week on the anniversary of the narrow ruling of 1973.
"The fact that this is the first major gathering of the announced presidential hopefuls on the Democratic side demonstrates the importance and power of this issue," said Kate Michelman, the president of NARAL. "Frankly, this is a right in great peril, and frankly, I don't think people have taken that seriously enough." Michelman had said the group invited all six Democrats who have said they are creating presidential exploratory committees and received commitments from all but Howard Dean, the former governor of Vermont. Dean's campaign told the group that the candidate might have a scheduling conflict, but an aide to Dean said that he had cleared his schedule and would be there. The other Democrats attending are Senator John Edwards of North Carolina; Representative Richard A. Gephardt of Missouri; Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts; Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut; and the Rev. Al Sharpton of New York. All of whom are pro-abortion. Asked if a similar invitation had been extended to President Bush, Michelman responded: "No, no. He's anti-choice. We wouldn't invite George Bush. No. No."
The six Democrats are expected to share a stage and each will speak, providing the crowd of about 1,500 an opportunity for the first up-close comparison of the campaign styles of these six men seeking to challenge Bush. Aides to the Democratic candidates argued that the issue of abortion could prove to be unusually effective this year because of the likelihood of retirements on the Supreme Court and pressure on Bush, should they occur while he is president, to appoint a justice who might overturn Roe v. Wade. "It is entirely possible that 'choice' will play a very significant role in this election -- perhaps the biggest in presidential history," said Jim Jordan, the campaign manager for Senator Kerry. "I think there is a growing awareness among women, particularly among younger women, that the right to choose is in real jeopardy." However, exit polls following the Congressional elections clearly showed that, on the issue of abortion, pro-life candidates not only prevailed but won in landslide numbers. Several winning pro-life candidates in the 2002 elections received anywhere from 65 to 81 percent of the vote of those who cast their ballot based on the issue of abortion.
The dinner may draw attention to the minute differences among the Democratic candidates. Most notably, Gephardt generally voted pro-life during the 1970s and 80's, and switched his position before he ran for president the first time, in 1988. In Congress, Gephardt has voted in favor of a ban on partial-birth abortions. Aides to Democrats in rival camps were quick today to offer details of what they described as discrepancies in Gephardt's position, signaling what they said was a line of attack that they were likely to use against the candidate in the year ahead. And Gephardt's aides said today that he would use the platform of next week's dinner to address directly any questions about his position on abortion and try to quell efforts by his rivals to stir opposition to him among abortion advocates. NARAL officials said they expected to raise $500,000 at the event.
NARAL'S Offical website