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Michelle's Room


A Special Treat

Some Stuff About Me
My Bestest Friend
A Quiz About Michy

Hey, I'm Michelle! I've recently Westminster High School. My friends include Nathan, David, Heather, Shawn, Barbie, Ashley, Megan, Kennedy, Seychelle, Kristin, Nicole & Karen (The twins), Molly,Robyn, Jeniffer, Jessica, Zach, Christine, Taylar, Matt, Brandon, Darcy, Travis, Jenny, Jackie, "The other Michelle", Daniel, Brittany, and all the other people who joined our little group at lunch! My best friend's name is Crystal. I would also like to say "hi" to my family in Fairfield, California (Including my 'cousin,' Michael) and Ray. Some stuff about me is listed below,and I'm always adding stuff, so if you wanted to know anything else, you might see it later on.
