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NGW: Viper At The Airport....


[A big crowd awaits at the Airport for Viper's arrival, Including a NGW Interviewer and his camera crew. The Doors open and people walk out.. the crowd still awaits for Viper to walk threw..The Crowd erupts as Viper walks threw holding one of his bags..Camera's Flash! Viper continues to walk shaking as many fans hands as he can. The NGW Interviewer quickly stops Viper, as the camera crew sets up behind him]
NGW Interviewer- I'm standing here Live With Pit Viper!
-The Crowd continues to get louder-
NGW Interviewer- Viper did you hear the words that "The Shotgun" Gunnar Sanderson has said towards you and Nate..

(Crowd erupts as Viper starts to talk)
First off Let Viper say, What Up To All you Fans!!(Crowd Erupts**)Viper had a great take off and a excellent landing!! And this Monday The Greatness is not ganna stop! Viper heard what The Shotgun has said! He'll he even saw the little skit he put on! Thats All Great! Gunnar you can get all the little migits, and dwarfs you can, Do all the damage possible to Them.. Hell even hit'em with the Shootdown!!

-Viper looks deep into the camera-
But that's Them!!(CROWD ERUPTS**)So quit dreaming!! WAKE UP!! Come Back to Reality!! And realize that Viper is as leathal as they come, Better than the Greatest!The Best of the BEST!!.. So Sanderson You come to Testify, You step in the ring, you do your little taunt to the crowd and make the crowd laugh by bring you little dwarfs to the ring,But Let Viper tell you somthin... When the bell sounds, Don't think for one Second Viper will not break your Damn Jaw with the Snake Bite!!(crowd screams**)

[The attention is drawn back to the NGW Interviewer] NGW Interviewer- I know your alittle upset with the words spoken by "The Shotgun" ,but do you having anything to say about Havoc? He 2 has made some comments about you.(Crowd Boo**)
Viper has come to one conclusion about this guy named Havoc.. He is a total waste of NGW Time!!(Crowd Screams**) What kind of guy comes out here, Yells to the Whole World, That he Quits then later on he says He will be the NGW World Champion!!? Havoc, first off let Viper get one thing straight..Viper has not been avoiding you, and Viper is for damn sure not afraid of you..NO!! Viper just moved on to Bigger and Better things and you my friend just got left behind!! So a word of advice to you, stop your mouning and bitching, "I'm not being noticed, Can Somebody help me, I tired of people telling me i'm wrestling on Live TV and i'm really wrestling in a Dark Match!" AWW Quit your whining!!(Mixture of Laughs and Yells) If you put as much effort into Winning than you do Crying.. Viper would have to Say.. You would be a Champion!! But! Back to the real world!(Crowd Laughs) Havoc you want to become famous.. We'll Viper will gladly step into the ring and beat your Lama licking, "I wanna wrestling "Live", Ass once again all over the ring!!(Crowd Erupts**)
NGW Interviewer- Viper out of all you have said, You haven't said anything about The guy your facing in a handicap match Monster Nate! What are your thoughts about him??
Monster Nate.. Viper has the upmost respect for Him!...No.. Wait!? Let me think? No.. NO!! Viper takes that Back.. Viper thinks Monster Nate can kiss his ass!(Crowd Erupts**) All the rest of the NGW Loserstars walk around here avoiding Nate, but Viper didn't! He new it was just a matter of TIME! Before Nate crossed Viper! And now the Time is here.. Monster.. Viper will see what everyone has been talking about, saying that your the best! We'll Put Quite Simply.. Viper is Better!!(Mixed Reaction from The Crowd)And on Monday Night.. on Testify, one way or another, You will without a single DOUBT!! Be lying on the mat, ON YOUR BACK!! looking at the ceiling Lights..... Then and There you will realize the one thing you have never! Ever had to deal with.. And thats YOU-JUST-LOST!! So Play with you life and step into the ring with Viper, but either way YOU WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF VIPER!!!(Crowd Screams**)

-Viper walks off as the Fans scream and Camera Lights Flash-