A fake 1894 Presidential Proclamation by Grover Cleveland was used as the basis for a phony 2006 national day of prayer for an evil purpose, led by a disgraced pastor. The Pastor went forward with his long-planned and expensive propaganda circus spanning 5,000 miles, in April 2006, even after being given proof that the proclamation was fake. A year later, clearly knowing the fakery and having had plenty of time to repent of his sin and avoid repeating his historical fraud, that same Pastor nevertheless pushed a resolution through the State of Hawaii Legislature declaring the same date of April 30 for a day of prayer for Hawaiian restoration, and specifically citing Grover Cleveland's (fake) proclamation in the whereas clauses justifying the resolution. The twisting of history is compounded by the fact that the author of a book published in 1982 by a Hawaiian sovereignty sympathizer intentionally changed the wording of the fake proclamation from the language contained in a piece of editorial sacrasm published in 1894 directed against Grover Cleveland, to conceal the sarcastic "first day of April" (April Fools' Day) by changing it to read "last day of April." This whole issue might seem trivial; but it is a typical example of the historical fraud regularly committed by today's sovereignty activists. It's very easy for them to say attention-grabbing things that are completely false or badly distorted; and very difficult (and perhaps boring!) to prove they are wrong. In the end, when confronted head-on with their errors, they quickly change the subject or else they say the facts don't matter because the spirit is what's important. In April 2007 Rev. Patterson repeated the propaganda circus in New Jersey at the birthplace of Grover Cleveland, this time also formally presenting a resolution which the Hawaii Legislature passed despite being given proof that there was no Grover Cleveland proclamation.
UPDATE FOR 2010: Kaleo Patterson once again traveled to Caldwell, N.J., the birthplace of President Grover Cleveland. But this time his trip was in late July, where he presided over a luau associated with a Hawaiian Kingdom holiday, Ka La Ho'iho'i Ea, Sovereignty Restoration Day, July 31 1843, when the British government formally restored the sovereignty of Hawaii to King Kauikeaouli Kamehameha III five months after a rogue British naval commander had seized Hawaii to foreclose on unpaid debts. The local newspaper in Caldwell falsely reported the Grover Cleveland proclamation as a historical fact and also reported that the city council gave Mr. Patterson a check for $2920 (presumably to defray his travel expenses).
DESCRIPTION OF WHAT HAPPENED IN 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 1982, AND 1894
An Associated Press news story on April 21, 2006 (full text below) reported that Reverend Kaleo Patterson, a Hawaiian minister, traveled to New Jersey to give honor to U.S. President Grover Cleveland (true). The AP article reported that Reverend Patterson is proclaiming Sunday, April 30, 2006 as a National Day of Prayer for Native Hawaiian restoration (true). The AP news story reported that President Cleveland issued a proclamation in 1894 calling for a national day of prayer and repentance on April 30, 1894 for the U.S. role in the 1893 overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy (false). The AP story was published in many newspapers throughout America. The AP story did not merely say that Patterson had said Cleveland had issued the proclamation; the AP story in its own voice reported the (fake) proclamation as being real.
But no such proclamation was ever issued officially by President Grover Cleveland. In fact, there were several layers of historical fraud perpetrated by a Hawaiian sovereignty sympathizer Helena G. Allen in her book "The Betrayal of Liliuokalani" published in 1982 (see below), compounded by the fraud of Reverend Patterson in going forward with a long-planned propaganda circus based on the fake proclamation. Patterson engaged in dialog after the AP story was published but several days before April 30 (see below) in which he was clearly told the proclamation was a fake. Nevertheless Patterson said that even though it was a fake nevertheless he was deciding to continue with the propaganda circus, on the date Cleveland had supposedly proclaimed; because, Patterson said, a day of prayer for Native Hawaiian restoration would be a good thing regardless of the proclamation's being fake. Patterson then engaged in the most vicious sort of historical fraud a year later, in April 2007, by persuading a committee of the State of Hawaii Legislature to pass unanimously a resolution "that the Legislature hereby proclaims April 30 of each year as a special day of remembrance, education, and prayer, for people of all faiths, for Grover Cleveland, a great American who stood for the true values and principles of the United States Constitution, and for "liberty and justice for all"." The selection of April 30, and the language of the resolution, clearly echo the date and language in the fake proclamation.
The lying is compounded by the fact that the date of April 30 is not the date in the fake proclamation as actually published in the newspaper in 1894. The fake proclamation as actually published in the newspaper in 1894 specified the "first day of April" (April Fools' Day) as part of the sarcasm directed against Grover Cleveland; but Helena Allen had changed that to "last day of April" when copying the fake proclamation in her book, perhaps to avoid having people catch on that it was April Fools. Thus Patterson's date of April 30 is not the date Grover Cleveland allegedly proclaimed, in the sarcastic fake proclamation he never issued; yet Patterson persists in using the date of April 30.
Did Helena Allen and Rev. Patterson deliberately create historical fraud, or did they simply make some honest errors? Allen's book provides the following title to the fake proclamation: "FOOLS' DAY A FAST DAY" thus showing that she was aware the date in the fake proclamation was actually the "first day of April" and not "the last day of April." A photocopy (see below) of the fake proclamation as published in the newspaper clearly shows the fake proclamation said "first day." Even if Allen accidentally changed "first" to "last" Reverend Patterson had clear warning about the date from the title of the fake proclamation in Allen's book "FOOLS' DAY A FAST DAY" Or was Patterson relying not on Allen's book but on the numerous internet webpages which provide the full text of the proclamation as though it is real? But those webpages also include the title "FOOLS' DAY A FAST DAY" which should make everyone wonder why the date chosen by Cleveland was April 30. Allen, Patterson, and everyone else can easily see that something just isn't right. In addition, the language of the alleged proclamation is highly bombastic, filled with phrases not likely to be written by a President in an official proclamation.
Further evidence of deliberate fakery by Allen is that she introduced the fake proclamation by saying it was President Cleveland's joke written for the purpose of ridiculing the Constitution of the Republic of Hawaii (see extended quote from her book, below) -- but nowhere does the fake proclamation ever mention either Sanford Dole or the Republic of Hawaii or its Constitution -- and that Constitution was not even proclaimed until July 4, 1894, several months after the date of February 25 as the signing date in the body of the fake proclamation. Also, Allen gave a footnote citing publication of the alleged proclamation in the New York Sun newspaper; but her footnote citation gave the wrong date of publication, perhaps intentionally to make it hard for today's scholars to find it.
The false story of the proclamation apparently got started when the text of the alleged proclamation was published in a 1982 book by Helena G. Allen entitled "The Betrayal of Liliuokalani." Allen said Cleveland jokingly made the proclamation as criticism of the revolutionary Hawaiian government of Sanford B. Dole. But quite the opposite is true, and Helena Allen clearly knew she was lying in her book.
It turns out the joke proclamation was a newspaper's editorial sarcasm against Grover Cleveland for his support of the ex-queen. The sarcasm was published immediately after the U.S. Senate released the Morgan Report that thoroughly discredited the history-twisting Blount Report which Cleveland had ordered. Cleveland wanted to put his friend Liliuokalani back on the throne. Cleveland had sent Blount to Honolulu as a political hatchet-man for the purpose of destabilizing the revolutionary Provisional Government and to write a report that would blame the U.S. for the locally-led revolution. When the Blount Report became public in December 1893, President Cleveland referred the matter to Congress in hopes Congress would support further action to restore the Queen. The U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs then held hearings for two months, in open session, taking testimony under oath with strong cross-examination. The testimony showed that the U.S. did not conspire with the Hawaii revolutionaries beforehand, and did not give them any support or assistance during the revolution. The 162 sailors who went ashore were there as peacekeepers to protect American lives and property and to prevent rioting and arson. The Morgan Report directly discredited the Blount Report, and in effect was strong criticism against President Cleveland who had hoped for Congressional support. The newspapers then had a field day abusing President Cleveland for his support for a deposed Queen and his efforts to undo a legitimate revolution. The fake proclamation was part of that sarcasm against Cleveland.
Numerous Hawaiian sovereignty websites have published that fake proclamation in recent years as though it is real. Reverend Patterson either never knew it was a joke, or else knowingly perpetrated historical fraud. After the AP news story was published, Ken Conklin and Jere Krischel were quickly able to determine that Grover Cleveland had never issued such a proclamation. A highly respected complete list of Grover Cleveland's public documents, proclamations, and messages did not list any such proclamation. There was no such proclamation in the archives of the New York Sun for the date cited in Allen's book. Krischel informed Patterson about the research showing the proclamation was a fake; but Patterson nevertheless went forward with his long-planned propaganda circus in both New Jersey (birthplace and gravesite of Grover Cleveland) and in Honolulu (political "prayer" rally at a leftist church).
One important factual error is that Allen quoted the proclamation as setting aside April 30 to be a national day of fasting and prayer. But the actual publication set aside "the first day of April" -- hence the mention of "fools' day." Another important error is that Allen said the proclamation was published in the newspaper on February 26, 1894. But actually it was published in the New York Sun, February 27, 1894, page 6
Allen's more serious error -- actually a flagrant case of historical malpractice -- is her claim that Cleveland's proclamation was real, and that it was sarcasm by Cleveland directed against Sanford Dole's government. In fact, another clearly fake "special message" allegedly by Cleveland, and published on the same page, makes it abundantly clear that both proclamations are not only fake but are strong sarcasm directed against Grover Cleveland because of his continuing zealous support of a deposed queen widely regarded as corrupt. A photocopy of the "Special Proclamation" appearing immediately below the "Special Message" in the 1894 newspaper is at
In addition to the fake procmalation and the fake "special message" there are other anti-Cleveland and pro-annexation items in that same issue of the New York Sun (provided later on this webpage). There's simply no way Allen could have missed seeing the context. She is clearly lying when she says the proclamation was a real one by Grover Cleveland and was for the purpose of ridiculing the Dole government or the (several months later) Constitution of the Republic of Hawai'i.
Regardless of the facts, Reverend Kaleo Patterson went forward with his propaganda circus in 2006, honoring President Cleveland and proclaiming a national day of prayer based on the incorrectly-reported date in the fake proclamation. And again in 2007, after a year to investigate the facts and change his ways, he once again declared a day of prayer for April 30, planned a trip to New Jersey, and went even further by pushing a resolution through the Legislature. In his behavior he follows the well-established pattern of Hawaiian sovereignty activists who feel no restraint in their twisting of history for political gain.
Reverend Patterson is the only person in the 160 year history of the esteemed Kawaiaha'o Church (the "Westminster Abbey of the Pacific") whose nomination to be Pastor was rejected by the church membership, probably because of his radical anti-American Hawaiian sovereignty activism in support of racial separatism and ethnic nationalism. Most ethnic Hawaiians are proud to be Americans. The members of Kawaiaha'o Church did not want to see it turned into a nest of anti-American Hawaiian sovereignty activism, as Patterson had done as associate pastor at historic Kaumakapili Church (where his contract also was not renewed). It would be quite appropriate to have a national day of prayer for Hawai'i -- a prayer that Hawai'i should be protected against racial separatism and ethnic nationalism -- a prayer for unity and equality in a rainbow society guided by the spirit of aloha for all. God(s) help us!
Details provided below include excerpts of the AP news story and links to the story as published in both Honolulu daily newspapers; full text of the fake Grover Cleveland proclamation as published by Helena Allen in 1982; a photocopy of the fake proclamation as actually published in the New York Sun in 1894 which also shows the other sarcastic fake message by Grover Cleveland calling for the U.S. Senate to be abolished; links to radical websites containing the fake proclamation; a webpage providing the full story of how President Cleveland changed his mind about the U.S. role in the overthrow of the monarchy; a link to a list of all the officlal papers of President Cleveland; discussion of research to find the fake proclamation as published in the New York Sun; actual contents of the two fake proclamations showing that the joke was at the expense of Cleveland; Reverend Kaleo Patterson's press releases for the Honolulu events related to his national day of prayer; and e-mail correspondence in which Rev. Patterson says regardless whether the Cleveland proclamation was fake, he is going forward with his day of prayer on the date (allegedly) proclaimed by President Cleveland. The events of 2007, including the resolution pushed by Patterson in the Legislature, are covered near the bottom of this webpage. The Honolulu Star-Bulletin false news report of 2008, and the false Caldwell N.J. newspaper report of 2010, are also covered near the bottom of this webpage.
** Note: The following essay was written in April 2006 by Ken Conklin with assistance from Jere Krischel.
On Friday April 21, 2006 Associated Press released a story which has been reprinted in many newspapers throughout the United States. The story seems accurate in reporting what Reverend Kaleo Patterson has been saying and doing. But the article prints as factual several false, pernicious and historically inaccurate assertions by Reverend Patterson. Of course it is timed to influence public opinion for the Akaka bill's anticipated revival in Congress.
The AP story is uproariously funny to anyone who knows the facts. The problem is that millions of readers who don't know any better are having their opinions shaped by political propaganda harmful to Hawai'i and all of America. Probably the Associated Press doesn't know any better either, and has been taken advantage of in order to broadcast this distorted view of history. The article has been reprinted by newspaper editors ignorant of the facts and eager to fill space on slow-news days. It seems the journalistic "dog days" of summer have arrived in April.
Below are excerpts taken from a standard version of the article as printed in a newspaper serving Philadelphia and its suburbs. Essentially the same article appeared in Minneapolis-St. Paul, Fort Lauderdale, Salt Lake City, and many other places. Both Honolulu daily newspapers published the article on Monday April 24 (they are often a few days behind the mainland newspapers, especially on weekends). The Honolulu Advertiser article is at
while the Honolulu Star-Bulletin article is at
** Excerpts **
"Native Hawaiians honoring little-known U.S. president
"President Grover Cleveland ... is getting some respect from an unusual source: Native Hawaiians who credit Cleveland with sticking up for their rights and national sovereignty in the 1890s ... three Native Hawaiians landed at New York's LaGuardia Airport, toting about 20 leis ... searched for Cleveland's birthplace in Caldwell ... about 25 miles west of Manhattan and 5,000 miles northeast of Honolulu - and at his grave site in Princeton. "We just wanted to come and visit and get a firsthand knowledge of the person and history of Cleveland," the Rev. Kaleo Patterson said after arriving in New Jersey.
"The journey is part of the events leading to an April 30 national day of prayer for Hawaiian natives that groups on the islands have been organizing. ... is meant to raise support for efforts to reduce poverty and crime among Hawaiian natives, as well as the granting of some form of self-government and self-determination. "A lot of this is about ensuring that native people in Hawaii are going to be able to survive into the next generation, that they're going to be healthy and have what all people in America expect," Patterson said.
"The day of prayer has a direct connection to New Jersey's only native-son-turned-president, because it was Cleveland as president who set aside April 30, 1894 as a day of prayer and repentance over the U.S. role in the Hawaiian monarchy's overthrow.
"On Sunday, they plan to attend a morning service at the Caldwell church, placing leis on the church's alter. They then plan to take the leis to Princeton and lay them on Cleveland's grave and pray. Patterson said they have a special flower lei just for the former president, a lei that is usually reserved for royalty."
** Note by Ken Conklin: Press releases by Kaleo Patterson, describing the events planned for Honolulu for the weekend of April 30, are provided further down on this webpage **
Here's the falsehood reported as fact by Associated Press (not merely attributed to Reverend Patterson), and which Reverend Patterson uses as a basis for his April 30 2006 "national day of prayer for Hawaiian natives":
" was Cleveland as president who set aside April 30, 1894 as a day of prayer and repentance over the U.S. role in the Hawaiian monarchy's overthrow."
Following is the the text of a fake proclamation attributed to President Grover Cleveland, which is reported as real on several Hawaiian sovereignty websites; cited as real by Rev. Kaleo Patterson; and now reported as real by Associated Press in many newspapers.
To My People: Whereas, my good and great sister and fellow sovereign, her gracious majesty, Liliuokalani, queen of Hawaii, has been wickedly and unlawfully dethroned by the machinations of Americans and persons of American descent in those islands, being instigated thereto by the devil, one John L. Stevens; and whereas, my well-concieved plans for the restoration of her sacred majesty have not had the result they deserved but her majesty is still defrauded of her
legal rights by her refractory and rebellious subjects, and her position is a just cause of sympathy and alarm; now, therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States, do hereby ordain and appoint the last day of April next as a day of solemn fasting, humiliation and prayer. Let my people humble themselves and repent for their injustice to me and my great and good sister, and pray, without distinction of color, for her speedy return to the throne and the
discomfiture of the miserable herd of missionaries and their sons, her enemies and traducers.
Long Live Liliuokalani, the de jure queen of Hawaii
Done at our mansion in Washington this 25th day of February, 1894.
Grover Cleveland
A true copy. Attest,
Walter Q. Gresham,
Secretary of State
The misunderstanding regarding this joke proclamation started with Helena G. Allen, in her book "The Betrayal of Liliuokalani", pp. 314-315, which provided the text of that proclamation. She did so in the context of discussing the constitution of the Republic of Hawai'i, despite the fact that the date on the proclamation was 4 months before a constitution was produced for the Republic of Hawaii. She wrote, "President Cleveland jokingly expressed contempt in a proclamation: FOOLS' DAY A FAST DAY." Helena Allen then copied the "proclamation" with a footnote citing its publication in the New York Sun, February 26, 1894. Allen does not say who arranged for the newspaper publication of this joke proclamation. She strongly implies it was Cleveland who actually authored the proclamation to show contempt for the revolutionary Hawai'i government headed by President Sanford B. Dole.
But that interpretation seems doubtful for a number of reasons. As a joke, it hardly seems very funny for Cleveland to be calling an officer of the government of the United States (John Stevens) "the devil." The description of the Provisional Government as a "miserable herd of missionaries" also doesn't come across as very humorous, since this was a government with which Cleveland had continuing diplomatic relations. The whole tone and tenor of the proclamation make President Cleveland seem emotional, irrational, insulting and arrogant.
** Breaking news: On Thursday April 27, 2006 a researcher in New York, at the request of Jere Krischel, examined the mircofilm of the New York Sun of February 26, 1894. The researcher reported that that date's newspaper contained a total of eight pages, and the alleged proclamation by Grover Cleveland WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND IN THAT ISSUE OF THE NEWSPAPER. The researcher has been asked to return to examine neighboring dates of that newspaper, in case Helena Allen might have made a simple mistake in her footnote referring to that date. It would be sad indeed if Helena Allen fabricated the entire story out of thin air; but the burden of proof now falls on the shoulders of anywone who claims the Grover Cleveland proclamation, real or fake, was ever published anywhere at all except as a fantasy in Allen's book. For details about the research in New York, see an exchange of e-mails between Jere Krischel and Kaleo Patterson, later on this webpage. **
A more likely interpretation is that the joke was at the expense of President Cleveland -- his political opponents were poking fun at the zealousness of Grover Cleveland's continuing support for a deposed queen regarded by many as corrupt. The joke proclamation was published in the New York Sun on the same day as publication of the Morgan Report by the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs. Washington politicians (including President Cleveland) had seen the Morgan Report beforehand, and knew the date it would be published. They knew the report would clear the U.S. of any wrongdoing in the overthrow of the monarchy, and support the legitimacy of the revolutionary Dole government. They knew the Morgan Report would severely criticize the corrupt royalist regime, and repudiate the Blount Report which Cleveland had orchestrated for the purpose of justifying his attempt to destabilize the Provisional Government and restore his friend Liliuokalani to the throne. Cleveland's enemies were like sharks who smelled blood in the water and may have published the joke proclamation to poke fun at him.
Regardless whether the joke proclamation was Cleveland's own expression of contempt for the Dole regime, or whether it was Cleveland's opponents' expression of contempt for the Cleveland regime -- either way, we know for sure that it was only a joke. The proclamation was never issued in any official way. It is not included in Cleveland's presidential messages and papers, available online thanks to the Gutenberg Project:
The fake proclamation was apparently published in only one newspaper. For further information about the joke proclamation, including links to Hawaiian sovereignty webpages which claim the proclamation is real, and links to all of President Cleveland's official proclamations, see
President Grover Cleveland was a friend of Liliuokalani and was very aggressive in blocking annexation. During his first week in office he withdrew from the Senate a treaty of annexation proposed by the Hawai'i Provisional Government that had been approved by U.S. President Harrison; and he sent James Blount to Hawai'i. Blount went to Hawai'i, without Senate confirmation or even notification, as paramount minister plenipotentiary under secret orders. His actions while there seemed to imply a mission to destabilize the revolutionary government and to produce a report that would derail efforts in Congress to accept Hawai'i's offer of annexation. Blount took actions which seemed to encourage a royalist counterrevolution, and wrote a report portraying the overthrow of the monarchy as planned and supported by
the U.S. rather than by local revolutionaries. Blount intervened to sabotage negotiations whereby Liliuokalani offered Dole that she would give up all claims to land and political power in return for a lifetime annuity. After the submission of Blount's report, Minister Willis, Cleveland's representative to Hawai'i, ordered President Dole to step down and to put Liliuokalani back on the throne.
But despite all these things, after the U.S. Senate published the Morgan Report containing lengthy sworn testimony which repudiated the Blount Report, Cleveland changed his mind, gave formal diplomatic recognition to the Republic as the legitimate government of Hawai'i, and engaged in normal diplomatic negotiations with the Dole government on matters such as further implementation of treaties.
The entire 808-page Morgan Report, plus an annotated outline of topics, and associated research articles, is at
For the story of how President Cleveland changed his mind, including extensive footnotes documenting events in "the rest of the story," see
The joke proclamation was published in 1894, probably as sarcasm directed at President Cleveland. But the real joke today is on Hawaiian sovereignty activists. They have cited the joke proclamation as real in several webpages. Reverend Patterson now goes so far as to launch a nationwide disinformation campaign, with assistance from the Associated Press. The date of April 30 allegedly set aside by President Cleveland in 1894, in the phony proclamation, to be a national day of "solemn fasting, humiliation and prayer" in repentance for the alleged U.S. role in overthrowing Liliuokalani; is now being proclaimed by Reverend Patterson to be in 2006 a "national day of prayer for Hawaiian natives ... to raise support for efforts to reduce poverty and crime among Hawaiian natives, as well as the granting of some form of self-government and self-determination."
This is not the first time Reverend Kaleo Patterson has used news media of nationwide circulation to broadcast anti-American attitudes about Hawaiian history, portraying the U.S. as a villain in order to solicit left-wing political support for Hawaiian ethnic nationalism. In the February 2001 issue of the Methodist Church's "Christian Social Action Magazine" he compared the alleged (still-continuing) U.S. military occupation and colonial oppression of Hawai'i with the Roman Empire's occupation and oppression of Palestine/Israel during the time of Jesus. Full text of Patterson's article was published on the internet by the United Methodist Church at
That link is now dead, but the full text of Patterson's article, and additional information about him, can be found at
While such far-out hyperbole may be acceptable in political rants, Patterson also asserted a blatant historical double falsehood in that article. He said "more than 40,000 Kanaka Maoli voted against Hawaii's annexation." First of all, nobody but the Congress of the United States and the Legislature of the Republic of Hawai'i ever cast a vote for or against Hawai'i's annexation. If it is the anti-annexation petition of 1897 that Patterson was referring to, there were only 21,269 signatures on it (not 40,000), representing slightly more than half of the ethnic Hawaiians then living and only about 18% of Hawai'i's total population (and only if a significant number of forged signatures are included in the count as well). For documentation of the signatures
and population issues, see a lengthy footnote #3 at
For information regarding forged signatures in the Ku'e Petitions, see:
The overwhelming majority of ethnic Hawaiians are proud to be Americans. They are embarrassed by the antics of radicals like Kaleo Patterson. This latest escapade may be Reverend Patterson's dying gasp in a career that has been plummeting toward oblivion for several years, precisely because he is so far out of step with those on whose behalf he claims to speak. The Honolulu Advertiser of May 19, 2003 reported: "In a historic vote, Kawaiaha'o Church members yesterday rejected Kaleo Patterson as the new kahu. It was the first time in the church's 160-year history that the congregation said no to a nominee for senior pastor. ... Despite a flurry of lobbying by some in the Hawaiian sovereignty movement, Patterson's backers
suspected he would be a hard sell. ..."
Patterson at the time had been associate pastor of the historic Kaumakapili Church in Kalihi since 1995, where he had used the church as a nest for anti-American Hawaiian independence activism. His contract there ended in June of 2003.
Historical revisionism and outright historical fraud is one way Hawaiian ethnic nationalists try to gather political support from people in Hawai'i and throughout the U.S. Their greatest success was P.L. 103-150 passed by Congress in 1993. That "apology resolution" deserves to be repealed because it is filled with historical falsehoods, as shown in detailed later analyses at
and in the findings of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs in 1894 at
The Akaka bill, drawing on the apology resolution, is also filled with false history as shown in a lawyer's analysis at
Likewise, other bills providing racially exclusionary benefits to ethnic Hawaiians are based on historical fraud, as documented for 29 false and misleading historical statements found in the Native Hawaiian Healthcare Act in the 106th and 107th Congresses, analyzed at
Fortunately, microfilm copies of The New York Sun from 1894 are still available. Research done in those microfilms by Jere Krischel, and contents from the book by Helena Allen, were used to write the following material placed at:
A Joke Taken Literally
On p314-315 of The Betrayal of Liliuokalani, Helena G. Allen alleged that a proclamation of President Cleveland was printed in the New York Sun, on February 26, 1894. However, an examination of microfilm of the New York Sun, February 26, 1894, shows no such proclamation at all. She mentioned it in the context of discussing the constitution of the Republic of Hawai'i (which is odd, since the constitution of the Republic of Hawaii was not issued until 4 months after the date of the proclamation). Her exact words were as follows:
The Provisional Government even by its restrictions on
franchise came to believe that even the few thousand
voters who had approved the constitution could not be
trusted to endorse it, so the constitution became law
not by plebiscite (such as it was), but by
proclamation. The queen had lost her throne for
trying to alter the constitution by proclamation; now
the Revolutionaries (P.G.'s) in the name of "liberty"
did substantially the same thing.[footnote 6]
In the final constitution the qualifications for
voting or holding office were so strict that
comparatively few natives and no Orientals could vote.
Fewer still could serve in either house of the
President Cleveland jokingly expressed his contempt in
a proclamation:
To My People: Whereas, my good and great sister and
fellow sovereign, her gracious majesty, Liliuokalani,
queen of Hawaii, has been wickedly and unlawfully
dethroned by the machinations of Americans and persons
of American descent in those islands, being instigated
thereto by the devil, one John L. Stevens; and
whereas, my well-concieved plans for the restoration
of her sacred majesty have not had the result they
deserved but her majesty is still defrauded of her
legal rights by her refractory and rebellious
subjects, and her position is a just cause of sympathy
and alarm; now, therefore, I, Grover Cleveland,
President of the United States, do hereby ordain and
appoint the last day of April next as a day of solemn
fasting, humiliation and prayer. Let my people humble
themselves and repent for their injustice to me and my
great and good sister, and pray, without distinction
of color, for her speedy return to the throne and the
discomfiture of the miserable herd of missionaries and
their sons, her enemies and traducers.
Long Live Liliuokalani, the de jure queen of Hawaii
Done at our mansion in Washington this 25th day of
February, 1894.
Grover Cleveland
A true copy. Attest,
Walter Q. Gresham,
Secretary of State [footnote 7]
Liliuokalani even before learning of this, had spent
"three hours fasting, meditation, and prayer."
She continued hopefully planning for restoration,
appointing a cabinet, and then being met with the
surprising resistance of some of the Provisional
Government that she must prove she had royal blood.
An incorrect citation
Helena G. Allen's footnoted citation is as follows: New York Sun, February 26, 1894. The apparent title for the proclamation was "Fools' Day a Fast Day". An examination of microfilm of the February 26, 1894 edition of the New York Sun showed no trace of any such proclamation. Further investigation revealed the proclamation in the New York Sun, February 27, 1894, page 6, immediately following a fictitious "Special Message" attributed to Cleveland demanding the abolishment of the Senate. The proclamation was also incorrectly quoted by Helena G. Allen, as it referred not to the LAST day of April next (April 30), but the FIRST day of April next (April Fool's Day). Both jokes are quoted here in their entirety. A photocopy of the following "Special Message" immediately above the "Special Proclamation" as they appear in the in the 1894 newspaper is at
To the Senate and House of Representatives,
The experience of my first term as President has been
corroborated and fortified by my experience thus far
in my second term, leading me to believe that the
powers and duties now vested by the Constitution in
the Senate would be more safely and usefully vested
in the Executive. Especially is this the case in reference
to the confirming power, which, as now employed
by the Senate is a serious obstacle to the Executive
and to good government. The Senate, composed of
men elected from the several States and at various
times, has no unit and principle of responsibility. It is
not elected, as the President is, by the people and its
possession of the power to thwart the will of the people,
expressed through the President, is an unconsecrated
anomaly in our institutions.
I know from my own experience that the Senate
commits a grave injury and wrong on every occasion
when it opposes the wishes of the President. I
cannot admit that the Senate should have the right to
revise and undo or even to consider what I in my
wisdom have determined. Furthermore, the habit of
the Senate to criticise and review the foreign or
domestic policy of the President is, in my judgement, a
monumental evil. A careful consideration of the
whole matter has convinced me and I doubt not will
convince you, that the abolition of the Senate is necessary
to the independence of the Executive, and the
equilibrium of the Government. Even the power of
impeachment should belong to the Executive.
I therefore suggest to you that a joint resolution for
an omnibus constitutional amendment, striking out
all references to the Senate, and conferring upon the
President all the powers now possessed by that body,
should be passed by you and submitted to the several
States for ratification. I cannot entertain a doubt that
such amendment of the Constitution is eagerly desired
by the people.
I append further with full memoranda of my wishes
in this matter.
Grover Cleveland
Executive Mansion, Feb. 26, 1894
A Special Proclamation.
To My People: Whereas my good and great sister
and fellow sovereign, her gracious Majesty, Liliuokalani,
Queen of Hawaii, has been wickedly and unlawfully
dethroned by the machinations of Americans
and persons of American descent in those islands, being
instigated thereto by the devil, one John L.
Stevens; and whereas, my well-conceived plans for
the restoration of her sacred Majesty have not had the
result they deserved, but her Majesty is still defrauded
of her regal rights by her refractory and rebelious subjects,
and her position is a just cause of sympathy and
alarm: now, therefore, I, Grover Cleveland, President of
the United States, do hereby ordain and appoint the
first day of April next as a day of solemn fasting, humiliation,
and prayer. Let my people humble themselves
and repent for their injustice to me and my
great and good sister, and pray, without distinction of
color, for her speedy return to the throne and the discomfiture
of the miserable herd of missionaries and
their sons, her enemies and traducers.
Long live Liliuokalani, the de jure Queen of Hawaii!
Done at our Mansion in Washington this twenty-fifth
day of February, 1894.
Grover Cleveland
A true copy.
Walter Q. Gresham,
Secretary of State.
Other stories on p6 of the New York Sun February 27, 1894
Liliuokalani's Double Gam
Who was responsible for the overthrow of Liliuokalani? Was it Minister Stevens, representing a passing Administration of the United States? Was it the foreign population or the business interests of the islands?
Neither! It was the premeditated and deliberate purpose of the Queen herself.
As is now universally admitted, Liliuokalani is a characterless woman, caring alone for her own material pleasure, restless and fearful under responsibility, craving for the pomp and ceremony of position and the luxuries of wealth, but shirking the duties and restraints accompanying them.
Tempted by the offer of half a million of dollars a year from the lottery and opium syndicate, she placed herself in a position to accept, thinking she would either win this enormous sum or precipitate annexation to the United States, which would retire her on a pension from this Government, under which she could live in luxury with the honors of an ex-Queen wherever she might choose, and free from all care and danger, indulge to their full her demoralized tastes.
Heads or tails, she would win!
But the whirling coin unexpectedly landed upon the edge, remained upright, and she lost.
F. A. R.
Seven to Two for Annexation
The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, which has been investigating the Hawaiian question, consists of nine members, five Democrats and four Republicans.
With what was already known concerning their views on the subject of the ultimate annexation of Hawaii, the various reports submitted to the Senate yesterday from this committee show how the nine members stand on the main question.
Senator Morgan, the Chairman, has declared himself squarely for annexation.
The four Republicans, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Frye, Mr. Dolph, and Mr. Davis, are all annexationists, differing only as to the method by which Hawaii should come into the Union; Senator Sherman, for example, suggesting that the islands ought to become a part of the State of California.
Of the four Democrats besides Senator Morgan, whose views were already known, Mr. Butler and Mr. Turpie file a supplemental report, in which they say that they are "heartily in favor of the acquisition of these islands by the United States in a proper manner."
The fact that the two remaining Democrats, Senator Gray of Delaware and Senator Daniel of Virginia, did not join with Senator Turpie and Senator Butler in this supplemental report, indicates that they are opposed to annexation at any time or in any shape. That may be the case with them, or it may not: nevertheless, there is good reason to put them down as opponents of annexation.
The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations stands seven to two in favor of annexation by proper methods.
This should encourage our friends in the islands. It only remains to find the proper method, and the American flag will fly again and forever over these beautiful islands of the sea.
Modern Improvements in Hawaii.
From the Boston Evening Transcript.
Advanced ideas find a harbor in Honolulu. For example, a library of theosophical books has just been opened to the public. Had progress not been characteristic, the community would not now be the largest patron of the telephone known to the world. The city of Honolulu has a population of, say, 24,000, and there are about 1,300 instruments in place, being one to about eighteen inhabitants, an unexampled record. Electric lights are also in use in all public places, and there are few residences without them. Even the national vessels at anchor are connected with the shore by telephone. These are at this time the Japanese ironclad Naniwa, the American flagship Philadelphia, the British ship Champion, and the American steam bark John Adams.s
Joke on Cleveland
Although Helena G. Allen attributed it to Cleveland "jokingly", the joke doesn't seem very funny for Cleveland. If it's meant sarcastically, that would imply he believes the complete opposite of what he wrote (i.e., that the queen was in fact righteously and lawfully dethroned). If he's trying to insult Stevens through exaggeration, it implies that he believes in something much less extreme that what he wrote (i.e., that the queen was suspiciously, but lawfully dethroned). Certainly, if Cleveland was the author, and the proclamation was attested to by Walter Q. Gresham, it would appear in his presidential papers and messages, which it does not. And certainly, there is no conceivable reason why Cleveland would choose to issue a proclamation to a single newspaper, and not include it in his official papers and messages.
Given the context of being preceded by a message to the Senate and House of Representatives asking for the abolition of the Senate, the joke was quite obviously on Cleveland, and his loyalty to the Queen and secret attempts to reinstate her were being mocked. A president of the United States would never refer to an official (John Stevens) as the devil, or use the phrase "miserable herd of missionaries" (in fact, in all of his presidential writings, the word "devil" is only used to refer to "Devils Lake Indian Reservation"). The fact that anyone ever believed that this was actually written by Cleveland is surprising.
Literal References to Joke Proclamation
* Website asking for commemoration of April 30th every year until 2013 based on Ficticious Proclamation
* Ficticious Proclamation to be celebrated on 4/30/2006 (article from AP)
* Ficticious Proclamation posted on 11/27/2002 on
* Ficticious Proclamation posted 10/11/2000 on
* Ficticious Proclamation posted 6/12/2000 on newsgroup
* Ficticious Proclamation posted 4/28/2000 on
* Ficticious Proclamation posted 4/8/2000 on ezboard by NiteWhispers
Cleveland's actual messages and papers
Thanks to the Gutenberg project, we can verify that he issued no such official proclamation by examining his actual official proclamations. As you can see from the list of proclamations derived from the Gutenberg data, no proclamations were issued on February 25th, 1894, as suggested by the Joke Proclamation.
* A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 8, part 2: Grover Cleveland
* A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 8, part 3: Grover Cleveland, First Term
** Note from Ken Conklin: Scott Crawford, who lives in Hana Maui, reported on his Hawaiian Kingdom blog the following two e-mail press releases from Reverend Kaleo Patterson.
Press Release: Day of Prayer for Hawaiian Restoration
Received via email...
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Contact: Rev. Dr. Kaleo Patterson
Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
Cell: (808) 330-3769
Native Hawaiians and churches commemorate President Cleveland's 1894 call for prayer to recognize illegal overthrow of Queen Liliu'okalani
HONOLULU - On April 30, 2006, a Day of Prayer for Hawaiian Restoration will be observed in churches, temples, heiau, and homes throughout the United States. Organized by the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center, the United Churches of Christ, and others, this event will focus on justice and reconciliation for Na Kanaka Maoli (Native Hawaiians) and all people of Hawaii and the United States of America.
In a February 1894 letter to the New York Sun, President Grover Cleveland selected April 30, 1894 as a national day of prayer to recognize the United State's role in the illegal overthrow of Hawaii's monarch Queen Lili´uokalani. "Let my people humble themselves and repent for their injustice to my great and good sister Queen Lili´uokalani, and pray without distinction for color, for her speedy return to the throne," wrote Cleveland. President Cleveland's call for prayer has become the inspiration for April 30th, 2006 - A National Day of Prayer for Hawaiian Restoration.
"Prayer has a way of healing, bringing people together, and strengthening resolve. There are many, in Hawaii and throughout the United States, who are firmly committed to a vision of justice and mercy for Native Hawaiians, and this day of prayer is to keep that hope alive," said Rev. Dr. Kaleo Patterson, President of the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center (more)
Dr. Ha´aheo Guanson, a professor of the University of Hawaii's Matsunaga Institute for Peace added, "Prayer is also a force more powerful than the culture of violence in the world, so this day is about overcoming the historical violence and trauma that has plagued the people of Hawaii".
Organizers of the event consider the day of prayer as a time of reflection, hope, and spiritual renewal. Religious and community organizations, leaders, families and children are being encouraged to pray individually or with others for Hawaiian Restoration this Sunday, April 30th.
Rev. Dr. John Thomas, President of the United Churches of Christ states: "I am honored and pleased to be included in the list of persons sharing in the April 30th - Hawaiian Restoration Day of Prayer."
On April 21, 2006, a delegation of Na Kanaka Maoli traveled to New Jersey in preparation for the upcoming day of prayer.
They honored President Grover Cleveland by visiting his birthplace and gravesite in Caldwell, NJ. The delegation attended worship services at the First Presbyterian Church of Caldwell where he was baptized. Another delegation of Native Hawaiians including Leon Siu, artist and Executive Director of Aloha Ke Akua Ministries, will also attend services in Caldwell this Sunday, April 30 to commemorate the national Day of Prayer for Hawaiian Restoration at Cleveland's birthplace.
For more information see:
National Day of Prayer Commemoration
Received via email...
April 27, 2006
WHO: Speakers include -
Poka Laenui, Native Hawaiian Independence Advocate: "Cleveland's Special Legacy to Hawaii"
Kuhio Vogler, U.H. Political Science PHD Student: "Cleveland's Protest and Baltic States" - a focus on prolonged occupation
Rev. Dr. Kaleo Patterson,President, Pacific Justice and Reconciliaton Center: "Prayer: A Force More Powerful"
Entertainment includes-
Umialiloa Sexton of Simplicity
Liberation Front with Jordan Patterson
WHAT: Event to raise awareness of the National Day of Prayer for Hawaiian Restoration. Native Hawaiians and church and community leaders will gather to commemorate President Cleveland's call for prayer recognizing the United State's illegal overthrow of Queen Lili´uokalani.
WHEN: Saturday, April 29, 2006, 6:00 p.m.
WHERE: Church of the Crossroads
1212 University Avenue
Rev. Dr. Kaleo Patterson, President, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation
Center: (808) 330-3769, pjrc @
For more information see:
** Note from Ken Conklin: Jere Krischel contacted Rev. Patterson with the information that the alleged Grover Cleveland proclamation cannot be found in the newspaper where it was reported to have been published, and that in any case Grover Cleveland himself never published any such proclamation officially. Krischel asked Patterson to stop perpetuating this falsehood. Rev. Patterson replied to Jere Krischel that whether or not Cleveland ever published such a proclamation, the April 30 2006 National Day of Prayer for Native Hawaiian Restoration will go forward. (in other words, we've got this big propaganda circus planned, and we will not allow concerns for historical accuracy to stand in our way). **
Here is that e-mail exchange:
"Please correct your error regarding Grover Cleveland allegedly proclaiming April 30, 1894 as a day of prayer and fasting. He issued no such proclamation, and further research into the source of this allegation has found no evidence that such a proclamation was printed in the New York Sun, 2/26/1894. It is irresponsible and wrong to continue perpetuating such a myth.
Jere Krischel
-------- wrote:
"My understanding is that Cleveland himself refered to this proclaimation in other papers and letters. It has been refered to in writings here in Hawaii during those days. The printing of the letter in the New York Sun should be easy enough to research. In addition to that, though, the New York Sun artical listing Gresham as a witness to the proclaimation is a public document that is being interpreted by many as a copy of an offical document. Whether there was or was not an offical or informal document, the idea of a national day of prayer is very agreeable to many in Hawaii and throughout the United States, especially today. We will allow the substance and content of that poor letter in the New York Sun, whether satire, lamentation, or a reference to an offical presidetial policy, stand as inspiration for the April 30th Day of Prayer we have initiated, with the intentions of the day being forthright and true. The myth is not that Cleveland as a President did not have vision, but that he was indeed a visionary who could see beyond the imperialism and expansionsism of greed and power, the results of which have been enormus suffering and oppression. Thank you for you concern about the accuracy of the day of prayer. It would be good to learn mre about it. But for now we will pray, and recognize that Cleveland was a warrior, and we know that all true warriors pray for justice and mercy!
Rev. Dr. Kaleo Patterson"
Jere Krischel sent:
"President Cleveland did not make any such mention of any such proclamation in his presidential letters and papers. You can check for yourself at the Gutenberg Project:
"And I did get a copy of the February 26, 1894 New York Sun, and the article mentioned by Helena G. Allen was not there. I will be scanning it in to make it available for the public to peruse on their own as soon as possible. Perhaps you could modify your call to action based on this new information. Certainly Grover Cleveland, although a staunch anti-annexationist, came around to understand that the Hawaiian Revolution was not instigated by the United States. Perhaps a day of prayer of reconciliation, where we pray for the good fortune and good future of all the people of Hawaii, and pray for the souls of those who despite their disagreements, yielded the wonderful, harmonious, multi-racial and multi-cultural State of the Union we enjoy today. Pray for Liliuokalani's wisdom not to resist the move to democracy. Pray for the Committee of Safety's wisdom to pursue annexation with the United States. Pray that the people who today rally around different sides of the contentious issue can come to peace, and move forward together as a unified State of Hawaii. Mahalo for your time and attention to this matter. You are in my prayers.
jere krischel"
Jere Krischel sent:
"I obtained the information regarding the New York Sun from two sources - the New York Public library, and the Columbia Butler Library.
"The New York Public Library replied with this regarding their search for the microfilm and the article:
""I could not locate the article you requested in the New York Sun of Feb. 26, 1894. I suggest you have the film interlibrary loaned to you through your local library so you can search the entire paper. The call number is: NY 01 NEW YORK 93-32024."
"The Columbia Butler library's 4th floor microfilm collection also had a copy of the paper, and was examined for any reference to Hawaii or Grover Cleveland (one article mentioned a weekend trip by Cleveland, and another talked briefly about Hawaii).
"Insofar as your sentiments, I for the most part agree with them - from the anti-asian laws of the late Kingdom, to the anti-asian laws of the Territory (paying other races, like kanaka maoli, haole, and portuguese more for the same work), to the resistance to statehood for decades, to the challenges in education, health and poverty that we face with all races in Hawaii, certainly we have pain and suffering to pray for.
"Insofar as Cleveland's attempt to restore the Queen, I think that in the end he realized that he was not justified, and that the monarchy was legitimately ended by the people of Hawaii. Cleveland gracefully backed down from his insistence that the Queen be restored, and treated the Provisional Government and Republic of Hawaii with honor and grace. Although he still opposed annexation, he did not oppose our move from a monarchy to a republic.
"I hope you will join me in prayer for the future of our State of Hawaii, indivisible by race, in perpetual union with the United States. Whatever roadbumps we may have had on the way to this situation, we celebrate the equal rights and protections of all the people of Hawaii, regardless of race, creed or color. The challenges we face today are challenges for us all, and can only be conquered by unity of purpose. We all hang together, or we'll all hang alone.
"Mahalo for your work, and your prayers.
-jere krischel"
-------------- wrote:
Dear Jere,
Thank you for the updated information. I will look forward to you sharing whatever information you have with us. I would like to klnow more about the New York Sun and cirmsumstance surrounding the entry and who and all of that. In the mnean time here is something I wanted to pen that expresses thoughts on thjis matter. Mahalo for you help.
April 30th Day of Prayer - Fact or Fiction
My understanding is that Cleveland himself refered to this proclaimation in other papers and letters. It has been refered to in writings here in Hawaii during those days. I am not a researcher and so I will eagerly defer to the scholarship of others here. I apologize for any discrepencies that may exist. These matters are difficult to clarify, but it is important to do so.
Thank you for your eager response and advice.
The printing of the letter in the New York Sun should be easy enough to research, not only on micrfiche, but in other ways pertaining to sources and context. I wonder if malfeasance may have taken it's course. In any event, the letter or circumstances of the letrter should be easy enough to research or track down by researchers worth their salt. To say that there is no such thing, as if it has disappeared off the face of the earth is curious.
Whether there was or was not an offical or even informal document, the idea of a national day of prayer is very agreeable to many in Hawaii and throughout the United States, especially today. This April 30th Day of prayer is real and we are documenting it here and now. Your clarifications are very helpful for if indeed this letter of prayer, is a joke or of ill intent, then this April 30th, we give it life and set it free to the powers that be.
Therefore, we will allow the substance and content of that poor letter said to have been printed but may be lost, in the New York Sun, whether satire, lamentation, or a reference to an offical presidetial policy, or missing in action, we will allow this single reference to stand as monumental inspiration for the April 30th Day of Prayer we have initiated, with every intentions of this annual day of prayer being forthright and true.
I apologize for any perpetuation of incorrect information. I guess we should more accurately describe our day of prayer as having been born out of the pain and suffering of our people in Hawaii! In this there can be no dispute, and that the justice and mercy which many seek in our land, with clarity and mission, in not and never is without heartfelt prayer.
President Cleveland may not have penned said proclaimation, but whether in disgust or disappointment, lament or praise, prayer is always the utterance of the innermost groanings for justice. In this Cleveland is justified for in his uphill battle to restore the Queen in every speech and in every writing we evidence his steadfast and prayerful request for justice to be
restored as if with every bone and tissue of his bold and courageous body were employed. This is the prayer that is felt and this is the real prayer of a man's life that is seen and known by many in these islands, and it is this prayer this pule that will continues on April 30th, 2006.
The myth is not that Cleveland as a President did not have vision, but that he was indeed a visionary who could see beyond the imperialism and expansionism of greed and power, the results of which have been enormous suffering and oppression.
Thank you for you concern about the accuracy of our reference to Clevelands day of prayer. It would be good to learn more about it. I hope and pray that you will help us to know the truth of this matter. In the newspaper articals about Cleveland's burial service it refers to him as the "Warrior". On April 30th we will pray and recognize that all true warriors pray for justice and mercy!
Kahu Kaleo Patterson
President, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
---------------- wrote:
Can you help us find material on Cleveland's relationship with liliuokalani, there were numerous letters from her to Cleveland.... and attempted visits.... what have you found.... thanks...
Date: Sat, 29 Apr 2006 15:30:09
I haven't gotten a chance to further explore Cleveland's personal relationship with the Queen, although considering his strong efforts to get her reinstated before realizing the error of his perceptions of the Hawaiian Revolution, one must assume it was a significant one. I've read some in Liliuokalani's memoirs
As I peruse through Cleveland's material (letters, messages, etc), I'll pay special attention to anything specifically directed to the Queen. There is no doubt in my mind that he was a good friend, and the weight of evidence against the Queen's accusations of U.S. involvement in the Hawaiian Revolution (as revealed by the Morgan Report) must have been very strong for a man of his character to have changed his mind on the matter. Although of course I disagree with his anti-annexationist sentiment (which he held to even after being convinced that the U.S. minister and peacekeepers from the Boston had no material role in the Hawaiian Revolution), I greatly respect how he came to accept a situation which must have been very personally difficult I suppose it is my hope that other modern royalists who learn the true history of the Hawaiian Revolution have the same sort of epiphany.
My prayers are with you all on this day, for reconciliation, understanding, peace, and unity.
-jere krischel
-------------- wrote:
Please comment on the strong integrity and positions of Gresham and Blount in these mattewrs and how the group effort
let to one of the most bitter and controversial issue of Cleveland's term, and yet he held a firm position until it appeared that
the odds were against him that the ideals of manifest destiny (McKinkley) and those in power were taking the U.S. down
another road. Also, it is curious that the whole matter of the Hawaiian Incident written about in 1870, by an author I cannot
recollect at the moment, was the most difficult issue of his term, would be suppressed in his histroy today, as if it had never
happened. Clevelands bold position and sentiments on the matter overshadow any decision he may have made in the
end to continue the fight. Is it not also true that he contracted cancer in his last term and underwent major surgery, what do
you know about this. I do not think Cleveland made a complete reversal as you would like to make him to look given his
courageous committment and established patterning of decisionmaking..... what do you think. Cleveland was right in the
context of the world's evolved anti-imperialism views.
Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 12:27:42 -0700 (PDT)
Mahalo for your request for comment. I am more than happy to share my mana'o with you.
The "Hawaiian Incident" was written in 1897 by J.A. Gillis. It was a passioned defense of Cleveland, taking quotes from Blount and Morgan to portray a picture more favorable to him. It explicitly said that it wasn't trying to portray the truth of the Hawaiian Revolution, but wanted to make it clear that Cleveland was justified in his actions based on the information he was given (that is to say, nixing annexation, lowering the flag with Blount, and secretly trying to restore the queen). It was an interesting read, but seemed to be little more than a political defense piece.
After reading about Blount, I'm not sure if I consider him a man of integrity. As an investigator, he should have done a better job of investigating both sides of the issue, and it is quite possible that if he had been more thorough, and interviewed all sides, the Queen would have had a chance at reinstatement (although still, admittedly, a very slim one). Some may see him just as a stooge of Cleveland, but my understanding of Cleveland was that he was always a man of integrity, even when he was misinformed. In deference to that general portrayal of Cleveland, Blount becomes at best an incompetent investigator, and at worst a deliberate manipulator of truth.
Cleveland's bold position and sentiments on the matter far from outshadow his final decision on the matter - in fact, I think they emphasize it all the more. A man of integrity, a man of passion, does not give up his issue unless he is convinced of his error. Cleveland did not abandon the Queen lightly, and was certainly not afraid of political fights
Insofar as Cleveland's cancer, it was during 1893
I think Cleveland did make a complete reversal on the issue of the Hawaiian Revolution, but did not reverse one iota on the idea of annexation. He was opposed to that in any case, and stuck to his anti-imperialist guns in that case. Frankly, I think he was generally wrong regarding the expansion of the United States, and the responsibility the United States had to the world at large (I'm not an isolationist). However, I do think that his concerns were built on moral foundations, and that many of his criticisms of imperialism were valid. Put more simply, although I am proud that Hawaii is a part of the United States, and consider that an indivisible union, I understand that in many cases imperialism and colonialism meant the exploitation of others. Luckily, in Hawaii, that was not the case. Contrary to the desires and wishes of some of the more radical people in the Provisional Government, and Republic of Hawaii, upon annexation, Hawaiian representatives lobbied Congress and made sure that suffrage would be extended without burdensome loyalty oaths, property requirements, or racial qualifications (although they did disenfranchise many Asians by limiting citizenship). Native Hawaiians dominated the legislature for decades, and eagerly participated in the true democracy they were granted (this, after 5 years of a Republic that was really an oligarchy). Robert Wilcox, Prince Kuhio, both were delegates from Hawaii during the Territorial period, and the enfranchisement of kanaka maoli has continued to increase.
This is not to sugar coat the problems that some native Hawaiians had, and still have, but I think that despite what Cleveland thought about annexation, it was the right thing to do. I'm even more proud that with the organic act of 1900, Congress resisted the machinations of some white elitists in the islands, and granted suffrage to people of all races (asians excepted, of course, but on technical grounds, not explicitly racial ones).
I hope that answers some of your questions. I know it is sometimes disconcerting to learn about history that doesn't match the images we have held in our minds for decades, and I appreciate your willingness to listen, and I am humbled that you would ask me for my opinion.
------------------- wrote:
Many prayers were offered on Sunday, and your prayer was read as well... mahalo!
Say more about Blount and Gresham. Your bias is very interestiing. I want to make sure we get all your views on them. Are you saying they mkisinformed and manipulated the President and that Cleveland was easliy fooled by them and could not think for himself, and yet he was a man of intergrity.
Where can we find research on Blount and Grescham indicating their immoral or moral character?
When did Cleveland visit Hawaii and what was his relationship with the Queen?
Hope you can help?
Date: Wed, 3 May 2006 13:10:32 -0700 (PDT)
Mahalo, I will endeavor to keep those prayers every day!
Regarding my mana'o about Blount, I must admit that part of why I judge him harshly is because I know more about Cleveland, and less about him personally. Here's my most generous assessment of him:
Blount went to Hawaii honestly desiring to learn the truth. Sub-conciously, he knew that Cleveland supported the queen as a friend, and without malice, this bias crept into his investigation. He appropriately rebuffed hospitality from both the royalists and the annexationists, but ended up in a royalist hotel which others perceived as a signal against the annexationists. He also ordered the lowering of the U.S. flag, and the removal of the protectorate over Hawaii, which further demonstrated to the annexationists that he was against them. Although his actions were perfectly reasonable actions if you assumed good faith, a cynical person would see them as subtle signals of bias. As he starts his investigation, this bias becomes a feedback loop - annexationists feel they're not being heard, so they pressure him to hear them. He feels unfairly pressured, so he fails to hear them. A vicious cycle starts, and without anyone else to help him remain neutral, it continues to characterize his entire investigation. In the end, his initial, subtle bias infects his entire investigation, and despite his attempts to remain neutral, he effectively ignores the history running up to the Hawaiian Revolution and only sees the landing of U.S. peacekeepers as crucial.
You can see his testimony before the Morgan Committee here:
In this interpretation, it is possible to have Blount as an honest person, unable to do a perfect job (and Blount recalls his limitations in his testimony, making exactly this case). So his honest, but incorrect report to Cleveland can be seen as merely misinformation, not malicious manipulation, and certainly Cleveland cound not help but to rely on the people he sent to investigate. Of course, it is a true testimony to Cleveland's integrity that he forwarded the matter to Congress, and supported further investigation - in the end, despite the first misinformation he received, Cleveland was smart enough to ask for more information, and wise enough to accept it once it was presented.
Now, as to Blount's moral character, I suppose we could investigate his Congressional Record, or his military record in the Confederate Army. We know he was a white man from Georgia during the days of slavery, and some may judge him harshly because of that, but then again, Morgan was also a Confederate Army soldier, also white, and from the south during the days of slavery. Both of them could have used racism to justify their actions (Blount trying to keep a minority population out of the U.S., Morgan trying to find a place away from the continent to ship minority folks to), but it is really hard to understand just how pervasive ideas of race, special privilege, and discrimination were back then.
My harshest judgement of Blount would probably be that he was incompetent. He should have told Cleveland that a secret investigation was impossible. He should have interviewed everyone from all sides. He should have worked diligently to provide everyone the opportunity to cross examine testimony (much of the testimony in Blount was recanted later when challenged). If he had been open, if he had been fair, if he had listened to both sides, and allowed them to challenge each other on the facts, as in a court of law, he would have presented Cleveland with an accurate report, and Cleveland would have never been put in a position of making wild claims to the Congress that were later disproved. Negotiation may have been possible, between the PG and Queen, to move forward together in a compromise government. But unfortunately, it was not to be.
Insofar as details regarding Cleveland's visits to Hawaii or relationship with the queen, I think the best source would be Kuykendall...I'm not aware of any visit he made to Hawaii, and have been under the impression that they met at state functions during her visits abroad: "In 1887 she took a tour of England and attended Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, then met with President Grover Cleveland in Washington, D. C."
She of course, was charming and regal, despite her poor choices of advisors (Claus Spreckels or "King Spreckels" as he was called, psychics, the ministers who betrayed her, etc). I'm sure that visit must have made an impression on Cleveland.
I suppose you could believe the complete opposite of what I do - that Blount was completely immoral, Cleveland sent him in secret with malicious intent with no regard for the facts to restore his friend the queen, and that as a man of no integrity, when challenged by his political rivals, he caved in and stopped working to restore his friend. But that just doesn't seem to fit the picture of a man who has been characterized as strong, decisive, and moral.
Do you believe that Cleveland went from being a moral person of integrity on December 18, 1893, to an immoral person of politics on February 26, 1894, when he accepted the report from Congress, and refused to support the queen's reinstatement any longer? I have faith that the man was courageous and brave, and can hardly entertain the idea that he somehow lost his strength over the course of a few months. The very fact that he continued to be anti-annexation, despite the political cost to him, seems to indicate to me that he was more concerned about what he believed was right, that what was popular. I can't imagine him changing his mind about the queen for any other reason than incontrovertible evidence.
Anyway, mahalo for your questions. I'm glad to help in any way I can to share the history of the Hawaiian Revolution. It is a fascinating story on both sides, and only by learning about all the interpretations and evidence can we come closer to true understanding..
On March 28, 200t the State of Hawaii House of Representatives Committee on Water, Land, and Hawaiian Affairs held a routine public hearing to take testimony on several pieces of legislation. A videotape of the hearing was broadcast on cable TV in the early morning hours on April 3. Included on the agenda was HCR82, House Concurrent Resolution 82 [intended to be passed first by the House and then sent to the Senate] "proclaimIng April 30 of every year as Hawaiian restoration day."
Among those giving oral testimony were Rev. Kaleo Patterson and Ms. Haaheo Guanson, who had journeyed together to New Jersey for the Grover Cleveland propaganda circus in 2006. They indicated they are planning to repeat the journey in 2007.
Another who gave testimony was Marsha Joyner, formerly head of the local chapter of NAACP. Joyner has been active in promoting Hawaiian sovereignty, including coordinating combined parades each year memorializing both Martin Luther King and Queen Lili'uokalani (the MLK holiday and the anniversary of the overthrow of Lili'uokalani are close together on the calendar). In 2007 Joyner had helped organize a special event at the East-West Center honoring Queen Lili'uokalani, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King, (falsely) claiming that QL was just like MG and MLK in using non-violent resistance to (alleged) oppression. See
The resolution HCR82 naming April 30 as Hawaiian Restoration Day includes this whereas clause: "WHEREAS, in a proclamation dated February 25, 1894, President Cleveland declared that "April 30 [of every year] be set aside as a day of solemn fasting, and prayer for the injustice to me [President Grover Cleveland] and my great good sister [Queen Liliuokalani] for her speedy return to the throne"
The resolution was approved unanimously by all 6 of the committee Representatives who were present. Below are the full text of the resolution, and the names of those Representatives. Who knows how many of the other "whereas" clauses have false or terribly distorted statements? Who has time to do the research and extensive documentation for all of the whereas clauses that was done for this one Grover Cleveland fake proclamation? Clearly the Legislators are not inclined to take the time or do the research -- they are greatly enthralled by the Hawaiian sovereignty zealots to the detriment of everyone else in Hawai'i.
The resolution was then passed by the full House of Representatives and sent to the Senate. A hearing was held before the Senate Committee on Water, Land, Agriculture, and Hawaiian Affairs. Ken Conklin submitted written testimony in opposition, provided in full below. That committee approved it by a vote of 2-1 (Republican Senator Sam Slom in opposition). The Committee report is copied below, along with the "status report" showing the history of the resolution from the time it was introduced until it finally passed both the House and the Senate to become a full-fledged Concurrent Resolution.
restoration day. WHEREAS, in 1991, the General Synod of the United
Churches of Christ, representing over six thousand member churches, passed a
resolution "Recognizing the Rights of Native Hawaiians to Self-Governance
and Self-Determination"; and WHEREAS, in 1993, the President of the United
Church of Christ, which sent the first missionaries to Hawaii in 1820, issued a
formal "Apology to Na Kanaka Maoli" and committed the church to
redress the wrongs done to native Hawaiians; and WHEREAS, in 1993, the United States Congress
adopted Public Law 103-50 often referred to as the "Apology Bill,"
which apologized to native Hawaiians for the illegal overthrow of Queen
Liliuokalani and the Hawaiian Kingdom, which was signed by President William J.
Clinton; and WHEREAS, in 1994, the National Council of Churches
USA at its General Assembly of sixty-eight denominations passed a resolution
titled "A Stolen Nation" that called for support of grass roots
efforts of the Kanaka Maoli toward sovereignty and self-determination; and WHEREAS, in the nineteenth century, through a
combination of intrigue, subterfuge, betrayal, and incomparable alliances, the
sons of the missionaries took control of the lands of Hawaii and seized and
operated sugar and pineapple plantations, which became a thriving export
business; and WHEREAS, in 1872, the United States sent its
emissary, General John Schofield, to Hawaii to study the coastline, waterways,
bays, and harbors as a civilian; and WHEREAS, in 1881, Secretary of State James Gillespie
Blaine told President Benjamin Harrison that Hawaii was of enough value to be annexed
to the United States; and WHEREAS, in May 1882, Lorrin Thurston of the
secret Annexation Club met with President Benjamin Harrison requesting
assistance with an overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom; and WHEREAS, B.F. Tracy, Secretary of the Navy, told
Thurston, as authorized by the President that "if conditions in Hawaii
compel you people to act as you have indicated, and you come to Washington with
an annexation proposition, you will find an exceedingly sympathetic
administration here"; and WHEREAS, in November 1892, Secretary of State John
W. Foster wrote to Thurston, stating that the Harrison administration was
willing to put up $250,000 to buy out Queen Liliuokalani's claims to Hawaii;
and WHEREAS, in January 1893, after years of
conspiracy and deception, with the aid and support of the United States, the
sons of the American missionaries and other business people, planned and
executed the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom; and WHEREAS, Queen
Liliuokalani was the last reigning monarch of the Hawaiian Kingdom; and WHEREAS, Queen Liliuokalani, who would not shed one drop of her people's blood to save
her nation, was deposed by the advocates of a Republic for Hawaii in 1893;
and WHEREAS, Grover Cleveland was both the twenty-second
and the twenty-fourth president of the United States (1885-1889 and 1893-1897);
and WHEREAS, Cleveland, a distinguished leader, rose
to political prominence through the ranks of Mayor of Buffalo and Governor of
New York before his election to this nation's highest office; and WHEREAS, in March 1893, Grover Cleveland was sworn
into office for his final term as President, three months after the illegal overthrow
of the Hawaiian Kingdom; and WHEREAS, after President Cleveland, an anti-imperialist,
assumed the presidency, he immediately worked to stop the treaty of annexation
of Hawaii; and WHEREAS, the newly sworn President Cleveland challenged
the illegal overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani and sent James Blount to Hawaii to
gather facts and to assist in a just determination of the involvement of the
United States in the overthrow; and WHEREAS, upon the counsel of James Blount and
Gresham, President Grover Cleveland determined that the United States was
unjustly and illegally involved in the overthrow; and WHEREAS, President Grover Cleveland addressed the
United States Congress and requested that Queen Liliuokalani and the Hawaiian
Kingdom be restored; and WHEREAS, always concerned about the underprivileged,
Cleveland believed his ultimate allegiance was to the nation, not to a
political party, and he acted on his strongly held beliefs throughout his
entire political life; and WHEREAS, this position by President Cleveland
reflected his understanding that imperialism and expansionism were not the
unanimously favored policy; and WHEREAS, President Cleveland was a very spiritual
and moral leader who risked his personal reputation and suffered ridicule as a
result of the unpopular positions he took; and WHEREAS, President Cleveland faced not only
tremendously challenging political, social, and economic circumstances during
his terms of office, but he was also battling cancer and suffering from
ill-health during his last term of office; and WHEREAS, Cleveland spent his last years as a lecturer
and beloved member of the administration at Princeton University; and WHEREAS, in 1898, John Schofield, retired commanding
General of the United States Army, reported to the United States Congress that
the port of Pu‘uloa – later to become Pearl Harbor - was the best natural
harbor in the world for the purposes of a modern Navy; and WHEREAS, General Schofield told Congress "...we
made a pre‑emption which nobody in the world thinks of disputing provided
we perfect our title"; and WHEREAS, President Grover Cleveland was a true
friend to Queen Liliuokalani and the people of the Hawaiian Kingdom; and WHEREAS, today, many people worldwide are
recognizing that the spiritual and moral leadership of President Cleveland was
ahead of his time; and WHEREAS, the people of Hawaii have been supported
and encouraged in the last one hundred fourteen years by the words and prayers
of President Grover Cleveland; and WHEREAS, President Cleveland's legacy and his
vision for justice in Hawaii remain strong in Hawaii with the ancestors and
people of the Queen; and WHEREAS, in a proclamation dated February 25, 1894,
President Cleveland declared that "April 30 [of every year] be set aside
as a day of solemn fasting, and prayer for the injustice to me [President Grover
Cleveland] and my great good sister [Queen Liliuokalani] for her speedy return
to the throne"; and WHEREAS, the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation
Center, the Hawaii Conference of the United Churches of Christ, and the United
Church of Christ have worked to lift up the life of President Grover Cleveland,
and bring to light the truth of history; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of
the Twenty-fourth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2007,
the Senate concurring, that the Legislature and the Governor are requested to recognize
and acknowledge the historical and educational contributions of President
Cleveland's work for the people of Hawaii and America today and for the future;
and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislature hereby
proclaims April 30 of each year as a special day of remembrance, education, and
prayer, for people of all faiths, for Grover Cleveland, a great American who
stood for the true values and principles of the United States Constitution, and
for "liberty and justice for all"; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of
this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, the Mayors of the
respective counties of Hawaii, to the Governor of the State of New Jersey, the President
of the New Jersey Senate, the Speaker of the New Jersey General Assembly, the
Mayor and the Princeton Township Committee, the Mayor of Caldwell, New Jersey
and the Council of the Borough of Caldwell, and to the General Minister and
President of the United Church of Christ Headquarters. OFFERED
BY: _____________________________
Proclaiming April 30 of Every Year as Hawaiian Restoration
On Monday April 16, 2007 Ken Conklin submitted testimony for the committee hearing set for Thursday April 19 in the Hawai'i state Senate Committee on Water, Land, Agriculture, and Hawaiian Affairs. Here is that testimony.
FROM: Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D.
Aloha Senators,
I strongly oppose HCR 82, and hope you will vote against it.
There are three main reasons to oppose it:
(1) The choice of April 30 is based entirely on a completely false historical statement contained in a "whereas" clause. There is proof that Rev. Kaleo Patterson, who spoke in favor of this resolution before a House Committee in March, has known for at least a year that it is false and thus is intentionally deceiving you.
(2) HCR 82 is filled with "whereas" clauses whose only logical conclusion would be to put you on record as favoring the secession of Hawai'i from the United States and perhaps the restoration of the monarchy.
(3) It is bad public policy for the Legislature to support the secession of Hawai'i from the United States. It is bad to give aid and comfort to a group of ethnic nationalists whose goal is to rip the 50th star off the flag.
Let me elaborate on these three reasons for opposing HCR 82.
(1) The next-to-last "whereas" clause says the following: WHEREAS, in a proclamation dated February 25, 1894, President Cleveland declared that "April 30 [of every year] be set aside as a day of solemn fasting, and prayer for the injustice to me [President Grover Cleveland] and my great good sister [Queen Liliuokalani] for her speedy return to the throne"
The simple truth is that President Cleveland never issued such a proclamation. An exhaustive search of all of President Cleveland's public papers has shown that proclamation does not exist. The Hawaiian sovereignty history-twisters have used a sarcastic editorial against Grover Cleveland published only in a single New York Newspaper, and falsely claimed that Cleveland actually wrote it and officially proclaimed it. The history-twisters have relied on a 1982 book which changed the 1894 newspaper's word "first" to "last" in the fake proclamation, thus taking the April Fool's joke date setting aside April 1 to be a national day of prayer and fasting ("first day of April") and turning it into a more legitimate-looking April 30 ("last day of April").
Let me summarize: The Grover Cleveland proclamation was never issued by Grover Cleveland; it was a newspaper's editorial sarcasm against him. Furthermore the date of April 30 was an error (perhaps intentional) caused by the writer of a 1982 book who changed "first" to "last" when reprinting the fake proclamation in her book.
Further evidence that the proclamation was fake is found in a photocopy of the page from the 1894 newspaper showing the fake Grover Cleveland proclamation immediately below another fake Grover Cleveland "special message" in which Cleveland allegedly was calling for the U.S. Senate to be abolished and its powers transferred to the President! For all the details, including the photocopy, see the lengthy webpage "Twisting History" at .
Why did the newspaper poke fun at President Cleveland in that particular way? Because the U.S. Senate had just released the Morgan Report of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs -- an 808-page document which thoroughly refuted the Blount Report. Cleveland had sent Blount to Honolulu to write a one-sided report for Cleveland to use to support Cleveland's claim that the U.S. had done wrong and should restore the Queen. Cleveland then sent the Blount Report to Congress and left it to Congress to decide what to do (Cleveland probably hoped Congress would approve the use of force to overthrow the revolutionary Hawai'i government and restore his friend Lili'uokalani to the throne). The Morgan Report investigated what really happened. The committee took sworn testimony in open session under cross-examination for two months, including testimony from witnesses who said their words to Blount had been twisted and falsified in Blount's report. The Morgan Report of February 1894 concluded the U.S. had done nothing wrong in January 1893. See . Immediately on publication of the Morgan Report there was an anti-Cleveland political uproar in Washington, which is why the newspaper wrote a sarcastic fake proclamation right below a sarcastic fake Presidential special message calling for the Senate to be abolished.
In April 2006 Rev. Kaleo Patterson, accompanied by Haaheo Guanson and others, traveled 5,000 miles to New Jersey to stage a propaganda circus, visiting Grover Cleveland's birthplace and tomb and laying lei. They got the Associated Press to write a "news report" published in dozens of newspapers nationwide which reported as fact that the Grover Cleveland proclamation was real. EVEN AFTER REV. PATTERSON WAS INFORMED THE PROCLAMATION WAS FAKE, he nevertheless went forward with his call for April 30 to be a national day of prayer for Native Hawaiian restoration. AND NOW A YEAR LATER REV. PATTERSON PERSISTS IN KNOWINGLY PERPETRATING A FALSEHOOD, and has already persuaded your colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass without dissent HCR 82 containing the completely false "whereas" clause. For the evidence that Patterson was informed about the falsehood in April 2006 and still went ahead, see the lengthy e-mail exchange copied at .
Can HCR 82 be repaired by removing the one "whereas" clause containing this proven lie? Those of you who are lawyers know you cannot eat the "fruit of the poisonous tree." Without that fake proclamation there is zero rationale for choosing the date of April 30. How many other "whereas" clauses contain falsehoods? You and I do not have time to explore that -- look how long it has already taken to debunk just this one. Juries are instructed that If a witness lies on the witness stand about one thing, the jury is entitled to doubt his credibility on all the rest of his testimony.
(2) The historical allegations in the "whereas" clauses make it appear that the U.S. conspired for many years to take over Hawai'i, and finally did so with military force. The resolution gives praise to Grover Cleveland for his attempts to destabilize the revolutionary Hawai'i government of 1893 and for his strong efforts to restore Lili'uokalani to the throne. By adopting those historical claims and by praising Cleveland in that way you would be asserting that the revolution of 1893 and annexation of 1898 should be undone. The logical conclusion would be that you favor the secession of Hawai'i from the U.S.; i.e., "Hawaiian restoration." Otherwise, what's the point of the resolution?
Please ask those who testify in favor of HCR 82 a few questions. Exactly what do you mean by "Hawaiian restoration"? Why is the resolution filled with "whereas" clauses describing a U.S. conspiracy against the independence of Hawai'i, and praising Grover Cleveland for his efforts to restore the Queen and to prevent Hawai'i's annexation to the U.S?
A vote for HCR 82 is a vote for a restoration of the status quo ante; i.e., restoration of Hawai'i's independence and perhaps also restoration of a monarchy. If you favor that, please resign immediately from the Senate, because you are violating your oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
(3) It is bad to give aid and comfort to a group of ethnic nationalists whose goal is to rip the 50th star off the flag. Look around the world at nations in turmoil because of ethnic nationalism. Is Hawai'i like Iraq, to be partitioned among Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds? Is Hawai'i like British-controlled India, waiting for one ethnic/religious group to secede and create Pakistan? Are we like Bosnia, to be divided among the Eastern Orthodox Serbs, the Roman Catholic Croatians, and the Muslims? Shall America break apart Humpty-Dumpty-style, as happened with the Soviet Union? Brits out of the north of Ireland! Please stop encouraging and coddling Hawai'i's ethnic nationalists.
I encourage you to read the book "Hawaiian Apartheid: Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism in the Aloha State." Please see a detailed table of contents and the entire Chapter 1 "The Gathering Storm" at
Thank you for your attention to these concerns.
Please vote NO on HCR 82.
But despite the written testimony providing proof that the resolution is based on a historical fraud, the committee nevertheless passed the resolution without amending it to remove the falsehood about the Grover Cleveland proclamation; and wrote a committee report sending it to the floor of the Senate for a final vote. The Senate passed it; however, the testimony against the resolution may have persuaded a few Senators to think more carefully -- three Republican Senators voted "No" and three Democrat Senators voted "Yes with reservations." Ken Conklin published a letter to editor pointing out that the Legislature has passed a resolution based on a falsehood despite being warned about it.
Below are the committee report, bill-status report (including names of Senators who voted "no" or "yes with reservations", the Conklin letter as submitted, the Conklin letter as published (which left out the URL for this webpage and a powerful bit of sarcasm); a press release from Rev. Kaleo Patterson describing April 27, 2007 ceremonies at the New Jersey birthplace of Grover Cleveland.
STAND. COM. REP. NO. 1891 Honolulu, Hawaii RE: H.C.R.
No. 82 Honorable Colleen Hanabusa President of the Senate Twenty-Fourth State Legislature Regular Session of 2007 State of Hawaii Madam: Your Committee on Water, Land, Agriculture, and
Hawaiian Affairs, to which was referred H.C.R. No. 82 entitled: "HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING APRIL 30 OF
EVERY YEAR AS HAWAIIAN RESTORATION DAY," begs leave to report as follows: The purpose of this measure is to proclaim April 30 of
every year as "Hawaiian Restoration Day," a day to recognize the
historical and educational contributions of President Grover Cleveland's work
for Hawaii and his advocacy and support of Queen Lili‘uokalani. Testimony in support of this measure was submitted by
the Christian Voice of Hawaii, the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Coalition-Hawaii, the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center, and two
individuals. One individual submitted testimony in opposition. Your Committee finds that the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1893 was a tragic moment in Hawaii's history. President Grover Cleveland
was known as a man of integrity and a personal friend of Queen Lili‘uokalani who tried to take
substantive action against the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy and support
the restoration of the Queen as Head of the State of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Proclaiming April 30 of every year as "Hawaiian Restoration Day" will
recognize the valiant efforts of President Cleveland and pay tribute to his
friendship with and support of Queen Lili‘uokalani. As affirmed by the record of votes of the members of
your Committee on Water, Land, Agriculture, and Hawaiian Affairs that is
attached to this report, your Committee concurs with the intent and purpose of
H.C.R. No. 82, and recommends its adoption. Respectfully submitted on behalf
of the members of the Committee on Water, Land, Agriculture, and Hawaiian
Affairs, ____________________________ RUSSELL S. KOKUBUN, Chair
$ = Appropriation measure
Date: April 24, 2007
To: All Media and Press
From: Rev. Dr. Kaleo Patterson
Re: April 30th Day Honoring President Grover Cleveland and Queen Liliuokalani
Hawaiians Return to New Jersey to Honor Cleveland
April 30th Day of Prayer
President Grover Cleveland – Queen Liliuokalani
Hawaii State Legislature honors New Jersey and President Grover Cleveland yesterday in the passage of a Senate and House Resolution (HCR 82) setting aside April 30th every year as “Hawaiian restoration day” a day to remember President Grover Cleveland and Queen Liliuokalani. The resolution was passed by the Senate yesterday with only 3 opposing votes. The concurrent resolution was passed unanimously by the House of Representatives.
Representative Lyla Berg was instrumental in bringing the resolution to the Legislature, along with the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center of which Rep. Berg is an active program volunteer and leader.
A delegation of Native Hawaiians, including Representative Lyla Berg, will now take the resolution to New Jersey to make presentations at:
April 27th , 2007 10:00 AM Cleveland’s Birthplace Musuem, Caldwell, NJ
Halau Hula O Na Mele and Leon Siu
April 28th , 2007 10:00 AM Cleveland Tower Monument, Princeton, University
April 29th , 2007 10:00 AM Christ Church, Princeton
In addition to the public events above, the delegation will be visting the New Jersey Governor, Caldwell Officals, and Princeton Mayor.
The delegation will also present letters of support from the full Hawaii Congressional Delegation, which includes Senator Inouye and Senator Akaka, and the Mayor on Honolulu, Mufi Hanneman.
The New York Hula dance group Halau Hula O Na Mele w/ Kumu Luana Haraguchi and Singer Composer Leon Siu will perform at the Cleveland Birthplace and Cleveland Tower.
For more information please contact Rev. Dr. Kaleo Patterson 808 330-3769;;
** Letter to editor submitted to Honolulu Advertiser by Ken Conklin on April 23.
Proposed Title: Legislators Adopt History-Twister Lies
Hawaiian history-twisters wrote a resolution making April 30 "Hawaiian Restoration Day." HCR82 says "in a proclamation dated February 25, 1894, President Cleveland declared that 'April 30 [of every year] be set aside as a day of solemn fasting, and prayer for the injustice to me [President Grover Cleveland] and my great good sister [Queen Liliuokalani] for her speedy return to the throne'"
FALSE! The history-twisters adopted a fake proclamation -- a sarcastic 1894 editorial against Cleveland. They were informed last year of its falsehood, but went ahead with a propaganda circus based on it. Associated Press reported it as fact in dozens of newspapers!
This year they're doing it again. My written testimony to a Senate committee last week proved the Cleveland proclamation is fake. Nevertheless the committee passed HCR82 unamended. Another propaganda circus is planned.
Do the facts matter? For all the details see . Maybe our Legislators will next declare October 30 as Martian Welcoming Day. Remember the Martian landing at Grovers Mill New Jersey on October 30, 1938? (reported in live radio news broadcasts by Orson Welles).
** Letter to editor as actually published on April 27. Note that it does not include the webpage URL and the sarcasm about Martian Welcoming Day.
Hawai'i history-twisters wrote a resolution making April 30 "Hawaiian Restoration Day."
HCR 82 says "in a proclamation dated Feb. 25, 1894, President Cleveland declared that 'April 30 [of every year] be set aside as a day of solemn fasting, and prayer for the injustice to me [President Grover Cleveland] and my great good sister [Queen Lili'uokalani] for her speedy return to the throne.'"
False! It's a fake proclamation — a sarcastic 1894 editorial against Cleveland. The history-twisters were informed last year of this, but went ahead. The Associated Press reported it as fact in dozens of newspapers!
Now, they're doing it again. My written testimony to a Senate committee last week proved the Cleveland proclamation is fake. But the committee passed HCR 82 unamended. Another propaganda circus is planned.
Do the facts matter?
Ken Conklin
From: Kaleo Patterson
Press Release
On a cool overcast morning, on April 27th, Native Hawaiians on a pilgrimage gather in front of the Cleveland Birthplace Historic site. They are here to pay tribute to President Grover Cleveland for his role as advocate of peace, justice and reconciliation regarding the overthorw of the Queen more than 100 years ago. Your people today in New Jersey hardly know anything about the 22nd and 24th President. It is for certain they have not been taugth anything about his courage and moral character when in those days he risked reputation and political career to restore the small and friendly Hawaiian Nation. Mark Twain when visting these islands, called the islands "the most hospitable and most beautiful place one earth." Tragic was the injustice of the overthrow says Cleveland and even when he left office after his second term and could not bring about the desired change, he continued to speak against the tyranny that was taking place. Cleveland was an anti-imperialist and anti- exapansionist, whose religious upbringing, a father who was a Presbyterian minister in Caldwell, and a mother who was a Mennonite, set the course for his life actions to come. He is considered by many in Hawaii a hero, a just, honest, and true peacemaker and justicekeeper.
Hawaiians visiting Caldwell today sang songs written by the Queen, and chanted ancient prayers called oil. A kumu hula or teacher of Hawaiian chant, story, and dance, Luana Haraguchi, calls today's event the most historic of her time, and in tears she remembers the ways of the people of old, who lands are no longer in Hawaiian hands. As the dancer moved rythmically to her chanting, the fluid and melodius language communicated the universal "aloha" that is the spirit of the people of that land.
Dr. Haaheo Guanson of the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center is convinced that Cleveland is the most humble and untold story of a great man, who stood for the weak, and worked tirelessly against all odds for justice and true peace in the world.
Dr. Kaleo Patterson a Hawaiian priest and human rights activist, comments that the hope of Cleveland and Liluoakalani to right the wrongs and promote hawaiian restoration, was not lost but have lived and is born anew in the hearts of many in Hawaii. Hawaiians he says, because of Cleveland and the Queen did not lose their language, and their culture and yearning for justice is stronger than ever. The hawaiian restoration is alive in their hearts and souls, and they will never reliquish the hope of justice.
Hawaiians concluded prayers and songs and triubutes by presenting the recently passed Hawaiian State Legislative Resolution HCR 82, which sets aside April 30th every year as Hawaiian Restoration Day in honor and tribute to President Grover Cleveland. Letters of support from the full Hawaii Congressional Delegation was also read and presented to the officals present. Included in the ceremonies was the grandson of President Clevealnd, George Cleveland, who recieved all and the spirit of the event with deep humiliy and appreciation. That he was present for such a historic event caused the clouds to part, the rains to stop and the sun to shine for a brief moment on the humble and grateful gathering of souls, on that day at the historic humble birthplace, that small log cabin of a home, where President Grover Cleveland was born into this world to be acknolwedged now on this day.
by Rev. Dr. Kaleo Patterson
Honolulu Advertiser, Breaking news, Posted at 1:12 a.m [!!!]., Monday, April 30, 2007
President Cleveland, Queen Liliuokalani remembered
Advertiser Staff
Today has been declared Hawaiian Restoration Day by Mayor Mufi Hannemann and the State Legislature in remembrance of President Grover Cleveland and Queen Liliuokalani.
A ceremony will begin at 11:30 a.m. on the lawn of the Community Church and at 11:45 a.m., a procession to Mauna 'Ala (The Royal Mausoleum) 2261 Nuuanu Ave. will commence. The Mauna 'Ala ceremonies begin at noon. If you plan to attend you are requested to bring a flower "Ho'okpu (sign of respect).
Cleveland was the 22nd and 24th president of the United States (1885-1889 and 1893-1897).
Three months after the overthrow of the Hawaiian Kingdom in 1883, he was sworn into office. After researching and reviewing the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani and the Hawaiian Kingdom, he fought with Congress to have the Queen and Hawaiian Kingdom restored. His challenge was denied, but April 30 is a day of recognizing the efforts of Cleveland and Queen Liliuokalani.
On Wednesday April 23, 2008 the Honolulu Star-Bulletin published on page 2 of its front "news" section a collection of three photos with captions, which occupied a space 9 inches wide and 10 inches tall, compact and vertically centered, occupying perhaps 3/4 of the entire page. The largest photo shows a man dressed in black with a red kihei, in front of the chapel at Mauna Ala (Royal Mausoleum), arms upraised in prayer. That photo has a caption of three sentences: "Manu Mook lifted his hands skyward at the beginning of the Chapel Service at Mauna Ala for a prayer event for the upcoming Hawaiian Restoration Day on April 30. President Grover Cleveland signed a proclamation in 1894 that set April 30th as a day of prayer and remembrance for Queen Liliuokalani and the overthrown monarchy of Hawaii. The event at Mauna Ala was organized by the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center."
The longest of the three sentences, in the middle, is totally and indisputably false (see below for evidence). The Honolulu Star-Bulletin has known for two years that it is false. A strongly-worded letter of protest, providing proof of error and demanding a correction, was sent that same evening by e-mail to 9 Star-Bulletin mailboxes including editors Frank Bridgewater and Mary Poole, to the photographer, and to "corrections." No correction was published, although other corrections of other errors made on later days have been published. There was not even a reply from any of the 9 recipients to acknowledge the protest.
The publication of the falsehood about the Grover Cleveland proclamation even after editors had been informed about its falsehood two uears previously, and the totally inexcusable and arrogant refusal to publish a correction on this occasion in 2008 despite being given clear and indisputable proof of falsehood, resulted in the newspaper being given the Goebbels Award For Outstanding Use of Media for Propaganda Disguised As Fact. See
Kaleo Patterson once again traveled to Caldwell, N.J., the birthplace of President Grover Cleveland. But this time his trip was in late July, where he presided over a luau associated with a Hawaiian Kingdom holiday, Ka La Ho'iho'i Ea, Sovereignty Restoration Day, July 31 1843, when the British government formally restored the sovereignty of Hawaii to King Kauikeaouli Kamehameha III five months after a rogue British naval commander had seized Hawaii to foreclose on unpaid debts. The local newspaper in Caldwell falsely reported the Grover Cleveland proclamation as a historical fact and also reported that the city council gave Mr. Patterson a check for $2920 (presumably to defray his travel expenses).
Following are two items: (1) Full text of the Caldwell newspaper report; (2) Full text of a letter sent from Ken Conklin by e-mail to the mayor and all members of the Caldwell city council, and which was also published as an online comment to the newspaper article.
To: Mayor and Council members of Caldwell NJ
From: Kenneth R. Conklin, Ph.D.
Re: A scam regarding an alleged proclamation by President Grover Cleveland
Date: July 23, 2010
Aloha Mayor Gartland, Council President Dassing, and members of the Council,
An article in THE PROGRESS newspaper of July 23 has come to my attention. The article was entitled "Caldwell Committee gives Cleveland birthplace group $2,920."
I submitted the comment below, to the online article. But then I decided the matter is sufficiently important to bring to your attention directly. Please review the webpages and flyer cited in the comment to find proof of what I have said.
To understand the "big picture" where such scams are elements, see the book "Hawaiian Apartheid: Racial Separatism and Ethnic Nationalism in the Aloha State"
(2) [online comment to newspaper article, also included in letter to the city council]
It is very sad to see that the generous folks of Caldwell N.J. have been snookered by a Hawaiian sovereignty con artist. The simple truth is that there was never a proclamation issued by Grover Cleveland calling for a day of prayer and repentance regarding the overthrow of the Hawaii monarchy. This hoax has been thoroughly disproved. Kaleo Patterson was informed about the falsehood several years ago, but has persisted in traveling repeatedly to New Jersey and has also succeeded in getting a resolution passed by the Hawaii legislature.
For complete documentation of the fact that this is a hoax, and that Patterson knows it is a hoax, please see
To see the actual pages of the "New York Sun" newspaper from 1894 in which Grover Cleveland's fake proclamation was published as sarcasm against him, see
For a multicolor flyer from 2007 lampooning the Patterson hoax, see
Please, anyone reading this comment who lives in or near Caldwell, let the generous folks who were snookered by Mr. Patterson know about the scam, and I hope the victims will have the courage to contact Patterson to demand their money back.
Send comments or questions to:
You may now
From: "Jere Krischel"
Subject: Re: Proclamation attributed to Grover Cleveland was never issued by him.
but she doesn't give any source documentation, just her recollections.
From: "Jere Krischel"
shows him with the 2nd highest total of vetos of any president. I can only believe that given the additional evidence that Blount did not present him, he came to realize that he could not stand by the brash statements he had made earlier. I must admit to harboring the hope that even the most staunch advocates for hawaiian sovereignty, when presented with the same evidence, will experience the same epiphany as he did.
His recovery from that surgery may very well have had some effect on the statements he made December 18, 1893, and the secret efforts he took to reinstate the queen without having sufficient evidence. I'm not sure if I would make that assertion, but it could have been a possibility.
-jere krischel
From: "Jere Krischel"
Historical fraud is in-character for Joyner. She's accustomed to lying and cheating, as shown by her criminal conviction for stealing large amounts of money from the elderly people in a condominium association of which she was president. See
Senator Russell S. Kokubun, Chair
Senator Jill N. Tokuda, Vice Chair
46-255 Kahuhipa St. Apt. 1205
Kane'ohe, HI 96744
tel/fax (808) 247-7942
(What is this?)
Measure Title: PROCLAIMING APRIL 30 OF EVERY YEAR AS HAWAIIAN RESTORATION DAY. Report Title: Proclaiming April 30 of Every Year as Hawaiian Restoration Day Description: Package: None Companion: HR58 Introducer(s): BERG Current Referral: WAH
Date Status Text 3/9/2007 H To be offered. 3/12/2007 H Offered 3/13/2007 H Referred to WLH, referral sheet 34 3/23/2007 H Resolution scheduled to be heard by WLH on Wednesday, 03-28-07 at 9:30 am in conference room 312. 3/28/2007 H The committees on WLH recommend that the measure be PASSED, UNAMENDED. The votes were as follows: 6 Ayes: Representative(s) Ito, Chong, Carroll, Magaoay, Morita, Sagum; Ayes with reservations: none; 0 Noes: none; and 2 Excused: Representative(s) Saiki, Thielen. 4/4/2007 H Reported from the committee on WLH (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 1792), recommending adoption. 4/5/2007 H Adopted with none voting no and Carroll, Herkes, Saiki, Say, Shimabukuro, Souki excused. 4/5/2007 H Transmitted to Senate. 4/5/2007 S Received from House (Hse. Com. No. 543). 4/10/2007 S Referred to WAH. 4/16/2007 S The committee(s) on WAH has scheduled a public hearing on 04-19-07 at 2:30 pm in conference room 414. 4/19/2007 S The committee(s) on WAH recommend(s) that the measure be PASSED, UNAMENDED. The votes in WAH were as follows: 2 Aye(s): Senator(s) Kokubun, Tokuda; Aye(s) with reservations: none ; 1 No(es): Senator(s) Slom; and 2 Excused: Senator(s) Fukunaga, Hee. 4/23/2007 S Reported from WAH (Stand. Com. Rep. No. 1891) with recommendation of adoption. 4/23/2007 S Report and Resolution Adopted. Ayes, 22; Aye(s) with reservations: Senator(s) Baker, Sakamoto, Taniguchi. Noes, 3 (Senator(s) Hemmings, Slom, Trimble). Excused. 0 (none). Transmitted to House. 4/23/2007 H Received notice of Adoption (Sen. Com. No. 842). 4/23/2007 H Resolution adopted in final form.
ConAm = Constitutional Amendment
President, Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center
Phone: 808 330-3769
4:30 PM Caldwell Public Library – Film “Nation Within”
and Talk Story with George Cleveland and w/ Caldwell Officals
4:30 PM Christ Church - Film “Nation Within” and Talk Story
3:00 PM Cleveland’s Gravesite (Honoring Ceremony)
Honolulu Advertiser, Friday, April 27, 2007
Letters to the Editor
Subject: birthplace press release
All Media and Press
April 27th, 2007
Caldwell, New Jersey
46-255 Kahuhipa St. Apt. 1205
Kane'ohe, HI 96744
tel/fax (808) 247-7942