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Spongers and Paipos and Sharks, Oh NO!

March 2001

O'ahu (south shore)
temp - *chilly*
wind - strong
waves - yah, some nice ones

Eh, tanks to the n. shore with all those waves up, we down here get to enjoy the 'leftovers' waves -- pretty much 'resin rider free'. ;-)

Today I went out not expecting much - could see the flumes of foam flying off the waves - waves that were barely chest high at the best. Everyone was quick to tell me I missed the best of the swell this week. Still, a week out of the water is just dangerous. I was jonesin'.

By four o'clock there were 8 of us out there -- the loco local posse of spongers, a couple of newcomer spongers, one brave board ... and then along came three paipo boarders. Whew !! ... da paipo guys would just *fly* - flashing ahead of us on those splintery lookin' plywood thingies. LOL ... good-fun guys ... lots of laughs and sharing waves (tho, Süs don't play 'bumper sponge' with boards with edges).

Finally, someone in the group started talking about the tiger shark that had chased everyone in just a few weeks ago ('just a little one - four feet') ... he was hanging out by 'the rock' (my fav place). We all laughed ... but ... huddled closer. It was an intimate little surfing group ... lots of party waves.

... glowing with laughter ..