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One Wave (O'ahu South Swell)  

April 2002

All week I watched the reports, but my harsh schedule at work kept me from getting out. Yesterday I got down to Waikiki. Nice size waves. Weird winds and tides made for slushy rides, tho. Nothing to write home about.

This morning I decided to give it another go ... Diamond Head (Cliffs). It was cloudy-gray, chilly, bumpy and really not appealing. As I paddled out the channel I kept muttering "Why am I doing this?"

I figured I needed to just get wet.

From the channel I watched the break. I quickly decided I would have to either pull out of a wave well, or call it a 'one wave day' -- the sets were curling all the way across the break, and over the reef (low tide). Paddling back out would be a bitch. The sets were bigger than they seemed from shore.

There is something really heart pounding about paddling out next to waves this size - even if they are crumbly. The power is so impressive. I watched the walls slam and boards fly.

Somehow, very quickly, I was in perfect position - far outside. The sets coming in were huge. I began to have some doubts. I looked back at the channel (the tide was rushing out; rocks were jutting high - nope, that would not be an easy paddle back in if I wimped-out here). I realized if I didn't take a wave soon the 'clean up' set would be on top of me.

Then it came. It was mine. It was huge. I didn't even have to paddle but once. The bottom dropped out and I was rushing down a sheer 12-15 foot wall (whooping!!). It was closing ahead, as I knew it would, so I veered to miss the lip. The explosion next to/under me threw me up into the air (more whooping!!) - and dashed me onto the wall of white - still riding high. I was ok! -- I held on and rode over the reef - laughing and crowing the whole way.

Yah ... I am the one wave wahine once again!

LOL ... it was worth it!!