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Cyan Teardrop Graphic to Support Abused Children

isn't the scariest thing in the world having to wonder if anybody's ever going to fall in love with you for you?

quoted so truly by brandy

The most wasted day is that which we have not laughed.

- chamfort

this is me at i scanned my face

this is me and adam... he is a pretty cool guy

this is my friend Jamie and then me in the middle and then Silene!!

if wanna see more picture of me then go tooo HERE and SEE MORE OF ME and a new addison to my page is here its just a page that has a bunch of pictures that dont fit into anyother catagorie...

here are a couple other sweet pages i put together with stuff i found on the net

this first one here is all signs from around the world but when translated into english they mean something dumb check it out

this is great its what women really mean vs what they say click here

this one is even better then the women one this is what men really mean vs what they say WHAT ARE YOUR WAITING FOR click here

hi my name is shauntel, im 14 and live in a small town with about 10 000 people in it, This is my second webpage my first one got messed up and i had to rebulid a new one, i keep up on it and sutff soo yes ... my friends and i have done practically everything there is to do in this small town of ours, and we still manage to have lots of fun for instance, FOLKFEST 2000 My friends and I manage to make every day at school fun, too, whether it's the highschool or the Middle School (I don't know how we do it, but we do!)its accually funny how many guys turn around when your about to take a picture.. anyways and soo i have pictures of guysBUMS yes... clothed... haha i wouldnt want to scar any of you for life .well one day i was going through my pics and found like so many pictures of peoples asses so i desided to put them on a page... Anyways... im a happy, smilie person .i have no hobbies except for taking pictures of bums ;), im a boring person (and i have fun being that way), i dont play sports either but love guys that do... i was gonna try out for the football team but thought better of it, ALTHOUGH ... i absolutely ***LUV*** guys that play football...i also luv to be with my friends,id have to say my life IS my friends, i also like to listen to my music...

here are some of my fave quotes

luv me Shaunti

hey guys just click the lil box thingy down here to rate my picture

Do you like me?
Than Rate Me ..
10 best - 1 worst


get back to my other webpage