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Welcome to my Commentary Section. Here is where I will talk about an issue that is on my mind and give out my opinion on it. I invite you to make comments, challenge my position or if you have any question to please ask them. Where do you do this? Well see that little button to your left that says "Feedback" on the Nav Bar? Well click that and let me hear what you have to say.

And now onward to the Commentary:

I Am An American
Ed Delgado

According to the 2000 Census there was a sharp raise in the number of people who have maked themselves down as Americans. 58% raise in fact. Not Italian-Americans, Irish-Americans, or anything else like that. It should also be noted that the majority of people who did this were of European decent. Many minorities are still in the hypenated stage of identity. The whole African-American, Latino-American, and other bits like that.

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The Delgado Bill of Rights
Ed Delgado

You know everywhere you go somebody is crying about rights. How they want more, although not saying that outright. I mean you have this Patient Bill of Rights, Gay Rights, Pagan Rights (I know this falls under the 1st Amendment), Human Rights Watch, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Aminal Rights, and just make something up and I am sure there is some group looking for rights for them too.

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Cartoons and Politics
Ed Delgado

I have long held the belief that cartoons are very much a reflection of society. They project the best and the worse that we as a society has to offer. This can be seen in the heros we see that are the good guys, the villians who are an exaggreation of the evil in our world, and those people who work on the other side of the law for justice causes much like a vigilante. Oh and one more thing I forgot to note, each cartoon seems to have some sort of agenda.

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What It Means To Be An American
Ed Delgado

A couple of days ago I was watching a show on PBS called Technology/The Global Village which played out various senarios based out 20 years from today. The focus was on technology and how this would make things better for everyone around the world. But in doing so there were a number of things that were just down right frightening. It should be noted too that this is Ted Turner concept and funded by CNN as noted at the end of the credits.

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Doonesbury Takes It Too Far
Ed Delgado

For those of us who read the newspapers, be it local, state or national newpapers, we are all aware of the political comics that pop up. They usually appear in the Opinion sections or somewhere close to it. And one of the more popular political comics in the newspapers is Doonesbury.

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Wave The Flag In Honor, Not Because It's Today's Fad
Ed Delgado
(Printed in the Guam Pacific Daily News on 18-OCT-01)

More than a month has past since the horror of Sept. 11. In this time we have seen a number of things. Politicians putting differences aside. The goodness of people in America and all over the world in the form of donations of blood, money and help. We have also seen a resurgence of patriotism. Which is good -- to a point.

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Ed Delgado

One of the things I do almost religiously when I get to work in the morning is to go outside for a cigarette abou 7:30. I find that to be something that is relaxing, gives me a chance to go outside and enjoy some of the quiet that the morning has to offer, and of course I like it. Today was a bit different.

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A Week After the Execution
Ed Delgado

It has now been nearly a week since the execution of that monster known as Timothy McVeigh. And for the last week I have sat back and listened to all of the anti-death penalty people, media pundents, and everyone under the sun. During this time I took the time to digest all of these stories and a few things still bother me.

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