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User Guidelines


Persons using the internet need to be aware that the internet spans countries and people from all over the world. The Holman CAP Site has no conctrol over the information in the internet and connot be responsible for the content of the internet. Some sites contain information that may be controversial or offensive. The CAP Site is not responsible for any damages that the users suffer, including but not limited to the loss of data resulting from delays or interruptions in service. The CAP Site is also not responsible for the accuracy, nature or quality of information stored on disks, hard drives or servers. The CAP Site and its parners are not responsible for unautherized financial obligations resulting from the Cap Site providing access to the Internet.

People using this site should not expect any files stored on the computer will be privat. The staff of the site may review files and messages to maintain the system integrity and ensure that users are acting resonsible.

Parents Resonsiblity

Any restriction of a child's access to the Internet is the responsiblity of the parent/legal guardian. In addition, it is possible to purchase certain goods and services via the Internet which could result in unwanted bills for which the child's/users family would be liable. The Holman CAP Site will not acquire software designed to block access to certain sites.


The operation of the Internet relies on the proper conduct of the users. They must follow strict guidlines. It is important to understand that Internet access is a privilege, not a right. If someone using the CAP Site violates any of the "acceptable use" guidelines in this document, future access can and will be denied. Some violations could also constitute a criminal offence and could result in legal action. Any person violating these provisions, laws or applicable school policies will be subject to loss of access privileges at the CAP Site. The Holman CAP Committee wil make the decisions regarding violations of users and restrictions.
