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General Guidelines

In order to keep fair access to the cpmputers, the following guidelines will apply to our CAP Computers.
1. computers are avialble on a first come, first served basis.
2. Community members need to sign in on the sign if form prior to using the computers.
3. Computers can be used for upto one hour without interruptions: when your hour is over, you may continure to use the computers untill someone else signs in. If no one is waiting to use it, you may continue to use it.
4. If another community member is waiting to use it, they must wait until your hour is over until they can have access but if you are already over your initial hour, you must relinquish your computer once they arrive.
5. there is not a limit on the total number of hours that any one individual may user the computer until someone else wants to use it.
6. Individuals cannot reserve times for computer use, unless the site is being used for on-line training in which case, there will be an attempt to schedule public access times around these training schedules.
7. cpmputers will only be avialable during the posted times.
8. please treat the cpmputers with respect and capre. We would like them to last a long time and get many hours of use by many community members.
9. computers disks, writable CD's and paper will be available for sale at the site. Users are discouraged from saving information onto the hard drives of the computers. Disks and CD's will be sold on a cost recovery basis.
10. If applicable, users are responsible for their own user account and password. These computer resources are available to you on the understanding that you will use that for their intended purpose.
11. If you forget your password and require a new one. please contact the CAP Site Technician.
12. Tampering with the computer operating system or application software is prohibited.
13. CAP Site users must be respectful of the needs of the needs of other users of the site.
14. Children under the age of 18 are not permitted in the CAP Site.
15. food and drinks are not permitted in the CAP Site.
16. Inappropriate use of the CAP Site will result in cancellation of CAP Site privileges. Inappropriate use includes:

Violation of these guidelines may result in either temporary or permanent revoking of CAP Site priveleeges.
In the case of physical damage to equipment,the resonsible individual(s) will be chared with the full replacement costs and their user account(s) will be terminated.

In order to get onto the Internet you will have to agree with these policies! no exceptions!

CAP Site Administrators.
