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Glory for the HK Duo 香港雙雄光輝影集 2000, 1999:


Photo 1: Jeffrey Zee (left) & Garry Wong ( right), both world ranking no.1 for Standing Upper Double & Standing Upper Single. [same points for single ranking ]

Photo taken after Jeffrey & Garry finished the Single game.

香港孖寶──二人均為世界排名第一位 (站立組雙打及單打) [單打同分 並列]

左起徐傑民、王樹遠 (攝於二人剛完成單打項目)


Photo 2: Jeffrey and Garry make friends with The English Team.


Photo 3: The HK Duo with Japan team in Borken, Germany, 2000 World Championship.

與日本隊合影 (2000年德國世界錦標賽)

Photo 4:

Opening ceremony of World Championship competition in Israel Tel-Aviv, 1999.

The team on my left hand side is from Bulgaria.The team on my right hand side is from Germany.

世界錦標賽開幕典禮1999 (以色列特拉維夫)

Photo 5:

Photo 6: Garry & Jeffrey at the badminton court


Photo 7: Mr. Timothy Fok (left 1, President of HK Olympic Committee), Coach Mr Yang Mei Leung ( left 2 ), Garry & Jeffrey. Photo taken at the Governor's Residence before taking off for the 1999 FESPIC Games

遠南運動會出發前在香港禮賓府 (前港督府) 與 香港奧林匹克委員會會長霍震霆(左一)及教練楊美良(左二)合照



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