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何處找小弟 ? Where to find me ?


電話 Tel : 92083049                    >> 留言版guest book

E-mail: 電郵 (因太多垃圾電郵湧入,暫由Eric 兄代管,盡管照發,但標題為"侯兄收"便可; 或在留言板用並鈎選 "private" )
please make subject/topic as "For Mr Hou only" otherwise will be deleted as junk e-mail. Too many junk mails  so the account is now managed by yogi brother Eric Chau. Or leave your message at the guest-book checking "private message" )


1.  看我表演唱印度拜讚歌 (See me sing India folk songs / devotional songs of Bhajans ) ? (免費入座,不必門票,最重要你賞面 !) 按入「最新演出消息」及「回顧」 (隔月一次義務表演會知音,閣下邀請無任歡迎,通常義務)free admission, irregular performance. Your invitation welcome. Read news here.

it seems that i am the only chimta player in HK, really looking forward to meet someone else.
似乎香港只有小弟玩這印度樂器 chimta,真想遇上其他人交流


2.找我教靜坐 (Sahaja Yoga Meditation)?(Always free for the asking 必定免費,公德事,請放心,先看小弟的自白

3.找我教 / 搞 / 評述 / 評論龍舟Dragon Boat? 請與赤柱龍舟協會安排 (擅長麗音Nicam雙語廣播)。(每年端午節前的一個月的週末常出沒於赤柱正灘)- ask me to coach / officiate / organize/ commentate a event ?-  contact Stanley Dragon Boat Assn. (strength: bilingual presentation)

4.  找我做司儀 Ask me to act as MC?  ( 非牟利團體活動必義務襄助 free service for Non-profit making events) 圖4

5.  找我翻譯 ask me do translation / interpretation ? (太忙了,只會當做公德參與 too busy, sorry.)

6. 找我問香港掌故 Ask me about heritage issues?不如找前輩陳溢晃大俠(香山學社主持/報刊山旅活動及掌故專欄作家/正剛旅行隊老大): 97799480, 23942600 Better call an expert

7. 找我幫忙召集其他義工 無任歡迎,找學生更佳 (大人都可以),多多都有,最重要你肯提供机會給他們走出課室學習,体驗社會,服務人群。 Ask me to help recruit volunteers (adults or student helpers)? Of course, more than willing to help. Let students expose to different dimensions of  society and learn outside the classroom. Thank you for giving them opportunities to actualize learning by doing.

8. 找我教英文 Teach English? 唔....., 太忙了,不如參加我們的活動,大把鬼佬混雜, 多元文化兼免費 free talk。何況通街都是自學資源
 (Well! many foreigners in the Sahaja Yoga Collective of HK, just come and enjoy multi-lingualism.)


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