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My Home Page

Well I guess you've made your way to this homepage to find out a little more about me!!!!!! Well, Im 22, female and I live in Brisbane, Australia. I currently work as an Equine Vet Nurse, and for those of you who don't know what an Equine is, it's a horse. So to make it simple, I work with horses. I guess you want to know about my interests....Well, I have a great passion for horses, and hope to establish my own riding, breeding and training centre in a few years time. Otherwise, I enjoy going out with my friends and working on cars as well as just relaxing on the beach!! I have a quote which I quite like............. "When you were born you cried and the world rejoiced. Live life in such a manner that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." Anyways, if you wanna find out anything else, just email me......

Things I luv doin


My Horse
My Truck
Kirra, My New Pup
Bailey My Dog
My Sisters Wedding
More Poetry
