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Personal Information

Picture of Me!
  • Name: Richard Chow
  • Nick Names:
    • Richie
    • Ricardo
    • PooHead
  • Age: 18
  • Gender: Male
  • Nationality: Chinese
  • Location: Burnaby, BC
  • Astrological Sign: Taurus
  • Current School: SFU
  • Hobbies:
    • Snowboarding
    • Online gaming
    • Driving
    • Watching TV
    • Chatting online
  • E-mail:

I am currently a first year student at Simon Fraser University. This would be my second semester at SFU. University life is far from what I have expected it to be. Before I imagine that university was just all about the partying, instead, I find myself constantly doing homework and trying to stay uptodate with the material covered in lectures and tutorials.

When not at school I like going snowboarding. Just this past weekend I went snowboarding with a few friends of mine. I was really excited since it was about 8 months since I last snowboarded. I thought I would forget everything that I had learned before and would have to start over since it has been so long, but I was wrong. In fact, I made a lot of progress towards snowboarding - my skills have increase, and I am able to do a lot of things that I have been trying to learn all season last year.

At home, I usually like to relax and play online games. Some of the games I play can be found in the "My Links" section. I also love to watch TV/VCDs. Due to the workload from university, I often find myself with very little time nowadays to relax at home. Instead I find myself reading more often than before.

Link to my Guestbook!

My Links

Closing Comments

I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit my page. I hope you have enjoyed yourself here. If you would like to comment about my page, please e-mail me or leave a message in my Guestbook. All pictures including the background were created with Photoshop 8 Creative Suite. Therefore, I don't think a reference is neccessary to give myself permission to use my own images.

CMPT 165 : Assigment 2 - Richard Chow - 20012-4291 [ Last Modified: January 27, 2004 ]