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"For, what with my whole world-wide wandering,
What with my search drawn out through years, my hope
Dwindled into a ghost not fit to cope
With that obstreperous joy success would bring,
I hardly tried now to rebuke the spring
My heart made, finding failure in its scope."

There are many kinds of quests, and for each one there is a separate path. This is the passageway of Roland, the last gunslinger in a dying world. Roland's journey is simple: to find the Tower at the center of all things and make it right again, regardless of the cost. His path along the Beam will take him farther than even he could fathom...and he is not alone in his journey. For this is the story of our path as well -- our journey. Roland's world is moving on, and it is taking ours with it. And it is such a long road. One man cannot be expected to carry on along it forever.

Lace up your sneakers, pack your knapsack, and kiss fast food goodbye...for Roland needs your help.

Congratulations, you have just been drafted to walk along the King's Road with the last of it's Knights.

"There they stood, ranged along the hillsides, met
To view the last of me, a living frame
For one more picture! In a sheet of flame
I saw them and I knew them all. And yet
Dauntless the slug-horn to my lips I set,
And blew. 'Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came.'

Welcome to "Ride the King's Highway", a 'Dark Tower' fan site by me, Misty. Like so many other fans, I became obsessed with theDark Tower, and would even go so far as to say that it is the finest work Stephen King has ever done. Ever. I only hope that he lives long enough to finish it (and this is not being cruel, he said the same thing himself :) ). This small website is my outlet of obsession, and I hope that you will enjoy it as much as I do.

* * Dark Tower Fan Fiction
* * Got a Minute?
* * Lyrics
* * What's New

* * *
* *
* The Dark Tower Compendium
* * * If only there was a movie...this would be the cast!
* * * * The Dark Tower Webring
* Down the Rabbit Hole
