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The Don


Hello Lanfir, I am Peaten al'Kar aka "The Don". I saw your post on the

community board and thought I'd help out :)

 I joined at the very beginning of 2000. I think I was the first DMer of the Millenium. I don't quite remember how exactly I found DM, but I do remember posting on the ezboards asking for Demandred's email. It was actually the Amyrlin who helped me out, So she's been on my Good List ever since :) I found Demandred and became a Darkfriend.

 Once DM was back up, I stayed mostly on the Shayol Ghul and Silly boards. Here, Memnoch the Devil found me and took me under his wing. I became a Shar Mahdi Trainee after a couple of weeks here. I quicky became a regular at the Silly boards. I am now a veteran of the Wedgie Wars, Food War, and Death Match.

 It was in the Silly boards that I met people from other Orgs. Seraph and Falcolneyes form the White Tower, Cora and Ehlana from the Band, and various other silly DMers.

 Soon I was a Shar Mahdi Apprentice under Memnoch. But the Shar Mahdi disbanded the day after, so I became an Apprentice Assassin (no big difference) Also around this time, I created a new char; Jaem Caran, a Band Recruit.

 Now that I've been here a while, things have gotten even better. The Don is a full Assassin, Jaem is a Cavalry Recruit for the Band, and I'm meeting even more people.

 If I had to pick a worst experience here at DM, I'd have to say it was this little recruiting war between DM and TW. I am a proud member of both sites, but that was just plain childish. Not only that but it took away permenantly two of the best writers I've ever seen; Memnoch and Jardel/J'Ryth.

 My best experience was probably the Food War, where I met several really cool people. Other than that, doing my training posts in the Tower  of the Black Dawn.

 I have yet to be in a huge RP, but I think my current one is sort of melting into a bigger one. The biggest one I have so far was my first DF post, when I went to the TotBD.

 If I had to give advice to newbies it would be this: Make yourself known. Plain and simple. This is a large community, if you don't want to get lost in it, you can't take the back seat. I've seen several newbies quit because they couldn't find their notch in an RP. If you can't find one, make one. Through DM, I have greatly increased my writing skill. In the beginning, I just wrote them down off the top of my head, leaving spelling and grammatical errors. I quickly learned that to get ahead, good posts were critical.

 As for good friends, yeah, I have found some here. From my own Org.: Memnoch, Janar Jagita; the Band: Lilli Mandragoran, Cora Sara, Ehlana Toredall; Freelanders: Joker; White Tower: Seraph, Falcolneyes; Black Tower: Garen; even the Children: Justen Diablos. There are also several other names of people I have befriended Paityr, Demandred, Karldin, Willow, among others. Sorry if this sounds too much like an awards speech; feel free to cut it down :P


There you go. The history of the Don. Hope thats what you wanted. Again, feel free to edit whatever you want. This is just another one of those things that I'm writing off the top of my head.


Peaten al'Kar/Jaem Caran

Assassin/Cavalry Recruit

Shayol Ghul/Band of the Red Hand