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A Story of the Breaking

The Death of Narell and Ender

We miss you Narell!!!

The Tower Guards and all of the Sisters in it were now looking for the man who was causing so much damage. Guards, Servants, and Gaidin all lay dead at the hands of a madman and the Tower wanted him.

Narell walked quickly through the Tower. People were shouting at her, calling for help, calling out in distress. But she knew where she had to go. Through her bond she could feel that he was somewhere close. The bond, however, instead of being a definite link between them , was growing erratic and fuzzy. Something was terribly wrong and she intended to find out what it was. She gathered up her skirts and began running, ignoring the cries of those around her.

For Ender, his rage was increasing. He was nearing his final destination, the quarters of the Red Ajah. It was there that he would kill all of those that had so wronged him before, a lifetime ago. He laughed as he walked, he felt so powerful, so alive. He knew he was going insane, but he no longer cared. It is actually quite a liberating experience he thought to himself. He turned a corner, and walked right into his warder.

A thousand memories flew to the surface of his mind, and he began to recognize the person in front of him. "Narell???" he asked cautiously. The woman seemed to know him.

"Ender…" With that one word, all of his recent memories came to him. The death of countless innocents, the destruction he had caused, the pain he has/would/will cause. "Light, what have I done!!" Pain and guilt, remorse, and despair all came to bear, forcing him to his knees. As he fell to the floor, she knelt beside him. "Shhhssss……Just be still, I am here now…..shhss…….. Everything will be all right" she whispered to him.

Running footsteps could be heard in the adjoining corridor but thankfully they receded.

His eyes begin to swell with tears. "It…came….." he says quietly as he begins to shake "I can't stand it. I hear voices, memories, thoughts….. and they answer me as I think….. I can't do this anymore, it has to end. But I don’t want to hurt you………I never wanted to hurt you….If only…"

As she listened, Narell felt the tears threaten to flow. The moment that he recognized her, she felt the link between them begin a desperate battle to reassert itself. A flood of emotions rushed through her and she knew exactly what he was going through. All the pent up feelings, the regret and the pain. The bond between them was still weak though and something was trying to destroy it. If the link broke, she would soon give up the will to live, just like any other warder whose Aes Sedai died.

"I know…..I know" She spoke soothingly, calming him. "I know you would never hurt me. I knew that from the start. Our bond is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I am glad to be your warder." she confessed to him. He whispered back "It was the best."

Ender held his head as a backlash against his mind was fought. He barely suppressed a gasp of pain. Insanity was fighting to overcome him again, and he realized that he was fighting a losing battle. He managed to slowly turn and gaze upon Narell’s face. Her tears were freely running down her face and her expression was a mix of sadness and of love. Of love.

"Life is so unfair. I finally get the chance to be near you, and at any moment, I can lose my mind forever."

He began to shake again. "I don't have much time left….. my love. They will find me, or the madness will." As he said this he slowly reached over and caressed her cheek. He leaned forward so their foreheads were touching and whispered "What will we do now?"

A mix of emotions surged through Narell. Horror at the carnage he had caused. Deep love for the man who was brought to her door by one of life's mishaps. Duty to the life she lived and to the Ajah for which she served. Regret and sadness for what had been said and done, and what could never be. Joy that this man truly loved her. And in that moment she knew what must be done "Stand up" she told him.

Confused by the sudden firmness in her voice, he slowly got to his feet. She reached over and began to unclasp his sword from his belt. His hands moved to stop her. "Are you sure? You know what it means-" She silenced him with a finger to his lips, and a look that told him all he needed to know. His hands moved to help her free the sword.

The moment came. They drew closer to each other and looked into each others eyes. No words were being said. No words were needed. Both knew what the other was thinking. Messages of love flashed between them as they stood there. Slowly, carefully, Narell came closer to Ender until they almost touching.

Tears were streaming down both of their faces. He wiped a tear from her face with his thumb, she was trembling beneath his touch. He smiled down at his love, then he whispered three little words, "Sheathe the sword".

Narell reached up and gave him a long, deep kiss. The moment seemed to stand still. Time passed, but he had no memory of it.

When she finally pulled away, his eyes were still closed. They stayed that way when she stabbed the sword upward through his chest.

When he finally whispered to her to Sheathe the sword, the block against killing her bondholder was lifted.

Knowing that her end was near, she reached up and kissed the man who had brought so much pain and even more pleasure to her life. Forgive me for what I have done she silently thought to herself.

She stabbed the sword into him as hard as she could, his own hands were helping her, grasping at the pommel. In that moment, Narell felt her whole being explode in pain, then life began to quickly draw away. Where part of her lay, it was now removed. Her reason for living fading away.

They both collapsed to the ground. He slowly turned towards her. "Thank…….I…..I….".

" I know, Beloved." she quietly whispered to him.

When the Tower finally found them, Narell and Ender were already dead. Their bodies embracing each other until the very end.