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Serafelle’s History



O I grow old, I grow old...


I remember when Dragonmount was first started.  I'd wanted to be Amyrlin originally, but decided that I didn't have enough time.  I asked to be Keeper, but the position had been filled.  I asked to be Head of the Browns, but that position was filled too, so I started out, as everyone did in those days, as a plain old regular Aes Sedai.


Dragonmount started out as a tiny little thing, but it expanded and expanded...  The big deal back then, as I believe it is now, is community.  Roleplaying grew out of the community, and is still strongly rooted in the community.  Think about it: Who do you roleplay with?  Speaking for myself, I only RP with people I know and like OOCly.  RP is a function of community always, whether we call it that or no, whether a particular site is based on the RP or not.  Dragonmount is not, thankfully!  There are so many wonderful things to do at DM, and that is why I love it.


Back in those days I went to other WoT sites as well, and began to do a little RPing at various places.  Never did much at Dragonmount itself, since I was always too busy doing something OOC.


I had become the first Saidar.  Phoenix had been aware for some time of my willingness to help in any capacity I could, and had chosen me for the job.


Well, that was the start of all of it for me.  I stayed on as Saidar for a loooong time, but eventually quit out of frustration.  Being an Incarnation is like putting a huge target on your butt and writing the words "Shoot me" on your forehead, and I was tired of taking flak from people who neither knew me nor bothered to remember that I had feelings too.   Being the dumb ox I am, I quit, and realized that being administration at Dragonmount meant more to me than I could have imagined.


It's part of my life now, and an important one.  I spend more time at Dragonmount than I spend in class, usually four or more hours a day either directly at the site or doing stuff for the site.  I work 8-9 hours a day at a computer terminal, come home, and work another four for Dragonmount.  Why?   I'll bring religion into it, indirectly...  Lutheranism has a focus on vocation and service (my father is a Lutheran minister) that I seem to have gotten.  Service to the community is very important to me, and I try to keep what's best for Dragonmount as a whole in mind in whatever decisions I make.  Dragonmount is my community now, and I love it.


By the way, does anyone else see a resemblance to Macbeth here?  He was Glamis, and Cawdor, and then King, as the witches predicted.  I was Brown Ajah Head, as I wanted to be, and remain Keeper of the Chronicles.  I leave it up to you: Should Kathana be worried that I'll usurp her place?  *laughs*  NO....  I'm just being silly.


Kathana is one of my best friends, and one of the very few people in the world I respect.  She's always been a good Org Leader and a good Staff member, as well, and I thank her for it.


I also thank my Warder, Ben T-Gaidin, for being there when I needed you, and for being a good friend and coworker. 


Phoenix:  I refuse to suck up to you.  You've done quite spiffily, and we wish you could be around more.


And all my new friends as well:  Phrygiana, once my bitterest enemy and now one of my dearest companions; Lone Wolf, my phone buddy and roommate stealer; Mazrim Taim, whom I love to pester (he's fun folks!); Nordan, who I will always miss; Sathinar, the mad pigeon eater who was also the second DMer I've ever met and one of my very very best friends; Aldazar, the brash, blunt young man who I can always trust to tell me the truth;  Rhiardeyn, my own RP Leader with the Aiel (GO AIEL!!!   WOOOHHHH!!); Reile, who always helps me up when I'm down; Taimandred, the chicken-eater; Old Lanfear, the wise young maid; Karana, my good friend; Yveva, Brown Ajah Head extraordinaire.


For any of you I've missed, I'm sorry.  There are far too many good friends and companions here at Dragonmount to remember, and my most humble apologies for missing you.


I love this site, and will always love this site.


I'd like to close with a song from the Beatles, please.  In My Life.


There are places I remember

All my life, though some have changed

Some forever not for better

Some have gone and some remain

All these places had their moments

With lovers and friends

I still can recall

Some are dead and some are living

In my life I've loved them all


But of all these friends and lovers

there is no one compares with you

And these memories lose their meaning

When I think of love as something new

Though I know I'll never lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more


Though I know I'll never lose affection

For people and things that went before

I know I'll often stop and think about them

In my life I love you more

In my life I love you more