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Justins first few weeks at DM.


When I heard that you were looking for stories and history about people’s moments at DM the first thing I thought of was how it all started for me.  Back in January I tried a couple of times to join DM to no avail, I was a computer novice and was this was my first attempt at joining any community.  I had never before talked to someone online, or left a post on any message board, but I was a great fan of the WoT series, and in my search for info about it I stumbled on the community of DM.  So I e-mailed the M’hael, which sounded slightly ominous to me, and when I didn’t get a response within two weeks I found myself e-mailing again, I really did want to find out what all of this online community stuff was about.  Well, finally, I received a response, and I officially joined DM on February the 6, Y2K as Justen Diablos, CoL. Now none of this is really important I suppose, but it does supply some back story.  


My first post took place back on that same date, and unknowingly I used a theory Icon, being as I’m kind of a philosopher by nature I figured that one would be the most representative of me, looking back on that now I gotta laugh, but at the time I felt like the biggest idiot in the world when I found out about Icons and stuff like that.   Anyway within minutes of posting I was contacted by Drevanus Milar, who was at that time the Lord Captain of the Children of the Light.  So think about this, I’m sitting at my computer after just having joined my first ever online community, and literally within minutes I’m talking to a leader of my new Org.  Needless to say I was impressed, and thought DM must be some kind of supercommunity to be able to get to new members so fast.  Now I realize that it was just coincidence he was on and contacted me, but at the time I had an almost super human impression of DM.  This was also my first, and therefore worst ICQ conversation ever, if I was talking to me that day I’d avoid me for the rest of my life.  Again looking back now it’s funny, but at the time I was embarrassed at not being able to sound interesting.  I’m a fun guy irl, but for some reason that didn’t translate into talking on ICQ.  Anyway with my first day under my cap, I pressed on.


So now two days later, on the 8th of February, I got to the second person I’d ever met on ICQ, Bolahn Gregorian, who at the time wanted me to join the Eyes of the Light, again I was a newbie at the time, with no real idea what was going on, and so I kind of got pushed into joining the EoL, because quite frankly the conversation with Bolahn was the first one I’d actually held my own in.  So I said I’d join, and the very next thing he asked is if I would help him overthrow current Spymaster Aurora Stargazer.  So remember now, I’m still a newbie; I’ve never RPed anything on line in my life, and didn’t have the first clue what it was.  I didn’t know this was an approved RP, or really what the heck was going on, but still, this was the first person I’d actually made a good impression with, and being a chatting newbie I didn’t want to ruin that.  So I said okay, sure I’ll help you out.  I couldn’t believe it was gonna go down that way, and was worried we’d both get in trouble haha, I was a moron back that, but an innocent one.  A couple of the Hand were going to accuse Aurora of being a darkfriend, I was gonna fabricate evidence, and then Bolahn would be Spymaster. 


So what would happen the very next day?  Well the plan was about to go ahead when Bolahn unfortunately had to leave DM for a time, so it never took place.  Now again I was left with no idea what I was doing.  I posted a couple times in the next week, though nothing major, for the most part I just read other posts and got used to the stuff that went on at DM.  Never having been in any sort of chatting before it took me forever to learn what * g * meant, or anything along those lines.  So I learned the lingo, and I attempted to figure out just what in the world was going on. Now sometime around that time DM went down, might have been the 9th or the 10th I’m not sure, anyway DM was down for a while, which is when I got a message from Azazal (Lord Captain) saying where the temp boards were located.  Now the temp boards I could deal with, there didn’t seem to be the seriousness that there was at DM proper, and I felt the community stronger there, so in the following week I made drastic movements towards actually breaking out of my shell.  My posts became relatively more confident, and I became more confident in my online abilities.  I was always good with people, but now all of the sudden I was getting okay at dealing with online people.  So when DM came back up on the 19th I posted my bio, my first post on the CoL private board.  I’d sent it to Yveva’s page and Koe, but still most of the CoL hadn’t seen it, so I posted it there, and it was there I mentioned that I was now in the EoL.  It was three days later that I first talked to Elriond on ICQ, who because Drivanus was leaving, was taking over as Lord Captain Commander.   He mentioned Bolahn’s attempt, and asked me if I’d be willing to become Spymaster.  So without doing anything RP wise, which I was still uncomfortable with, I was being offered the Spymaster position for the CoL. Perhaps as a newbie I over estimated it’s importance, but I jumped at the chance.  So the next day, Koe set up the CoL’s temp board, and the first order of business was to make me Spymaster.  It was very odd, as many of the CoL didn’t stop by the temp boards often, and I think I spent almost a month as Spymaster before a lot of people in my own org. knew I was.  * g* and that, is the story of how I became Spymaster.  Soon after I started my foray into the all board posting crazy man that I am now, and also began to become Spymaster in fact, as I started to do things for the Org. I thought a Spymaster would do.  I don’t know if I earned the position when it was given me, but since then I’ve tried my best to make that decision one that neither Koe or Elriond regret.  But both of those are different stories, and maybe I’ll send them to you sometime, if you liked this one anyway.  Looking back on it all DM has shaped me into the online persona I am today.  Never had I spoken to someone online, now I do so regularly, I could barely turn my computer on when I joined, now I know HTML, I love DM, and remember those first days with a lot of fondness, admittedly it was only three months ago but hey, give me break, I’m a sentimental guy.



Note ~ feel free to edit this essay/testimony as you will, I don’t know what makes good story and what doesn’t. I was just recapping and remembering, so do with this as you will, and thanks for giving me the opportunity to look back at some old posts, and revisit some very old ICQ conversations.


Justen Diablos,

Spymaster for the CoL.