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The Memoirs of Jhaenara Sedai

I may not have started at DM from the beginning, but I have a fairly long history. Arrange what I write however you want. *g* Let's see what I can remember....

started back at Dragonmount near the end of May, early June of 1999. At that time, DM was in a constant flux of moving from the real boards to the temp Bravenet boards. My first post was on the Bravenet board and I remember Phoenix and I believe Lanfir posting a welcome. *g*

I had just finished reading all eight books and was looking around for some good WoT websites I could get involved in. I decided to join the White Tower, and at the time DM was also going through the change of adding the novice Accepted system, so I was one of the first ginuea pigs for that. *g*

I think I ended up being a novice for a good three months and an Accepted for about two, maybe? Anyway, I knew a lot of people were upset with this, especially because a lot of inactive members were demoted to novice or Accepted ranks. With the rules changing so much, even I got perturbed sometimes, but I figured this was a whole new system they were implementing, and there was bound to be bumps, so I'd go with the flow. Let's see, my novice days... *eg*

Many people who know me at DM, know I can be a huge flirt. Usually this was OOC or SIC (Silly IC). My actual character of Jhae is a rather quiet, nice girl, not as you see me on the chats. But anyway, the chats is where I love to hang out most. At that time DM was using a HTML based chat room that was a real pain in the bum, but it became home to a lot of us anyway. It was called 'Spring of the Morning Inn.' We RPed there and chatted OOC. The RP we did was based on our DM characters, but could not be used for the real RP. That was to remain on the message boards. Which is another thing. There was only one set of boards, though I don't recall this all too well. Only one was actually used for role-playing (well, for the major RP) and it was called the Role-Playing Board. Classes and other small RPs within the Org were taken to Bravenet boards started by the MoN. As time went on, they tried to add java chat rooms to DM and they majorly sucked! LOL.

Most of us stayed at the Inn, and a few of us who knew IRC well, moved to a server and started a channel. I opened #WoT and for awhile, not many would come, but eventually we started to get a good base of people, including Joram, Lasir, Cynewolfe, Jeni, Naeron, Demmy25 and a few others. Then DM changed it's java to the Microsoft chat and used it's server to let people join with actual chat clients like mIRC. And people started to filter back, but then it broke. lol.

Anyway, my chat still exists and when we feel like it, we go back there to hang out, or if DM breaks, we go back. *g* Enough about the chats. *g*

What did I actually do as a novice? lol... Well, at first I wanted to be a Brown. Before they started the Mentoring Program, Serafelle Sedai took me on as an assistant to her, so it was sort of like the same thing. I did a few chores for her, etc. She would have remained my 'mentor' but I was sent to the Farm for a rather mean prank I did. Actually, Lasir started it. I think she was jealous of my long, beautiful red-gold hair, *G* and so she found some blue dye and added it to my shampoo. My hair became a lovely shade of blue (and maybe that's when I decided to be a Blue?! lol, j/k). I was so upset, that without thinking, I charged to her room while she slept and glued her eyepatch to her face (ouch, that was so mean, but funny.) She of course played it as ripping the patch from her face and bleeding all over, so I felt awful and soon the dye in my hair was causing me to break out in a terrible rash on my head. I was allergic. *weg* I couldn't let Lasir get all the sympathy. We were both healed by a Yellow and sent to the MoN. She gave us a week at the farm. So we headed off.

We were supposed to be at separate farms, but this is when 'Norell's Pasture' started up. This was one of the only times they let us RP at the Inn and use it in the real RP on the boards. Lasir and I went to the Inn to get some wine barrals for the farmer (or something like that). It was there that I met Jarron, the Dragon Reborn. To make this short and b/c I don't recall all the details, Lanfir Sedai was arguing with a Wolfsister, I think. Rahvin, was compelling the WS, I believe. Then Ishamael showed up. A fight broke out using the One Power. Lanfir got injured and I tried to help her, and as I was about to be killed, Jarron threw himself in front of me. As the fight wore down, the two Forsaken fled, but not before letting Jarron know they had Matalina Gaidin and Maarin Sedai (Maarin was Jarron's first love, but things were sort of changing there). (I think, this is all really hazy.) Jarron asked Lasir and I to take Lanfir back to the Tower and let the Amyrlin know what had happened and that he would come and discuss matters with her. We got out of the Farm punishment, woohoo! After we got back, the Amyrlin instructed me to wait for Jarron's arrival and bring him to her. I met him in the courtyard and they spoke a little. It was at this time we knew there was something sparking between us. At the Amyrlin's study, I was allowed to remain and in fact, became part of the their big plot. Ish wanted the Dragon and Amyrlin in exchange for Mat and Maarin. Jarron would go, but the real Amyrlin would not. That's where I came in. They disguised me as her with Illusion and I accompanied Jarron, must to his dismay. I got to have Josef as my Warder and the Amyrlin took my place doing my classes and chores. Woohoo! At this time, Lasir had her first Foretelling and scrawled and drew pictures with her blood. At the actual fight, I ended up using the One Power a lot, but I was only a novice, so I weakened quickly, but learned so much. Ish was taken down by Jarron, which almost caused him to burn himself out. Rahvin fled. I didn't get hurt, but finally collapsed from exhaustion and was placed in the tent with Jarron. Finally, once our party (including Lanfir, Sam Shadar (once a false Dragon), Lasir, the rescued Mat and Maarin, Yveva Sedai, Josef and myself) were gathered and okay, we headed back to Tar Valon. After that, things went normally for awhile.

I met my future Warder, Jayce, in a Ward raid on the WT one night. *g* I also met her brother, Jaksyn, with whom I started a short romance with until Jarron came back into my life... One day I received a letter. It was from Jarron asking me to meet him in one of the Tower gardens one night. I did, and we Travelled to have an evening picnic on some cliffs overlooking the Aryth Ocean in the west. We talked of all kinds of things and promised to be friends, even if Jarron acted 'differently' towards me. It would only be because of what he had become. We kissed and returned to the White Tower. I had to keep it a secret, but Lasir suspected something. As the days went on, I didn't get to see him, but he sent a letter saying how much he enjoyed our 'date.' Finally, Lasir and I were raised Accepted. The Amyrlin became our Mentor (the program had now just started.) We decided to room together, and soon after Lasir had a second Foretelling. She said we needed to warn the Dragon about what was to happen. Having been with Jarron, I knew where he was. So we convinced Jayce and Jaksyn to accompany us in running away from the White Tower. We got to Tear without much of a problem. Anong the way, we met Darksmoon, an old friend of Jarron's as well as another ta'veren from the Two Rivers. He had golden eyes, marking him as a Wolfbrother. Upon arriving in Tear, Lasir bullied her way in to warn Jarron. I barely got to say two words to him, but defintely saw his surprise at me being there.

Then, without much warning, the Stone was attacked by Trollocs and Myrddraal. Once again, I was in the middle of serious fighting, but with a little more experience. I was knocked out somewhere in the fighting and dragged to safety. The Amyrlin and a party of Sedai arrived (soon after Sam Shadar, Lasir's love interest at the time) claiming to come get us runaway Accepted, but were probably checking out what the Dragon was doing in Tear. I was Healed, then Lasir and I reprimanded and beaten by the Amyrlin herself. (ouchies :( lol)

The night before leaving, I met Jarron by chance in the halls of the Stone and he told me he loved me, but to look for someone else and forget him. He kissed me and ran off. I was devastated, and quite angry because we vowed to be friends no matter what. It was later that I realized he was doing this on purpose to protect me. The next day we returned to Tar Valon. Even though Lasir and I were punished, we also were raised to Aes Sedai soon after because we had exceeded in our learning. Lasir became a White and I a Blue. I Bonded Jayce soon after taking the three Oaths. I vowed that I would help Jarron do what he needed even if he didn't want my help. I had my cause. Then the figgin RP was restarted!!!!!!

LOL... Jarron is no more, I had to change some history, etc, etc. My next task was to work on the Bowl of Winds RP, but that made no sense with the RP restarting to before the EotW, so that's on hold. I took part in the Angreal Chase in which my party discovered an organized group of male channelers. The Black Tower. Currently, I'm back at the White Tower, and the Hall is debating what to do about this new discovery. On the romantic side, I was slowly falling for a new Ward, Celton. (You might know him better as Michael Drakaard of the Black Tower.) I didn't have time for men in my life, but he had really peaked my interest. But, unfortunately, Celton has to take a leave of absence from DM, so I am once again a free woman... lol. My Talents include Cloud Dancing, which I have yet to discover. Travelling, though not considered an actual Talent, but a weave talent, which I know having learned from Lanfir *g*. (Editor’s note: The ability to make Gateways does not exist for the Aes Sedai anymore) And I'm quite skilled in Healing, but haven't been trained much in it. My OP score is 32. I believe I'm 3rd or 4th strongest in the WT. My skill is currently 11. I'm fairly young for an Aes Sedai, 24 (I'm one of the exceptions, though I think I might raise it a bit soon.) Hmmm, what else?

Physical features: long red-gold hair, green eyes, tallish, about 5'7" to 5'8", slim, considered pretty by most. An only child from two parents who were not Darkfriends or killed by Trollocs... LOL. Originally from Whitebridge, Andor.

I have truly enjoyed being at DM, even during the bad times. I have met so many great friends and I'm still meeting more. I could start naming them all, but I'd surely leave someone out, so I won't. Besides the list is as long as this letter! lol ;) And I think that's about it! At least the major points. *g*

Thanks to all who have made DM what it is.

Long live Dragonmount!

Jhaenara "HotLips" Sedai

of the Blue Ajah

Bonded to Jayce Gaidin

Currently Mento® of Arianya,

Former Mento® of Bryli who passed away

Keeper of and Bonded to the Chicken Reborn

Ownder of a new baby squirrel, Bryli, fathered by Slappy McNutty