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Mount the Dragon: an epic

It was with some hesistation

that I was led astray.

I replied to the September invitation;

I joined Dragonmount that day.

Clicking the box that lay besides the darkened "SG",

I sold my soul to the Fire Boy.

Shayol Ghul: the best Org that can be.

Darkfriend Blackthorne, my sin and joy.

Other bowed to the Inflamed One;

Lanfir, Kathana, Serafelle, Darksmoon,

Demandred, Hawkwing and Morgan, none

of Sathinar? Well, that comes soon.

Muse! I sing of online communication,

Bravenet boards and Orgs of might,

silly stories and wheel of time information.

Endless is the battle, children of light.

Through rituals in silent word,

Whispered promises and electronic blood,

I rose through the Org. Unheard

were the Dark Bonds of Sammael and I (dark roses in the bud).

Oh, how cunning the young one is!

Veiled, she takes a public identity.

Submits herself to the White Tower; 'tis

The Green sister, Nina Bede Caedmon! A pity.

The trail is found by Kathana but kept silent.

She knows the SG spy now and is pleased.

Lanfir becomes close to the young SG-sent

and delighted to hear of Nina's three warders, she teased.

One taken in darkness, one taken in knowledge,

The last taken in pure innocence of the light.

Nina had the most warders of them all and was a wedge,

Leaking the plans to Demandred, gifted in sight.

One day, Nina was unamused and went to the Main Board

and announced her allegiences to the Dark.

Lanfir and many others could not believe her to belong to the Dark Lord.

Blackthorne revealed fled like a dove-devouring lark.

The wheel turns round and round.

What was done to Lanfir happened to Blackie.

Her good friend Myshadowstar, newly ICQ found,

was really Morgan Sedai; how khaki!

The bonds were passed; Sammael too,

The two Chosen were no longer friends.

Dragonmount had grown; the boards were a zoo!

Legends of pudding, pasta and Red dresses spouted; may I be not here when it ends!

A turn, a twist, a new thread.

Blackthorne loved a Black Tower man.

Anakin captured her and the Light only never were it lead!

To the White Tower newly bonded, they ran.

A war was started over our fair wetlander maiden.

Mother demanded justice and education.

Demandred wanted her mind, where Dark plans were laiden.

They all had great motivation.

It was a good thread, until

Demandred declared it null and void.

Anguish rocked through Dragonmount, still

people played the game like a mindless droid.

What of Blackthorne? She lost her memory.

Anakin left her and the Towers, a stubborn rebel.

Unhappy in her sanctuary,

her bond was passed to Hawkwing, who she did repel.

She trained as a Warder with death in her eyes.

Morning rose and she asked Ben Gaidin for a sword.

Alone in her room, she moans and sighs.

The blade bites deeply and she is gone, my lord.

Let me pause to recall events buried fast

in those few months of glory and power!

Soldier Ender bonded Narell in the past

and his abode now was a cell in the White Tower.

Kathana loved Lone Wolf, her scribe.

Room mate Mary lived on the edge.

Chocolate and Mint Tea was a bribe.

while Lanfir played with her warders under a hedge.

Phoenix purred and he roared.

The site Broke and was Fixed.

He changed the rules by the power of WebLord.

Bonds broke, Ashaman went mad and Narell and Ender were nixed.

A ray of light did appear.

A newborn girl gurgled in her cradle.

Rose Crimsonthorne was her name, tragic dear.

Blackthorne reborn, the grannies pradle.

Rose was a Warder, unknowning her life's past.

Ashaman killed her only kin.

Of course, that wasn't going to last.

Blackthorne's memory blighted the child; I grin.

Phoenix awakens and burns.

He destroys the storyline.

All is unmade, Blackthorne learns.

Crimsonthorne and Anakin belong now in another time.

Now the Chosen has returned.

She rebuilds her power again.

Servants are claimed and turned.

Lots are cast and like a rain,

She desires to extinguish the flames that burned.
