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Ben’s fond memories


This isn't a full story, yet, just a brief clump of memories... I'll

probably write them up later, but if I don't mention them now I'll forget

that I was going to do it.


I joined way back when Dragonmount first opened up, having seen the

notice on the board. (I know you were there, along with Kathana

and DB and some others) My first memory was of pestering Phoenix about

whether the Warders would be part of the White Tower Org, or not. This is

ALSO how I know that Phoenix is completely wrong about the date when

Dragonmount first opened, because I have emails from him dated a month or

so before his "official" DoB. *grins*


The first thing I noticed about DM was that it was a bunch of

nut-balls. I loved it. *grins* I remember Radish becoming insane from the Taint,

and two other Asha'man performing brain surgery to cure him. I remember

Sathinar menacing people with his dagger. I remember Aldazar,

critisizing all of us when we stepped out of line.


The first major plotline that I remember is Ender's bonding of Narell,

when he ended up drunk (with you) from a case of Apple Brandy that he

had brought by way of apology, and found himself compulsed to go and

bond one of the Reds. This started the filmy dresses and grapse....



I remember Blackthorne revealing that she had been posing as an Aes

Sedai, shocking her Warders.  I also remember that she was captured later,

and bonded by Sam Shadar.


Another plotline that I really remember is the Shadow's assualt on the

Tower, and Sathinar's kidnapping of the Amyrlin. I remember the Aes

Sedai almost NOT rescuing Kathana, because they were busy with other

stuff... (Didn't they almost vote you Amyrlin, because they were too busy to

go looking for her?) Matalina had just joined around then; I remember

sending her to hold the walls, while I went to wander the halls of the

White Tower. I found one of the Dreadlords there, with a Myrddraal... I

should have put an arrow into him, but he cheated. *grins*


I ended up collapsing, since I was sick at the time, and when Serafelle

took me to the Healers, it fueled more speculation that our characters

were lovers, despite denials. (This was back when almost EVERY Aes

Sedai was married or in love or simply sleeping with their Warder; since

Sera and I weren't, we got teased that we were just very secretive about



I also remember an arguement at the end of this plot about whether

Aldazar and Darksmoon and some others could have captured the two Forsaken

who remained in the Tower or not. Eventually, they got away, but it

took a bit to figure that out. *grins* They also erased Blackthorne's

memory of all her AoL knowledge, at the time.


I remember Nordan dying, one of the great Asha'man passing away. I

remember so many little Orgs that never survived to the present; Heroes of

the Horn, Tinkers, Isle of Madmen.


Hmm... I'll have to continue this ramble later. *grins*


Ben T-Gaidin

Husband/Warder to Serafelle Sedai