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Running the brush through the long amber locks, the child Layvens reflects on words spoken long ago. It seems as though her obsession for the one called Donny has led her to do terrible actions. Maybe he was right. This was her youth. She should still be playing with dolls and having fun with friends, not plotting to do wrong to try and steal the one she had been lusting for. Going over to her dresser, Daniel takes the pile of red curls and shuts them in the droor. As she walks to her bed she picks up a stuffed teddy bear that her father had won for her when she was younger. Making cute noises for the bear she begins to talk to it.

Daniel:”Hello Mr. Bear how are you today?”

Bear:”I’m fine Daniel, but you look sad today.”

Daniel:”I am Mr. Bear. I’ve been bad lately.”

Bear:”Well Daniel, it’s never too late to do something about it.”

Daniel:”Your right Mr. Bear. But where should I start?”

Bear:”I think you already have.”

She places the stuffed creature on her pillow and with a new light in her eyes sets out to make the best of this day.

As the final bell rings, Jaime and Kim have to literally push there way through the thick crowd that has been consumed with rumors. Shoving people aside Kim breaks through to get to school yard where students of all ages wait in anticipation. Holding her in his arms, Kim slowly makes his way to the sidewalk. There principle Tedum and his long time friend Lena wait for the outcast child to arrive. As the black car idles, the two adults wait nervously.

George:”I’m really sorry that things had to come down to this Lena.”

Lena:”Don’t blame yourself George. I think it was only a matter of time before this happened.”

The crowd begins to shout and chant random things as the love struck couple makes there way to the car. Opening the door, principle Tedum waits for Jaime to be seated. As he is about to enter Kim grabs his arm in protest.

Kim:’No. Don’t do this. We can find a way. We can make this work.”

Jaime:”Dear you know that’s not true. You know this is for the best. But it’s not the end. We will be together again.”

Kim:”I know.”

Turning to the crowd Kim stands proud and with a mighty shout the entire congregation is silenced.

Kim:”I have something I want to say to all of you.”

With all eyes on him, he lifts Jaime out of the car seat and once again places him by his side.

Kim:”I think it’s only fair to be open about this, despite how people feel. I would like you all to meet someone very special to me. The one standing next to me is Jaime Miyuki. I love him with all my heart, and all my soul. Now you all know what we’ve been hiding. Jaime is a boy. And that’s ok. For you see me and him are in the wrong here. It was wrong of us to hide these things.”

Turning to face his lover he continues to talk to the crowd.

Kim:”We were wrong to hide this. I am guilty more than anyone because I wanted to believe the lie. I wanted to say that I could only love a girl. But I was fooling myself. So call me gay. Call me a fag. Do as you will but It wont’ change a thing. It won’t change my love or feelings for the one by my side. Jaime Miyuki I love you more than anyone or anything on gods green planet. And someday I will be with you again.”

Turning back to the crowd Kim stands strong, holding back the tears he wishes to shed so desperately.

Kim:”You should all feel proud that you got to share the life of someone so special.”

Facing Jaime once more the two realize this could be there end. Letting the tears flow hiding them from the crowd he places his hand on the window as it rolls up.

Kim:”Goodbye my love. I will see you again. I promise you.”

Jaime:”I know. Until then.”

Taking his face in both hands, Jaime tries to hide the tears from her lover. As the vehicle drives off Kim begins to walk through the crowd. Accusing shouts and calls bounce off him but he pays no attention to them.

As the sun begins to set, the young man Kim Masato trots through the park. As he walks past the school gates he notices a figure standing on the steps. Approaching he finds an old friend waiting for him.


Yashiro:”Hey. I heard what you said earlier. That took some real balls man.”


The two sit down and stare ahead as the orange sun begins its decent over the horizon.

Yashiro:”….I envy you.”

Kim:”You do? Why?”

Yashiro:”I think you really know what love is. But maybe it’s not for everyone.”

Turning to his friend he is met by a smile.

Yashiro:”Guess you’re one of the lucky ones.”

Kim:”Well I won’t lie to ya. It’s not easy.”

Yashiro:”Life seldom is.”

Standing up the two begin to walk down the sidewalk.

Kim:”Hey ya wanna go get something to eat.”

Yashiro:”You buying?”

Kim:”HA. I’ll show ya who’s buying.”

Grabbing him in a head lock the two young men walk off together to enjoy the welcoming feeling of nostalgia. I guess we find that life and love really are a rollercoaster ride. We have our ups and downs and times of nasia but when its said and done we don’t say, I wish I hadn’t taken that ride. For the ride makes us stronger. It makes us wiser. Even when we think back to those times of grief we can still laugh at them. This is what life is. This is what love is.