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Taking the sponge in her right hand, Corry removes the soapy plate from the hot water and begins to scrub away. After rinsing it off she sets it aside and with a gruff look to her face takes another plate from the sink. Punishments in the Evans household always seemed to be fitting as it was a well known fact that Corry hated doing the dishes. As the bright day light flows through the window she squints her eyes and continues to do the hated chore. Her attention is grabbed as footsteps come down the stairs. Turning her head Corry finds a rather evil look on Donnys face. He smiles knowing she has misbehaved.

Donny:”Ha ha. What did you do now?”

Spinning her head back towards the window she pouts and lifts her cute little nose into the air. Walking up behind her, he grabs her around the belly and squeezes her.

Donny:”Oh cmon now brat. Did you cheat on your homework again?

Turning quickly she abruptly breaks free from his grip to face him with an angered look.

Corry:”It’s none of your business! I’m a big girl and I don’t need to explain everything to the likes of you!”

She turns back to her chore leaving him in a state of confusion. Not taking his eyes off her, he goes to the counter and makes himself a sandwich. Sitting down at the table he continues to chew his food but never fully breaks his concentration on the enraged little sibling.

Donny:”You’re acting funny today. Did something happen at school?”

Not giving him a response her face of frustration turns sad. She keeps her emotion hid as she continues to wash.

Donny:”Did I do something?”

Finishing his sandwich he walks back up behind her but then suddenly the young girl whips around to face him. Before he can react, she quickly jumps towards him locking her young lips onto his. She holds her kiss until he pulls away awkwardly.

Donny:”Corry….what…what are you doing?”

He looks deep into her large green eyes but his reaction only seems to make them flow with tears. Covering her face she runs up the stairs and into her room leaving him confused once again. Looking blankly ahead Donny finally realizes what is in her mind. He has been blind to her true feelings passing them off as sisterly love where there was obviously something else there. Feeling rather scared and stupid he follows her.

Knocking on the bathroom door, young Yashiro raps loudly in an attempt to get his girlfriends attention.

Yashiro:”Cassie whats keeping you?”

Between sobs he hears her frantically running amuk. Opening the door he finds her with tears of rage in her eyes.

Yashiro:”Whats the matter?”

Viloently opening up her night gown we see a rather ill timed skin condition. Covering her body in blotches we find the usual soft flawless skin of the young girl now made imperfect by a sudden outbreak. The rashes make there way to even her face where she has made an obvious attempt to cover them up with her cosmetics.

Yashiro:”Yeesh. What happened?”

Cassie:”I don’t fucking know! I was fine this morning and now look at me!”

Yashiro:”Oh shit. You have that modeling audition today don’t you?”


Yashiro:”Well I’m sure you can just call them and reschedule right?”

She says nothing but storms out and heads for the bedroom. Picking up her cell phone she goes to turn it on only to find her battery to be dead. Throwing it against the wall she quickly goes to use the house phone. Picking it up she quickly dials but only gets a busy signal from the other end. Slamming this phone down she quickly begins to change unaware of the hidden look of amusement on her boyfriends face. Coming out of the bedroom she is dressed in a black turtleneck and white slacks.

Cassie:”Go start the fucking car. I’m gonna try to cover up some more.”

He stands momentarily before she shoots him a nasty look. Going to the car he starts it up and waits patiently.

Yashiro:”Hmm. Now how can I make this even better?

Looking around he finds nothing on the dash or on the back seet to his benefit. Watching carefully for her he opens the glove compartment to find a half eaten bar of chocolate. Before she exits the house he quickly slips the candy bar down on the seat and hope she is too distraut to see it. Running out Cassie pats her face and quickly enters the car not knowing that she is falling into another trap. Sitting down on the chocolate bar her focused state remains unbroken. He quickly drives her to the agency and before the car even comes to a full stop she is already out the door. Rolling down the window he calls out to her.

Yashiro:”Good luck hun.”

She looks back with a fake smile but says nothing. Entering the building she is met by Mr. Carter’s secretary.

Cassie:”Hello. I’m here to see Mr. Carter.”

Secretary:”Ok. Do you have an appointment.”

Cassie:”Yes. The name’s Mills. Cassie Mills. I’m supposed to meet with him at 4.”

Looking up at the wall Cassie quickly becomes puzzled as she notices the clock reads quarter after. Looking at her watch she is startled to see that her time is much different. She continues to stare at it blankly until her attention is caught by a door to her left. Coming through it is Mr. Carter. He is a nice looking man in his mid fourties with balding black hair and glasses. Following him is a cute girl of 15 years old. The young redhead thanks him before passing Cassie and leaving the building. Looking up to him Cassie finds Mr. Carter to have a rather displeasent look to his face.

Mr.Carter:”Ms Mills. Do you know who that young lady was?”

Cassie:’No. Should I?”

Mr. Carter:”She is what we call a walk in. She came here at 330 hoping to see me but because of your appointment I had to make her wait. But of course when people don’t show that opens the door for others. It is now 4:25. Do you have any serious intention on modeling?

Cassie:”Yes. Yes I do. I’m sorry I’m late. I don’t know how my watch got off….I…”

Mr. Carter.”Very well. Lets just get you in.”

She nods politely and follows him into the next room. Sitting at a long table we find a panel of good looking women and girls ranging in various ages. Watching her she stands before them and waits for instruction.

Woman:”Could you turn around please?”

Turning around slowly Cassie retains her confidence until the panel suddenly begins to snicker. Quickly turning back to them she frantically begins to pat herself checking for something out of place.

Mr. Carter:”Miss Mills what do you have on your backside?”

As the crowd begins to laugh Cassie finds the chocolate that has been planted on her rather large behind. As her face turns red Mr. Carter brings her a hanky.

Cassie:”I…I must have sat in some chocolate.”

Mr Carter:”Its fine dear. Just take off your slacks so we can have a look at your form.”

Taking off her slacks Cassie suddenly realizes what predicament she is in. As the pants fall the crowd begins to talk quietly among themselves. Looking down at her legs she finds them to be even blotchier than her face.

Woman:”Mr. Carter I think we’ve seen enough. This girl obviously doesn’t have the skin for this job.”

Mr. Carter:”Im inclined to agree. Ms. Mills. We thank you for your time. You can be off now.”

As her eyes fill with tears the young girl runs out leaving her chocolate stained pants behind. Running to the car Yashiro rolls down the window giving her an expression of concern.

Yashiro:”Dear what happened?”

She says nothing at first but just sniffs as she is unable to retain her hurt feelings.

Cassie:”Open…open the door dear.”

She is unaware of his motive until his expression of concern suddenly changes to one of joy.

Cassie:”You. You planted that chocolate didn’t you.”

He beings to laugh as her sadness turns to rage.

Cassie:”What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Yashiro:”Not a dam thing”

Smiling joyfully. He takes Cassies class ring off his left hand and abruptly throws it in her face.

Yashiro:”Have a nice walk home. Your stuff will be waiting for you on the sidewalk when you get there.”

Rolling up the window she begins to pound on the car but is unable to break the pleasant expression on his face. Wistleing casually, he drives off leaving her in her underwear and with a 8 mile walk.