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The peering light of the sun shines through the almost transparent curtins which fall gently on the sleeping face of young Donavin Evans. Turning his head his mind tells him to sleep in regardless that his favorite Saturday morning cartoon is about to air. Rolling over he lets out a little grunt and pulls the covers over his head in hopes of retaining his quiet dreamland. As the young boy continues to sleep, his bedroom door creeks open ever so slightly allowing small eyes to peer on his slumbering essence. But even as the morning silence is broken by the abrupt creek of the door, Donny does not wake as his little sister enters the room. Walking over to his bed, Corry wears her hair in cute little pigtails that bounce with each step. She approaches him with a smile but then become reluctant to wake him.

Corry:(Thinking):”Maybe I should let him sleep.”

Going over to his window she pulls the blinds so the unpleasant rays no longer hinder his slumber. Standing there she watches him with curious awe. Although she is still very young, the child has been very confused as of late. Unlike any of the girls in her age group, she had already begun to feel her body changing. Changing in ways that scared her. But aside from that she has been haunted with thoughts, thoughts of her brother. With the unnatural thoughts flowing through her head she remains watching in silent reverence. As minutes pass he unconsciously throws his blankets off reveiling his half naked body. Catching her breath the young girl retains all words as her mind continues to race. She contines to stare until he awakens abruptly. He sits up suddenly to find her watching him.

Donny:”Hey brat. What time is it?”


Donna:”Dammit. I’m missing my show.”

Getting out of bed he grabs her by the waist and carries her downstairs. Plopping her on the couch he quickly turns the tv on and joins her side. With her mind still racing with perverse thoughts, she says nothing but only stares mindlessly at the program. Looking over, Donny makes a strange face.

Donny:”Hey. You alright brat?”

Corry:”Oh yeah.”

She turns back to the show but does not portray her usual self. Grabbing her by the waist he picks her up and sets her on his lap.

Donny:”Hey. Whats with you? You’re acting a little strange this morning.”

Corry:”I said I’m fine!”

Breaking free from his brotherly grasp she storms off leaving him feeling awkward. But the distance helps her mind find peace. Thinking nothing of it, he continues to watch his show as she returns back upstairs.

Elsewhere we find more doors creeking. Peering though the crack in the door, our purple haired hero looks in on his girlfriend who lays still dressed from the night before. Thinking back to last night only seems to fuel the young man for the feat he needs to complete. His plans for revenge had subsided in his mind until she came home drunk the other night. Stumbling through the house she tracked mud and dirt, and bringing who knows what kind of stds with her. Putting that behind him, he shuts the door and quickly proceeds to the kitchen.

Yashiro:”Dammit. Where is he?”

Waiting only a few minutes we hear a gentle tap on the door. Opening it quickly we find a young man of asian decent. His thick rimmed glasses clearly label him as an egghead, but despite Yashiros hate for nerds, he quickly pulls him inside.

Yashiro:”Shhhh don’t be so loud. She may not be asleep for too much longer.”

Guy:”Oh solly Yashiro-kun. Here I bring you this.”

Pulling his hand from his pocket we see a small clear orange bottle with little white pills inside.

Yashiro:”Oh sweet. Will these really work Soichiro-kun?”

Soichiro:”Hai! I make them last night. Just member, they only fresh for 24 hour. Make sure she eats one right away. K?”

Yashiro:”Yeah no problem. I owe you bigtime.”

Soichiro:”Coo. I see you on Monday. You bring me the usual?”

Yashiro:”Sure will. Thanks man.”

With his nerdy friend running off, Yashiro quickly returns to the kichen to prepare breakfast. After breaking a few eggs he gently drops one of the white pills into the mix. As it hits the pan it dissolves into the yolk becoming unseen to the naked eye. As he prepares the omlet, footsteps are heard from the other end of the apartment. After a quick flush of the toilet, Cassie manages to stumble down the hallway and make her way into the kitchen. Flopping into a chair she rests her head on table as if not able to hold it up under her own power.


Yashiro:”Have a few too many last night?”

She says nothing but only lifts her head to give him a snobified look of disgust. Setting her head back on the table she lets out another sigh.

Yashiro:”Don’t worry hun. I made you an omlet. Do you want any pepper?”

Cassie:”Duh. Don’t I always?”

Flopping the omlet onto the plate, he grabs the pepper and hands them to her. Sitting down he eats his bacon and although his meal is cold his heart is warmed by the thoughts of things that will transpire in the coming days.

Yashiro:”So when is that modeling thing?”

Cassie:”Ughhh. Tommarow. Good thing I have today to recover.”

Yashiro:”Well lets just hope things go well. This could be your big break right?”

Cassie:”Yeah. I’ve been sending my pics to that Carter freak for years now. It’s about dam time he decided to call me. Speaking of calls, how did the downtown job go?

He looks up at her but puts his head down and continues to eat.

Cassie:”That good huh? Shit. Where never gonna be able to afford this place if you don’t get a better job.”

Yashiro:”Good thing we can count on your modeling huh?”

Cassie:”Hello? That money Is mine. As in mine to spend and have fun with. You’re the man around here. It’s your responsibility to support me.”

Looking up with a smile he meets her eyes with a look of glee.

Yashiro:”Ya know your right. Your man really should support you.”

Getting up he gleefully takes his dishes to the sink and rinses them. As he hums a song to himself, Cassie cannot help but become overwhelmed with feelings of nervousness. He contines to do the dishes but does not let her see the devilish smile that grows on his face.