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This is my AWESOME website. lol. I know you'll love it. Right now we've got some stuff about my friends, stuff from my photography class, a hell of a lot of stuff on BSB (the actual reason I made the site and what took up like, a whole summer to finish), some stupid internet quiz results, Bishónen and Bishoujo things (they're kinda like pokémon, but they're just little pictures that say "I caught _____".), some Bishi Trading Cards (which I don't really pay attention too anymore) and some cool links.

I'll hopefully be adding some more to this site. I'll actually try to update this (unlike my diary, which I have slacked off on lately. lol). I know I'd like to put some of my lyrics on here, write some poetry and put it on here for criticism. I also might do like, a page just for my thoughts on things. We'll see what happens.

So, have a look around. If you have suggestions, let me know, and if you want your page on my links, also let me know.

Oh, and the email at the bottom is for yahoo, but I have MSN messenger as well. That email is


July 12th: I added more friends to the friends page and added film 3 to my photography. I also just made a page about Clay Aiken!

hera_goddess_queen got their NeoPet at

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All About Me
Some info on my friends
Photography Assignments
Clay Aiken
Quiz Results
Bishónen and Bishoujo
Bishi Trading Cards
