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Ale's Homepage

I'm renovating. My christian name is Allison Leigh Purmort. Most people call me Ale. I was born in Canoga Park, California, but I now live in Ohio, the loser capital of the world. Im seventeen as of October 30 (Devils Day not Halloween, you retards) and I drive a gold Nissan Xterra (Visit Some nice facts to know about me: My favorite movies are Sixteen Candles and Anastasia. I've never recieved flowers from a guy. My two passions and photography and stained glass. I eat alot of cookies and I'm a whiner. Thats about everything that you need to know about me. My ICQ number is 20544006. Write me sometime. MY email is actually know this is hard to read so I'll spell it out for you a-underscore-purmort-at-hotmail-dot-com. I know that you are in love with me already so just send an email.

This is me and my little brother Evvie. Hes a year younger than me. He needs a girlfriend so any girls that are interested look him up on ICQ!

This is Darren, Me, my cousin Meghan, and Mario. I met them at Martha's Vineyard. They are cool guys.

This is me and my best friend Paige at homecoming. I love ya honey!

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~Ale's On the Edge of Insanity~

Hey ya'll, I'm at school and I'm pretty bored, so I thought I'd drop a line here. Well not much is new in my life, other than the fact that I'm completely busy and bored at the same time. And college apps are getting to be a total pain in my ass. Im really not ready to do that stuff, but I have to so...whats a girl to do. As for my love life, completely non existant! What would you expect. No actually, I'm gay and I like about 5 boys that arent going to work out no matter what I do. Perhaps im an idiot. Im really not sure. And this has been the first year that I have a crush on a freshman, which is soooo werid. And i like one of my friends. Geeez. Whats wrong with me. Why cant i be content with my loveless life??? Well thats it for now, because i probably should be working on something educational. xo A.

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Want to see something funny..Drunk Kitty

A.J.'s Page..Such a sweetie!
Drew's Page..Its Mavalous Dahrling!
My cousin Sean's page...CONSENT!
My friend Kevin's band.
