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Justifications regarding Rumors

Well, although the Rumors Page is a source of entertainment, I decided to put up a Justification page that "justifies" that the rumors posted are false or true. In a way, I suppose it is a second rumors page, lol, but it's better to see different perspectives. :o)

*sources: peeps who have visited my site and e-mailed me that will remain anonymous unless they contact me to let me know I can use their names.

** <---Recently Posted (1/14/00)


Number One:
"...I have met Joey, Chris, and Lance before at the after party for the Blockbuster Awards. Anyway, I also met Nsync's guitarists and he said...JC is with the doctor from the I Drive Myself Crazy video."

Number Two:
"i wanted to tell you that Justin is dating Britney. I have a magazine its called "ALL ACCESS" And it has justins Info and where it says GirlFriend: it says Britney spears (Its True) thats exactly what it says." *nsyncflygurl*


Same person from Support #1

"First off, the German magazine is like the Nat'l or the Globe magazines. Basically, they lie."

Number Two:

"About that rumor w/ Justin and Brit in a hotel...false. I know someone , a friend of Justin, and she told me what happened. Britney checked into a hotel w/ 'N sync and stayed in a seperate room w/ her mom and Justins mom." *Sharon*, her e-mail addy is:

**Number Three:**

"Well, the one about Justin and Britney making-out at the KISS 108 concert in Boston is flase. I know this becuase I worked that concert with the radio station and 'N Sync and Britney never even got close enough to talk to each other, let alone make-out! Britney got to the venue about five minutes before her performance and left right after to make a flight for her next show, so there was no time. And I was the one who drove her to and from her bus so she could not have snuck out to see him. SO I do not know if they were dating or not, but I do know they did not see each other at that concert."

Alright, that's it for now!! If you wanna support a rumor or go against it, e-mail me, and I'll be glad to post it up on this page. :o)

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