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Hiro was commissioned by City of Tucson to make a public art for Transportation Art By Youth program Summer 2024. It ia the wayfinding for the Wagging Tails Dog Park, in Tucson. The dog park was made on the bird watching area, so we included each accordion pannels to have local birds playing with different breed dogs from small to large. Then the Saint barnarl is like jumping out from the sign. In the next isle, we created 14 feet Origami style dog Bone with Wagging tails dog park sign on it. We also created a couple of cactus with recycles signa and Fire Hydrant made with Stop Sign. We also created two concrete catus. One with Owl on it. Ther is also a gog hips and tail pointing the dog park direction.

Going East Towards the Park Video Click Here

Going WestAt Night View Video Click Here

Hiro and Jason Buttler were commissioned by Pima County to make a public art for West End of Vallencia and Ajo Way intersection area. The town commissioner committee people like the idea of making 8 feet native animal benches ( Coyote, javelina, Quail, Gila Monstyer Lizard, Humming bird, Horned lizard. with native vegetation shade(Ocotillo, Prickly Pear Cactus, Mesquite Leaves, and Branches) to the walkway.


Hiro and Jason Buttler were commissioned by town of Oro Valley to make a public art for Oro Valley Community Center Entrance with 10 high school students from the area. The town commissioner committee people like the idea of making no realistic sculpture or patterns, so we cam up with an abstract patters mosaic tiles.



           Hiro and Jason Buttler were commissioned by town of Oro Valley to make a public art for Naranja Park with 10 high school students from the area. The town commissioner committee people like the idea of making 8feet tall family of Quial going to the park by carrying the park amenities, such as baseball, skate board, archery, soccer, kite, splash garden, etc.




           Hiro and Jason Buttler were commissioned by City of Tucson to make a public art for 1st and Navajo, Mountain View Neighborhood in Tucson. Local residents wanted an abstract image that shows the area, nature, bike friendly city



           Hiro and Jason Buttler were commissioned by City of Tucson to make a public art for the Dumber Spring Neighbourhood in Tucson


Click here for the Newspaper Article on August 1st, 11


           Hiro and Jason Buttler were commissioned by City of Tucson to make a public art for the entrance of "Michael Perry Memorial Park"

We work with 7 high school students and a college student as an assistant. Mostly will be completed by the end of July, 2011

Click here for the video of the News This was a TV news on July 28, 11

Click here for the Newspaper Article on August 1st, 11


     "Beach in Heaven": Public Art for Phoenix Convention Center, Phoenix, Arizona.


 Talks about Phoenix with Mixed Culture with Food cactus, City Life with fashion cactus. Flowers are blooming sprinkler is giving water to the lawn, it has the sense of water and livery activities shown by the 15'tall fish cactus.


     "What's Next": Public Art for Mission Branch Library, Tucson, Arizona

     5'x3'x3" each

     Talks about the heritage in Tucson. Ancient, Recent and Present


         "Fish cactus": Public Art for Jacob's Park, Tucson, Arizona

      Public art for Jacob's Park. The sculpture for the Water park for family and children. The sculpture displayed in the vegetation area in out door, inside of the fence for the swimming pool facility.


  "Ashita No Joe": Public Art for Bunsei Art University, Tochigi, Japan. This life size sculpture was made by using cartoon character "Ashita No Joe".


           "The Blue Sky": Public Art for Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport. Budget $100,000. The piece is installed at the airport in the Fall 2004

The piece has 108 inches high and has metal structures inside for permanent display.


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