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Tammy's Status

Name: Tammy Lynn Sytch

Height: 5'4

Weight: 126 lbs.

Hometown:Matawan, New Jersey

Birthday: December 7, 1972

Status: She is engaged with Chris Candido

Previous Identities: Tammy Fytch, Tamara Murphy, Sunny

Managed:Cris Candido, Brian Lee, The Body Donnas, The Godwinns, the Smoking Gunns, Farooq

Titles She Accompanied: ECW Tag champs, Cris Candido, and Lance Storm. NWA championship belt Cris Candido, WWF tag team champs the Body Donnas, WWF tag team Champs the Godwinns, and WWF Tag Team champs the Smooking Gunns

Promotions: WWF, NWA, SMW, ECW

Arch Enemy: Now, Tammy Lynn Bytch, but in the Past Kimberly (then known as Dirty White Girl)

Pro Debut: Was pretending to be a little girl suing SMW

School:Wellesly College, MA

Major: Pre law (this email may not be actually hers. I got it from another site and the owner said the emails might not work.)