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The High(+)Council stands for the protection of of its members and allies. an have in the clan. They organize rallys, tournaments, army movements, and bot construction. Mainly, they are the overseeing of everything that engages in Royal(+)Knights, and alliance clans. There are Represenatives from the alliance clans, there are 2 from each clan that come as a part of the council. Those 2 Representives are the only ones from that clan that can represent there clan. There are many individuals thou from Royal(+)Knights that are in the High(+)Council, due to the reason, each council member controls a certain area of the clan. There is Military Movement, Spy Work, Bot Construction, Web Page Design, and Member affairs, etc. Listed here are the Representaives of the High(+)Council.

(+)First-Knight- Leader of (+).

(+)LordVanquish- 1st in command.

(+)Sir_Rupert- 1st in command.

(+)WAR-WARRIOR- Leader of (+).

(+)Peerless- 2nd in command.

(+)TiCaL_FoO- 2nd in command.

(+)Darkness- 3nd in command.

(+)STRONG_4LIFE- 3rd in command.

(+)^Cataylst^- Advisor of Royal(+)Knights.

(+)BlueStar- A High Council Memeber.

(+)Nova_Knight- A high council member.

(+)MikeE.Clark- A new High Council Member.

High(+)Council FAQ

Page Created by (+)Strong_4Life