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For one to enter a dwelling, one must first knock and wait, before one would be invited to enter.

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Welcome To,

The Book Of Ash
The Book Of Ash
'where wisdom is best served with knowledge'

. Solitude is a way in which one finds lonely, yet some perfer to be alone.

. To giggle tends to lead one into a rage of laughter,
a laugh cures the soul from the pain suffered from lifes woes.

. Great adventures start with a single footstep,
the discoveries on ones adventure are part of the learning of life,
all life is therefor a great adventure.

. When you not worry about how long it takes, it seems to take less time to happen,
when you worry about it happening, it takes a longer time.

. When Life throws you to the ground, get back to your feet,
only then will life reward you for not being down.

. Never deny one the urges one craves, this only makes one crave more for what they urge.

. Learning in confinement of the school classroom doesn't achieve the knowledge one may gain
from outside the classroom, in the real world, knowledge is every where, and not confinded,
to the pages of a book, wisdom grows from knowledge of the real world.

. Sleep is best, when dreams are of friends, good friends make the best dreams.

. A warm smile comforts even the coldest of hearts.

. Heart felt warmth heals one from the outta cold of nature.

. Wisdom is best served with lifes interests at heart.

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