Some links to Kewl stuff.....

ISN'T THIS PAGE OBVIOUS ENOUGH?.. it's about links.. all about links!.. It has some funky sites mentioned as well as my other pages incase you wanna have a look around while You suffering form this case of boredem!..

Anyways have a great time surfing the world wide web BYE!!

My Favorite Site for Home Pages

Angelfire Home Pages

Other Angelfire Services - which are here because it's the law!

A Free Angelfire Email Account.
Best homepage of the month.
News from Angelfire.

Kill the bordem..
Check these out!!!!!!

The Mystical Relem
The dream Empoureum.
Famous Quotes
If your bored and you know it.. clap your hands
My front Page.
Well it's over now.. This is the last page.....
This is my bud Ads's page.. It's a must to check out!
bits and pieces
Tickle Me Elmo
The Perfect Joke
astrology net-Star signs Etc....
gurl pages..
Chickmail email address
This is where i found my cyber pets... which have now moved....
Send a card to show someone you care
Hotmail.. Free Emails
Aaron's's all about socks!