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The Pet Page-cats

This is our webpage about cats. It focuses on basic cat care. If you have questions or additional information on cats, e-mail us at

Cats as Pets:

Cats, in my opinion, make excellent pets. They are very easy to care for, and make great companions. My cat is like that. Unlike many other pets, cats each have a distinct personality. Some are affectionate and friendly, while others are more aloof. Each cat has it's own distinct colouring, different from other cats, even cats of the same breed.

Is a Cat the Right Pet for Me?:

Before getting a cat, consider these things:

  1. Do you have enought room in your house/apartement to allow the cat to exercise?
  2. Are you or any people who live with you allergic to cats? (If you suspect an allergy, contact your doctor to get allergy tests done)
  3. Do you have other pets? A cat could be in danger if you have a dog, or the cat could harm small animals like birds, hamsters, or other pets. The cat could get hurt trying to attack dangerous pets like Amazon Parots.
  4. If you want a longhaired cat, do you have the time to brush it EVERY DAY?

Should I get a Purebred or a Nonpedigree Cat:

If you are planning on bringing your cat to cat shows to compete, if you want to breed pedigree cats, or if you really like a specific breed of cat, then you should get a purebred cat. otherwise, a nonpedigree cat is best, because they are less expensive, and are often healthier.

Longhaired or Shorthaired Cat:

I would recommend a shorthaired cat, because they are much easier to care for. if you choose a longhaired cat, you will have to brush it's fur EVERY day or it will get badly tangled.

Where Should I get my Cat?:

The best place to get cats is through the classified ads, where people are giving away kittens. These kittens are usually healthier than cats bought in pet stores. If you want a purebred (pedigree) cat, you will have to contact a breeder and be prepared to pay a hundred dollars or more for the cat. Also, many breeders will only sell their cats to people after making sure that they will give it a good home.


To feed a cat, just buy commercial cat food and follow the directions they give you. You can choose from dry or canned foods, neither one is better. it's just a matter of personal opinion. I prefer dried food, because you can leave the right amount of food out for the cat to eat when it likes.


Cats need to have fresh water available all the time, even if they don't seem to be drinking it! They especially need water if they are fed dry cat food.


you can buy a cat brush at the pet store to brush your cat's fur. If ou have a shorthaired cat, you only need to brush it while it's shedding. If you have a longhaired cat, you need to brush it thouroughly every day.

About the Litter Box:

The litter box is where cats go to the bathroom. Most cats are naturally litter trained, so you only need to show them where the litter box is. it should be in a quiet, private place. There are two types of cat litter, regular and clumping. I prefer clumping cat litter, because it is a lot less work. With clumping cat litter, just scoop out the clumps every day to clean it. With regular litter, you need to scoop out the clumps and you need to completly change the litter every week. With clumping cat litter, just add more as the level of litter goes down.

There is a lot more to learn about cats. If you are in need of more information, visit your local library or bookstore to get an entire book on cats.

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