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Hello and welcome to my webpage. Most likely your visiting my web page because you know me. But if you don't know me, click on the links to find out more about me. I'll warn you now --- there's usually not much excitement in my life so happy hunting!

So here's some answers to questions you might have about me....

My name is Jamie Hann. I am 22 years old and I live in New Jersey with my man Jason. Right now I go to college in the hood of Camden (a.k.a Rutgers University) where I am an accounting major. On top of school I work part time in an accounting firm (Jerold D. Gerstein & Associates).

So that's pretty much the low down on me. Anything else you feel you need to know, email me or you can check out some other links to my friends web pages.

Hopefully, I will update this page more than once a year, so keep watch for updates---especially since I'm getting married!!!
