Inside a Witch's Hat

Inside a Witch's Hat

Welcome! I am Nicole, the little maker of this little page. If you feel that organized religion has failed you, this is the place to be. :) This site deals with the subject of Neo-paganism, Wicca, and the occult. Now there are some people out there who will try to tell you that people like us sacrifice kittens to Hades and have crazy sex rituals, but none of that is true. But, just in case one of those sheep herders somehow "stumbled upon" this page, I have my little buddy Xavier down there to give a final warning...

Hello. Zo, the witch who runs this site, used to sit me here to scare people away. No she's decided that she doesn't want to scare people away, and wants me to be nicer. *sigh* So, look, witches hang out here. Real witches. No pointy hats or flying broomsticks, but we're real nontheless. If you don't like it go away. Shoo. There, is that better?

Yes, Xavier.

Good. I'm not doing that again.

   I've been a bit...preoccupied lately. You know, school, family, anxiey disorder...normal every day things that take up your time. But now I'm trying to put a little more content in the sections I've already put up rather than waste my time with cooking up something new. So enjoy the rest of the old introduction.

   I created this page so that Wicca and other Earth religions will not be misunderstood. Yes, some of the myths, such as turning people into toads and fornicating with Satan are untrue. But some of the other things, such as talking to elves and and cats, are quite non-fictional. It's high time people realized that the world is not what it appears to be. I've been working on this page to try to appeal to people like me, who have always been curious about superstitious things like ghosts and faeries, and give them something that'll just make their day. So here we are, witches, in the flesh. (Okay, not really in the flesh, since this is a website and everything. But you get my meaning.) If you have any comments, questions, suggestions, corrections, or even want me to post something here for you, feel free to e-mail me (it's right next to Tina the Troubled Teen down there). I know I don't have much right now, but I'm working on it. Hey, at least you might find something amusing. <|:)


What's New 10/9/01

<~~~Wow, finally! A minor, miniscule update!

All About Me...sort of


So, my Page isn't good enough for you...


Book Reviews

<~~~more ranting

All About Wicca

<~~~I did the best I could!

Consult Xavier

<~~~c'mon, e-mail the wizard...ya know you want to.

The Charge of the Goddess

<~~~Ladies first.

The Charge of the God

<~~~Gentlemen second.

The Wiccan Rede

<~~~The little rules we live by.

Thoughts on the Devil

<~~~I'll probably update this little essay...I wouldn't call it finished, but here it is.

Animosity Towards Goths

<~~~Why can't we all just love one another?? *cry*

A Lil' Book of Shadows

<~~~Seen the 2nd Blair Witch movie? Are you curious?

Why I'm Not Dianic

<~~~Hail to the Sun God, He's a real fun God, Ra Ra Ra. ^_^

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"Sometimes I think the only reason we are not all witches and wizards is because we have not all been burned at the stake." -Friedrich du Spree, Christian monk.

"We are all angels but with one wing. We must embrace each other in order to fly." - anonymous

"The Lotus Flower is the flower that rose above the muddy water and kept its pureness, freshness and beauty. Rise above the adversity, keep your head high and proud, like the Lotus flower." -author unknown

"I do not agree with what you are saying, my friend, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!" -Voltaire