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s igns of life

The Master Angler Returns!?!?

oH yEaH!!!


What's New?

05-22-2002  Yt and I are heading out this afternoon for our first trip of the year to walleye haven in the northwest area of Minnesota.  We will be meeting up with my Uncle Kim and my cousin Zack and hopefully slaughtering plenty of the "great fish".  Check back after Sunday for plenty of pix and perhaps a video clip of the action.  If you'd like to compare the action you better check out the pix from last year's trip below.  And don't forget to check out the pictures from the first river/hill trip of the year.
07-24-2002  Time for another trip to the great state of Minnesota.  We will be one member short this year in our quest for the elusive fish of the honey hole.  Yt is going to be attending a family reunion this year instead of slaughtering pike with the boyz.  
08-01-2002  See the results from our newest discovery of fishing holes below.  Fishing in Minnesota was a great time this year!!  The pike were on the bite!!

Calendar of Events
Click on the month for the currently scheduled events
This area of the page will be under construction until further notice.

June 2002

Lots of Pix

beast from the depths

Mail Jaspsycho

Copyright Jaspsycho 1997
Have you driven a the beast lately?



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Last revised: May 22, 2002.

Copyright 1997 - Jaspsycho - by Mac!!