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Janna's Page

Welcome to my online photo album and thank you page :)

Hi there peepz! It's me Janna. Here are some pics for y'all to see. It's pictures of some of my neato friends. Um, I'd like to take this time to say thank you to some wonderful people who have helped shaped my life and helped me to be the person I am today. ~My family of course for their unconditional love.~Mom and Dad: Thanks for being so patient with me and for guiding me into the right direction. ~My wonderful old friends: Christina, Traci, Sho, Robyn, Elisse, Kelli, Bonnie, Robyn, and Mich. Some of us have remained close and some of us not, but regardless of what time or distanced may have changed, our friendship will always be special, unique, and irreplacable. Cru, Tra, and Kel, E, Tina, and Mich...Thank you for portraying such an important role in my past and present times, and for being there when I needed you the most. You guys are such true friends, thank you so much! ~To all my wonderful new friends I have made along the way: Sheila, Tina, Corrie, Teri, Leesa, Serena, Christina, Kristy, Kawado, MAC, Troy, Kawado, Shuto, Mike, and all the rest of the Kaneohe crew, Rod and Casey folks, Amy, Brandon (thank you for helping me make this page),to my unforgotten high school friends, to Jason Mora... my totoro friend whom I hardly have the chance to talk to anymore, and to many others away at college...thank you for your friendship, and for the memories we have made and the memories we have yet to make. I'm so proud to have such wonderful and caring friends like yourselves!~Ok well, Thanks for taking the time to visit my page. Have a Good Day! Take care! love, Janna

Ok guys, this page was taking WAY too long to load,
so I did some remodeling. Don't worry, all your
pretty pictures are still here!

Click here to see the pics!
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Enter at your own risk!

~ Some Links ~

Leesa's Page
Brandon's Page
Kano's Page
Janna's Favorite Story and Quotes

Dedication page for you

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