Andy Anderson, Candidate for Governor of Hawai’i in the Democrat Party Primary Election of 2002 -- Andy's Position Paper on Hawaiian Sovereignty and Ken Conklin's Commentary

D.G. "Andy" Anderson is a candidate for Governor of the State of Hawai'i in the Democrat primary election of 2002. He is a businessman with a long history of public service, including a 20 year period as an elected Republican member of both the Hawai'i House and Senate (1962-82). Thus, Andy is a highly experienced politician.

In July of 2002 Andy began circulating a position paper on Hawaiian sovereignty. He circulated it apparently only to friends of his who are Hawaiian sovereignty activists, generally in the independence wing of the movement.

I was fortunate to receive a copy of Andy's position paper, from a source which must remain confidential. A lengthy period followed, when Andy did not place his position paper on his public campaign website, where he has posted other position papers on other topics. During this period he has had numerous media advertisements on several topics, such as proposing a "Pineapple lottery," establishing a State of Hawai'i government gasoline company, and urging support for children with special needs under the Felix consent decree. But throughout this period he has kept carefully silent regarding his views on the most important issue facing Hawai'i. Perhaps his purpose was to rally support among some radical Hawaiian sovereignty activists, without letting mainstream ethnic Hawaiians and other citizens of Hawai'i know about his radical views on this topic. I decided that it is in the public interest that his views on this most important topic should be available to the public. We are fortunate that Andy was not previously elected Governor, and that we now have access to his views on Hawaiian sovereignty so we do not elect him Governor this year or ever in the future!

Less than 24 hours after I posted this webpage, and published an announcement of it on a widely-read on-line newspaper (Malia Zimmerman's "Hawai'i Reporter"), Andy Anderson then felt compelled to post his position paper on his own website.

Here is a brief summary of Andy Anderson's most controversial main points

Here is Andy Anderson's complete, unaltered position paper on Hawaiian Sovereignty, as circulated among Hawaiian sovereignty activists in July/August 2002.

Here are excerpts from Andy's position paper, and commentary by Ken Conklin, focusing on the controversial main points. Ken Conklin's comments are in red letters, to separate them clearly from Andy's writing and to convey the impression of a teacher commenting on a student's misguided term paper.


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