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This Page Is Dedicated To My Friend

Thank you, friend, for reaching out-and, now I'm reaching back to you
With this page to say I'm grateful for the friendship that we share~
This page is designed for this occasion, for it's called a "Friendship Page,"
and I hope that this page will remind you even when we are apart
That your friendship is a treasure~that I hold you in my heart.

~~ Close Friends ~~
Close friends are the ones you contact
when there is good news...the ones you alert
when there is a need for prayer...
the ones you confide in when there is a burden
to be shared...the ones you involve when there
are special plans being made...the ones you
thank God for whenever you are counting
your richest blessing!
Written By Roy Lessin

~ Sherri And Jeanine ~
Having Tea Together
There's a joy in my soul...
a praise in my heart... because of the ways God has used you in my life!
Roy Lessin

"I'm counting my blessings
and it's certainly true~
one of my greatest is the gift of you!"

is God's special
way of loving us
through someone

We've shared so much laughter, shared
so many tears. We've a spiritual bond
that grows stronger each day. We're
not sisters by birth, but we knew
from the start, God put us
together to be sisters
by heart.