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Eponine's Les Miserables Fan Fiction Site!

Hi! Welcome to my page! On my page there is my story: The Sequal to Les Miserables (creative title, ain't it?). The story is MINE, and you can't take it. If you want to post it on your page, just email me at and you can use it as long as you get permission and give me credit. Comments are also welcome. I know this story will never live up to what the man (Victor Hugo) created. You don't have to tell me that- I know. I want to dedicate my story to Victor Hugo, and all of those who died fighting for the French Republic- Vive la republique! Well read on fellow fan fiction lover- and sign the Guest book on your way out!

Red- I feel my soul on fire!

Black- My world if she's not there!

Red- The color of desire!

Black- The color of despair!

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Stuff to Do On My Page

About My Story
My Story: Part 1
My Story: Part 2 (Coming Soon!)
Updates On My Story
