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How To Have Peace & Joy

     Are you looking for peace & joy? Well in order to have peace & joy you must fullfill your purpose in life. If you are hired to do a job and you do not fullfill your job requirements you will not be at peace or be joyous, if you are a parent and you don't do right by your child you will not be at peace or joyous either. So what is your purpose in life? I at one time found myself wondering about that too. Everyone wants peace & joy out of life. We all try to do different things to get it, & to find it. Some of us in our family life, in our career life, & some in our social life. We think if we buy new things, wear new clothes, go on vacation, get a promotion, find a new mate, have kids, do something different etc. that we will have the peace & joy we are searching for & find the purpose of life. But we find that the new car is not as nice after awhile, the promotion is too stressful & takes up too much time, children are a big responsibility, every relationship has problems, so we go from one person to another to find that everyone has qualities that we don't like about them & we realize that noone is perfect, & we start to think why did I break off the other relationship. So where do we find peace & joy & the purpose of life? I grew up without going to church, not even on holidays. As a teen I thought I knew everything & noone was telling me what to do. Now as I look back, I did the things I did to get attention. My mom loved me and wanted to show me the purpose of life & to show me how to have peace & joy but how could she when she didn't know herself or have it. Many parents are that way (can't teach their kids cause they are searching themselves). I found out I was pregnant my husbands mom started talking about purpose, heaven, hell etc. I thought she was nuts. After a while I started thinking I'm having a child & I don't know what life is about. How can I teach a child the purpose when I don't know myself? At the time I was in door to door sales so I met alot of people different religions, walks of life etc.. I started asking questions what is the purpose, religious beliefs etc.. I met Catholics, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Christians, Jehovahs Witnesses, Mormans etc.. I thought there has to be more to life than living the best you can and dying. I started praying "God if your real show me & show me the right religion if any." The Catholics I met told me to believe, pray to Mary & confess my sins to a Priest, Lutherans told me to believe what Jesus did, Jehovah winesses told me to be good & maybe I would be one of the chosen few to have eternal life, Christians told me all are sinners (romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God) & Jesus was the only person that ever lived on earth that was without sin because He was born of a virgin. Sin has been passed down by Adam & Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin (before that they sacrificed animals to shed the blood to cover their sins & knew Jesus would one day come to be the final sacrifice). When Jesus shed his blood on the cross & arose the 3rd day & ascended to heaven He fullfilled his purpose and one day will return for those who have accepted him into their heart & asked for forgiveness of their sins & to do their best to live for their creator to fullfill their purpose in life. I had no clue what to believe, so I continued to pray God if your real show me the truth & the right way. I started to read the Bible, because I wanted to find the truth not just listen to a man & believe what he said because it sounded good. Then I started to believe the Bible was true & started praying God bring someone to me that can answer every question I have in the Bible. The following weekend a Pastor came to visit my mother-in-law from a church she checked out the week before. I asked him alot of questions & every answer he showed me in the Bible. He showed me Catholics were wrong because a priest can't forgive sins only God can, also we don't need to confess to anyone but God, Lutherans were wrong because we have to not only believe what Jesus did but we have to accept him into our heart (be reborn in John 3:3 it says "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."). Jehovah Witnesses were wrong because the Bible says there is none good & also in Romans 10:13 it says "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." not just chosen ones. Christians were the only ones who told me what the Bible said. We need to really search things out before we get into something, there are alot of false teachings out there. The Pastor later asked me if I wanted to pray and get saved(born again). I didn't jump into it, I said I wasn't sure it was right for me. Later that night I was reading the Bible & prayed God show me the truth. I read John 3:3 it said "except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.". The next day (Sunday) I read the Bible again, I read Romans 10:13 it said "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." I started crying & realized I was a lost sinner and on my way to Hell I started praying "God please forgive me for all the things I've done wrong (sins) & help me to live my life with purpose for you & come into my heart, in Jesus name Amen." At first I thought I didn't get saved & even thought I was too bad he didn't want to save me because nothing happened. But slowly I started to notice changes, within a week I wasn't swearing anymore (I didn't try to change myself it happened, because He was in my heart changing me because I was born again) I started going to church because I wanted to, reading my Bible daily, & praying all the time. Since that day (3-7-94 @ 12:00pm) I have a peace & joy that hasn't left I have found the true purpose of life (I still go through problems but the peace is still there). Do you know your purpose in life? Are you fullfilling it? Do you know where your going when you die? You can know, I know for sure where I'm going when I die! I know I'm fullfilling my purpose in life! John 3:3 says Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. "No matter how good we try to be or how many hail Mary's we say is going to give us peace or eternal life." In John 14:27 it says "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Jesus said this He is the only one who can give peace & only by being born again. In Revelation 3:20 it says "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Jesus also says that, is he knocking trying to come into your heart? Do you hear his voice? You hold the key, are you going to open the door and ask him into your heart? It's up to you he will knock but he cant come in unless you ask him to. Just remember once you die it's too late ask him in before it's too late!

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