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Story Links

These are links to my fav stories online. The are all really, really good.

Friendships Ever Changing

This is a Nick story. The plot's common but it's the best story using this plot, I think. And you're lucky. She's done writing it so you can read it all at once.

You Never Know

This a story where the main character works with Brian after the Boys have finished.

Kim's Stories

Kim's stories are so awesome! You have got to read her triology with the stories Best Friends, Promises Kept, Hearts Broken, and The Meaning In My Life. You just have to.

Backstreet Stories

A page with all sorts of really good BSB fan fic stories.

Shelley's BSB Story

This is a really good Brian story. His girlfriend has a baby and then she leaves. It's about how Brian has to deal with it.

In Love and War

An AJ story. He knows everything about this girl and she knows nothing about him.


This is a story based in the future. Aaron joined the Boys and it didn't work out as planned. The ending is very sad, I think, so be prepared.

Angel Standing By

An AJ short story. He's an actor, not in the BSB. It's about him dealing with the death of a friend.

Forever Left Me Yesterday

A really, really sad short story. One of the guys dies and his fiance has to deal with it.

Backstreet Fiction

This is the best place to find BSB fan fic. Torie, the owner, has the best stories, hosted stories, and links I have seen anywhere.

Backstreet StoryBook

This site has a ton of good stories. You have got to read Sunshine After The Rain. You just have to.

Times Like These

This story is written by Jess and she also has a cool hosted story. Plus, she likes my stuff so you have to check it out!

The Greatest *NSYNC Fanfic
This is a great site! Lots of stories plus tons of links. If you like *NSYNC, you have to check it out.

Rainy Days & Cloudy Skies