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T e v a n s Homepage!


Click to see my pic on page3

I am now 26 yrs. old (yikes!)

I love all outdoor after various trips you'll see photos. Mostly they are of nature....though I tend to take Black and White photos of my friends. It captures their moods so much better than color.

On this site there are different poems and photographs at any given point in time. Please keep in mind that these are ALL copyrighted and you must ask permission to use them. The graphics that are used are available if you click on the links at the bottom.

Please enjoy these 3 pages and feel free to sign my guestbook at the bottom to let me know what you think. :-)
    On this page, you will see
  • Some things that are dear to me
  • Some things are just for fun
  • So into my world you must come

    Journey here for two cool sites

    A special thanks to free art from A Touch of Magick

    Wonderful 3D graphics, courtesy of this site!

    Thanks for visiting.Be sure to drop in again soon!

    And last go here, for cuisine delights

    Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook