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OUR NEWSLETTER This is a great place to keep everything updated. This is also the place for you Ladies, if you want to share anything with us. And we mean Anything!:o) Her you can post (ex): Articles Novels Poems Words of wisdom Humor Recipes Articles Or just share some sunshine storeys that have happend to you :o) Have you become a Mother,Grandmother, or Sister ? WE WANNA KNOW !! *lol* Please submit your news to the form below, and we will post it for you in a few days.
Lady's Name

E-mail address

Lady's article

If you would like to post something that will show right away,
please go to our news & discussion forum above. Please visit often for news BACK

March 15th'99.
We have a new contest--> " Page Of The Month".
There is so many wonderful homepages and talented Ladies in this ring. You don't have to be a member to vote, are you a visitor, and find a page your really think deserve a little extra, feel free to vote.
For more information, visit the voting page.
Page Of The Month

January 8th 1999.
Please take a look at the new link, Birthday committees, I hope you all will add your birth dates :o)