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*tisk, tisk, tisk*

Before anyone begins to read, I must inform you that these are only rumors. You must understand that I do not ever want to hurt anyone's feelings or create stories about 'N Sync. Of course, these are all heard by someone else. However, that is no excuse, and I don't support rumors yet I have made this page...which would give you a sense that I am being hypocritical. You must trust me that I am doing some major acting in what I type in this Rumors section. I honestly do not feel negatively towards 'N Sync in any way. Okay, now that you have read what I feel, you may continue reading the Rumors, or you may return to the

Well, JC has had lots of rumors lately. Either he's really been busy...and I mean BUSY...or he has an incredibly....Normal life...and everyone just has to pick on him. Afterall, the other guys do say that he's the easiest one to pick on. :op Anyways, I've been on a few sites and one stood out from the others because of a particular rumor. Okay, here goes...

At first, everyone talked about JC going out with Stacy from Wild Orchid. But that has been played out, and it's entirely not true. This other girl seems to be a possibility though. Her name is Roberta or maybe Bobbi. She is tone and fit and let's just say she would be someone a lot of guys look for. Unfortunately, JC is one of those this picture

you can see him not exactly tickled pink to have her around. However, she walks with such confidence (something all the guys in 'N Sync like, confidence)and doesn't care much about how JC is....Well, here's another picture of her:
but this doesn't really look like the girl in the previous picture. Besides that, this girl could be a fan or something, y'know? Yeah, it's hard to tell. You never know though....she could be or couldn't be JC's girl.

Updated 10/30/99
Source: Kiis FM, 102.7 in Los Angeles. Okay, Rick Dees in the morning and Ellen K brought up the subject about Justin...and a particular girlfriend. Hmm...I bet you wonder who it is...Well, it is none other than the infamous....Danielle Fishel!! *gasp!* Rumors have it that Justin has been spending a whole lot of money...I mean...a whole LOT of Money on Danielle. The radio station didn't state specifically what he bought though. Gosh, so far she has attracted two members of 'N Sync...maybe she's saving the other three for later!<--j/k But as for now, fingers point to Danielle as being Justin's new girl.

Wells, although several of you Justin fans don't like Britney Spears, I have a recent (yesterday) rumor about the two. The source is from the tv-show Extra and the radio staion, Kiis FM 102.7: Britney and Justin checked into suite at a hotel and ordered strawberries...(yeah, I don't know why)...Since they did this, Britney ended up missing a signing where a crowd of 2,000 fans awaited for her arrival. So I guess all the people went home cuz she never showed up. For more specific details, visit Extra's website: Click here

...Pretend this girl is Britney...or maybe Danielle...j/k!

Older Rumors

Of course, I know all of you know about Miss Britney Spears. Most of you do agree that they probably are going out...but if you are still a lil' on the "I dunnoooo...maybe" side, then here are a few more things to convince you that it's true. First is a german article about Justin and Britney.

Click Here to see the pic of them in this article....Anyways, back to what the article said....Here is the translation:

Thanks to for the translation!! Britney Spears + Justin Timberlake: "Yes, we love each other!" EXCLUSIVE

As Britney Spears started her solo career three months ago, a rumor began to spread around about Britney Spears dating Nick Carter. "That's not true!" answered she.

In BRAVO, she tells her big secret: Britney loves Justin Timberlake from the band 'N SYNC! Both of them were already four months together as a couple. Exclusive from BRAVO, Britney Spears talks for her first time and tells how she and Justin met each other.

A love story just like from a book filled with pictures. She met him for the first time when she was 11 years old in " New Mickey Mouse Club" in Orlando. Both come from South America. She from Kentwood in New Orleans, and he from Memphis.

Both became singers as a young age & dancer and dreamed to become stars. For a short amount of time, she fell in love with a man in her eyes. When Britney came for the first time in Orlando, Florida on November 17, 1998 at the Tupperware Center as N Sync's supporting act, both started to fall in love. "But the next day of the second concert, we came closer together" told Britney.

Britney: "I told him that a few months ago, I got fed up with my ex- boyfriend from Kentwood, and I had never felt in love that fast later." In Justin's mind, he kept thinking about her and wanted to spend time with her. The tour finished on January 17, 1999 and 50 concerts were performed. Britney: " We spent a lot of time and learned about each other even more and I figured out that I fell in love with Justin".

Britney's greatest success with "Baby One More Time" and her debut album hit #1 in North America and became a superstar. She became as the "Pop Princess". Justin who had success with N SYNC in the USA also is the perfect prince.

He gave Britney on her birthday December 2 a gold ring, and she always wore it.

Both celebrated in Las Vegas for New Year's Eve after the concert. Both call each other almost every day. When Justin and his bandmates started touring on March 3, Britney stays at home with her parents in Kentwood to film her video clip "Sometimes" and sprained her knee.

Justin worried about Britney, but was happy that the surgery was fine. On March 9, he flew to Pittsburgh, the first free day of N Sync's tour, to see Britney and offered her beautiful flowers. Both had tears in their eyes.

When Justin is on tour, Britney always waits for his telephone calls. Both writelove letters by fax machine. When Britney is fit again, she wants to do a world-tour. Justin and Britney are sure that they would not split up. Britney: "We were in love for about 6 years, and now we're a couple"

Next is a lil' tidbit from Seventeen. You can take a look for yourself by clicking on the "Seventeen." But if you don't feel like switching to another website, here is exactly what it states:

SIDE DISH: In other news ... Coordinating schedules to create private time is hard in any relationship, but when you're both super-busy pop stars it's even harder. Maybe that's why real-life lovebirds Britney Spears and N'Sync's Justin Timberlake decided to tour together this summer. Our spies tell us that the pair was spotted conducting a quick make-out session outside a trailer during a recent show for Boston radio station Kiss 108....

Well, I don't know if you're convinced or not, but remember that these aren't my rumors. I get all this stuff from other sources.
