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About *N Sync

Well, most of you know already know the story behind *N Sync. For those who don't, here's a brief overview:

There are five members to the group, Justin, JC, Chris, Joey, and Lance. Justin and JC worked together on the Mickey Mouse Club so they already knew eachother while Chris and Joey worked at Universal Studios together. Lance is kinda sorta left out at this moment cuz they didn't really know him. Justin, however, knew him through his vocal coach. Y'see, Joey knew Justin too, but he never knew Chris was friends with him.

One day, he saw both Justin and Chris together. They were talkin' about putting a group together. So Justin called up JC. They were all stoked about it except they needed a bass sound to even out all the voices. Who better to call? But Lance Bass. There you go, that's the how 'N Sync became 'N Sync. Oh! By the way, the name came from Justin's mom. She put all there names together to figure out what kind of name could be made out of their names. Well, she took the last letter of each of their first names to make (taa daa) *N Sync! Okay, I hope I helped in telling you how they got together!
