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*Happy B-day JC!!*

*Tap tap tap*

Hi JC!! Yeah, turn around, we all have something to say to you......"Happy Birthday!!!"

Well, as you all know, we have a birthday boy in *N Sync! It is Joshua Scott Chasez. Yuup, that's right...this guy is turning the big...2 3...okay, so it doesn't appear that significant, but I consider it pretty important cuz this is an incredibly special guy we have here! He is the one all of you JC lovers think about 24/7...oh yeahhh, don't deny it! :op

He is the sun that rises day to day, and represents every star in the sky as night falls...*sigh*...He is the lil' spice you get in your Kung pao chicken you order from down the street...He is the "C" in *N Sync. Afterall, Justin did say that without JC they would only be "*N Syn."....He is the...Alright, I think you get the point of his importance, and how his birthday should be celebrated in every which way! :o)

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